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In case this hasn't been covered elsewhere already

Re: In case this hasn\'t been covered elsewhere already

Oh, come on, you know this would be hilarious. I'd love to see it with a bunch of friends and just make fun of it.
Re: In case this hasn\'t been covered elsewhere already

Oh, come on, you know this would be hilarious. I'd love to see it with a bunch of friends and just make fun of it.

Are you that sure so soon after your Battlefield Earth thread? ;)

If this movie happens, I weep for the future. At least I could look back at the time before the Dark Days, but what about the children born into such a world?
Re: In case this hasn\'t been covered elsewhere already

The children? They'll scream in horror and dive back into the womb :p

At least, if they have any sense in 'em... :D

Re: In case this hasn\'t been covered elsewhere already

It's the sign of the apocalypse! :eek:


What's next? Crusade, starring Bonnie Hammer, Shannen Doherty and sock puppets? :p
Re: In case this hasn\'t been covered elsewhere already

What's next? Crusade, starring Bonnie Hammer, Shannen Doherty and sock puppets? :p

Isn't the "sock puppets" part there redundant? :)


I meant those two, putting on the show using sock puppets.
Re: In case this hasn\'t been covered elsewhere already

I weep for those who believe this movie is original and have never heard of Casablanca or Humphrey Bogart.

"I'm shocked, shocked to find that their is gambling going on here!"

"Sir, your winnings."

"Ahh, thank you."

"I came to Casablanca for my health. I came to Casblanca for the waters."

"There is no water in Casablanca."

"I was misinformed."

Man i love this movie
Re: In case this hasn\'t been covered elsewhere already

Ah, this ... they made a joke about it on the Weekly News segment of SNL last night.

"It's reported that Ben Afflect and Jennifer Lopez might star in a remake of Cassablanca. This is for all of you who loved Cassablanaca but wished it was terrible."
Re: In case this hasn\'t been covered elsewhere already

It could work if JLo played Sam and Affleck played Ugarte (Lorre's part). "Rick, Rick, you've got to help me, Rick!" :D
"I stick my neck out for NOBODY!"
Re: In case this hasn\'t been covered elsewhere already

This reminds me of the story that went around a while ago about Harrison Ford remaking "Breakfast at Tiffany's" with his lady love, Calista Flockhart!

Did that ever go anywhere? Or did that get fortuitously nipped in the bud also?