Re: I got the DVD\'s.
I got mine for Christmas as well, and Im wondering what you people are referring to when you are talking about "Glaring Mistakes" or the issue with "Having to turn the sound all the way up to hear it."
Sounds like some serious P.E.B.K.A.C. to me.
I watched a couple episodes on my new 65" HDTV with my Dolby DTS/5.1 Surround receiver hooked up to it. The volume was the same as anything else I watch on TV, I didnt have to adjust it. As for the picture quality, I think it was great! Once I got the TV tweaked for in-home viewing the picture was noticably better than watching it on television. So I really dont see where these complaints are coming from.
One thing you should all remember. If you are compairing, say, Babylon 5 Season 1 DVD to the Lord of the Rings DVD release, you arent comparing apples to apples. Lord of the Rings, and ANY other theatrical release was FIMLED for higher resolution viewing since it was meant for a theatre screen. Babylon 5 was a Television show, so it goes without saying the picture wont be *AS* detailed as a movie DVD. If you want to compare quality of B5, do it with another TV release.
My other DVD gift for Christmas was the series "24" complete first season on DVD. If you want to compare B5 to this, you certainly can. Both have great picture quality, but there is something to note about 24 --- it was NOT remastered in Dolby 5.1! It is still in the Dolby 2.0 release for television. Babylon 5 was completely remastered in 5.1 so for those complaining about the quality and features of the B5 DVD release, try to keep things into perspective. We have a lot of things many other TV series dont.
And for the record, the picture quality on later season releases I am SURE will improve because of how the show was made. S1 was done with a darker look to it intentionally, and that was changed in later seasons. I remember watching Season 5 on Sci-Fi channel and thinking how great everything looked, and then when it concluded and went back to Season 1 it took a bit to adjust to the "lesser" quality look of that season.