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Here’s a thing most B5 fans should find a little interesting at least.

Triple F

Here’s a thing most B5 fans should find a little interesting at least.

I’ve updated the site that I put together a while ago.

It now contains a fair bit more writing on it from a number of contributors. It’s clearly not finished, and the format of the site is creaking a little under the weight of the various new content, but as I need to take a break from it for a while (to deal with some real life stuff) I decided to post it up now.

I’m still in the middle of talking to a few people (as well as the current contributors) including a couple of those behind the Legend of the Rangers and the new Lost Tales, as well as a few more connected to B5 & Crusade in various ways. So there is quite a lot of things still to add to it.

As before Mac users have no chance of viewing it (Opera & Safari). IE and Firefox should run it as should Netscape (with the IE emulator turned on for the window your running it under).


Anyway, any thoughts? Anyone in particular that you think should be on it that’s not already there, anything that you want an answer to?

Hell, is it interesting?
Re: Here’s a thing most B5 fans should find a little interesting at least.

Looks good.
Re: Here’s a thing most B5 fans should find a little interesting at least.

That's a great looking site there.

I really like the database you have of all the different ships.
Re: Here’s a thing most B5 fans should find a little interesting at least.

As before Mac users have no chance of viewing it (Opera & Safari). IE and Firefox should run it as should Netscape (with the IE emulator turned on for the window your running it under).

Dare I ask why, especially given the recent outcry of web developers against the IE team in the last week?

Also, I noticed you didn't mention Firefox on the Mac...

(Just wondering, being a web developer myself).

Re: Here’s a thing most B5 fans should find a little interesting at least.

I’m not a web developer (this is the one and only site I've put together), don’t keep abreast of current events in that area, so I’m blissfully ignorant of the outcry your referring to. But do agree some standardisation (across the board) would be no bad thing.

Only browse the net very occasionally. Only have a 56k connection as a result so it’s difficult spending hours searching/researching things. Until I released the early version of this (year or so ago) I never even heard of Firefox and other browsers........ seriously.

Basically when starting this I followed the path of least resistance and based things on the browser I was using – Internet Exploder. This is really only a Beta release, there’s a lot more content and contributors to add. I fixed it for firefox but only downloaded a copy of Opera last week. 99% of the changes needed are just simple syntax changes so it should be fully compatible for all browsers next time.
Re: Here’s a thing most B5 fans should find a little interesting at least.

Some great stuff from the designers in there... although when I make my epic, five-season SF saga, I'm going to design my own ships with my own specs and then give them to the animators to pretty up, so we don't have artists designing warships that make no sense...

You should probably slap a NSFW sticker on one of those "notes from the designers" page. You know the one I mean.
Re: Here’s a thing most B5 fans should find a little interesting at least.

Hmmmmmmm . . . . . .could do. It took me nearly an hour to put that image together. But it was a bit of a joke (they're real images just different sources in case your wondering). I’ll probably change the focus of that trivia section in the final version and yank the BSG models out.
Re: Here’s a thing most B5 fans should find a little interesting at least.

Oh, it's gorgeous work, don't let it go to waste! Just warn a guy.

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