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How did Psi Corps begin?


New member
Hello to all...I'm new here, this is my first post.

I've never heard/seen anything on how the Psi Corps started. I gather it was to protect "normals", but I can't find anything more specific.

Hi there and welcome

This is how the psi corp came about-

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>In 2115 science prove the existence of telepaths.After alot of panic and bloodshed the EA formed MRA-Metasensory Rgulation Authority, whos job was to monitor and basicly control telepaths.And its was from the MRA that the sleepers were introduced and psi cops, arranged "breeding" partners and psi cops and is was from all this that it later became the Psi Corp </font></td></tr></table>

"When it is time, come to this place, call our name, we will be here" -Walkers of Sigma957
Babylon 5 freegame-I've Found Her

[This message has been edited by whitestar90 (edited February 23, 2002).]
I highly recommend reading the first book of the Psi Corp novel trilogy. It goes into how the first telepaths were discovered and how the Psi Corps came about from a government agency.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
Thank you for both welcoming and enlightening me. My local bookstores aren't exactly bastions of quality sci-fi, but they can probably order them in for me.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emmaly:
Thank you for both welcoming and enlightening me. My local bookstores aren't exactly bastions of quality sci-fi, but they can probably order them in for me.


I second GKarsEye's recommendation. Here is the thread where I posted some information on the books, including the ISBN numbers (which, if used, will make it less likely that the bookstore will order the wrong book for you).
Book Info.

The thread title is "Crusade Books", but don't let that confuse you. There currently are no Crusade Books.

The book you want is Dark Genesis and is listed in my February 04, 2002 06:09 AM post in the above thread. It's also in the Excel spreadsheet of my February 04, 2002 04:29 AM post. When reading Dark Genesis, it pays to take notes so that you can keep everything straight (aliases, bloodlines, dates of specific events, etc.).

Here are the notes I made for Dark Genesis (don't read them until you've read the book).

Spoilers for Dark Genesis

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>
Dark Genesis - The Birth of the Psi Corps
Technology & Privacy Committee -The Metasensory Regulation Authority (MRA) -The Psi Corps.
Page 34 less than 100 years old (Psi gene), so the Vorlons started introducing the gene ~2025?
Page 52 Senator Crawford and Alice Kimbrell (get married on Page 61).
Page 56 Little boy James.
Page 78 Kevin Vacit.
Page 80 Akimba Ironheart (Jason Ironheart's ancestor).
Page 111 middle, A telepath bomb?
Page 113 Organic Technology
Page 117 Shell Alexander
Page 119 Centauri discovered in 2156.
Page 120 Psi Corps. first mentioned. Senator Crawford - 1st Head of Psi Corps.
Page 122 Kevin Vacit IS a TEEP! He was little boy James (of page 56) raised by Monkey (Jack O' Hannlon) and the little boy of pages 21-22. Senator Crawford dies at age 80, killed by Monkey and Kevin Vacit.
Page 133 Natasha Alexander
Page 137 2179 Natasha Alexander starts working for Kevin Vacit.
Page 145 Fiona Temple
Page 169 Natasha Alexander finds out Vacit is a teep.
Page 169 Parts of a telepath bomb (exploded parts).
Page 185 "shining angels" (Vorlons)
Page 186 Teeps ~2050-2060
Page 187 Vorlons abducted people from Antarctica, and introduced the gene to make teeps.
Page 190 "A thing, a structure..." paragraph = VORLON.
Page 190 "And pain. An enemy, a darkness. ...." paragraph = SHADOW.
Page 201 a teek (telekinetic) called Remy.
Page 214 Narns first mentioned.
Page 220 bottom paragraph through Page 226. VORLONS on Venus. The Vorlons are behind the Psi Corps, and are against the resistance. Psi Corps=Order=Vorlon desire for obedience. Natasha Alexander's line foreshadowing to Lyta as the Vorlon weapon against the Shadows!!!
Page 225 Kevin Vacit was carrying a piece of a Vorlon?
Page 242 Jenny Winters (Talia Winters ancestor).
Page 255 Hounds (definition? Psi Rating?)
Page 262 Fiona Temple and Matthew Dexter die in a battle with the Psi-Corps.
Page 266 Kevin Vacit and The Psi Corps have Stee (Fiona and Matthew's son), Stephen Kevin Dexter, renamed ALFRED BESTER by Kevin Vacit, his grandfather).

FAMILY TREES (aliases in parenthesis, italics indicates the child of the previous marriage):

From Psi Corps Novel #1 - Dark Genesis - The Birth of the Psi Corps.

Lyta Alexander's Line

Female Side-Male Side

Desa Alexander (Blood Woman)-Jack O' Hannlon (Monkey)

Brenna Alexander-unknown

Shell (Michelle) Alexander*-unknown

Natasha Alexander-unknown

Al Bester's Line

Female Side-Male Side

Ninon Davion-Kevin Vacit**

Fiona Temple-Matthew Dexter

Stephen Kevin Dexter (a.k.a. Al Bester)
(Bester born ~9/3/2189)

* marriage arranged by the MRA
** has a piece of a Vorlon inside him (a gift from his mother). This is why he can hide his teep ability from other teeps.

Here's another Babylon 5 Book thread that contains some useful information:
Babylon 5 Books.

Vorlon Empire

Crusade (reruns) starting 03/26/2002 at 1PM EST on the Sci-Fi Channel

I think these books are still available from Amazon.com in the US and in Canada from Indigo Books. In the UK from WHSmith.

I always seem to be diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
Hey! Welcome
Like they said the Psi Corp trilogy is really good and I too recommend that you read it.

"The dream that became reality and spread throughout the stars"-JTK
*Emmaly drools over spoilers like Homer Simpson over jelly donuts*

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Here are the notes I made for Dark Genesis (don't read them until you've read the book).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As if I could resist! KoshN, thanks for the notes & book info. Much appreciated!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emmaly:
*Emmaly drools over spoilers like Homer Simpson over jelly donuts*

As if I could resist! KoshN, thanks for the notes & book info. Much appreciated!


Well, enjoy.

At least, try not to read ahead in the notes.

Vorlon Empire

Crusade (reruns) starting 03/26/2002 at 1PM EST on the Sci-Fi Channel

Finished this series last week.


"Farewell friend. I was a thousand times as evil as thou."

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