Finally watched this weeks episode. This show is really becoming a low priority for me, which is opposite of what it was last year. I'm amazed at how many people were thinking this was the best of the season, as I didn't think it was. Then again, this season has been dull so far, so maybe its the best, just not very good on its own right.
The "dualing Parkman's" thing was pulled off really lame IMO. Matt is watching over the girl trying to act all distraught (didnt pull this off completely) and all of a sudden he is battling his dad who walked out on him, basically being the revenge story that any person who had a dad walk out on him would want....and then dads dead! Nice. Anti-climatic.
I agree, the separation between Noah and Claire is REALLY forced. They ran this boyfriend thing by us lickety split and I'm still not buying into it. My biggest issue with this thread --- if Noah is worried about his future (mainly his being dead in it) then here is a novel idea: SHOW CLAIRE THE DAMN PICTURE SO SHE GETS WHERE YOU ARE COMING FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow. Shocking.
Good not seeing the Mexi-twins.
We have all said this before, the whole future-look thing was done last year. No big whoop about it, but it was kind of deus ex machina how he all of a sudden magically remembered. Come to think of it, there are more than family-sized helpings of deus ex machina this season...which is why Im not into it too much.
Lastly, Hiro and the past. First off, two weeks ago when "Kensai" turned to the dark side because of the smooch heard round the world, I called him being the big bad guy. I was really hoping for it, because he can be a mean asshole as we have seen in Alias, and I think that similar trait is really needed this season. SOMETHING is needed this season. But Hiro's jaunt to the past was really lame and I wasn't buying ANY of it. His relationship with Kensai moved too fast, as did with the girl. Seeing Hiro back in the present was sort of a relief, but man, his reaction when he saw Ando, its like the writers of this show have known they have F'd up a bit this year, and tried to bring Hiro back to what made him popular --- a non-english speaking naive Japanese kid who gets overly excited at everything. That seemed forced too, given his experiences in the past.
In fact, I think what annoys me most about this that it isn't just "another story." It is that they seemed to hit the "reset button" like many shows do --- but instead of a full reset where its new characters and a new direction, they hit the reset button but KEPT EVERYONE and the characters from last season may have the same names, but they arent the same people!! Anyone else feel this? I mean characters are supposed to change over time, but it feels like they took all these people and all these relationships/bonds that were made last season, and they just jumbled them up into different situations again.
Maybe thats why this season still feels off. That and they clearly have too much going on thread wise and cant get all of it enough screen time.