Indications are that Sheridan was
not on the original list (which mostly contained Admirals and Generals, given the high-profile nature of the assignment.) Sheridan would have been too provocative to the Minbari and might have caused them to withdraw from the project.
was Santiago's choice to replace Sinclair, however, once the station was up and running, and the Minbari already on-board. Santiago must have figured that the Minbari were less likely to abandon the Babylon Project once it had been around for awhile and established some kind of "track record."
Sinclair was
not a popular choice back on Earth, whatever the Minbari may have thought of him, and Santiago probably designated a replacement for him less out of concern that Sinclair might be killed or incapcitated than out of fear that he would be forced out for
political reasons. (Which he seemed to be on the verge of for the entire first season.) Sheridan was a choice the "Earth-Firsters" would find palatable based on his record, while Santiago believed he would do the job the way Santiago wanted it done. Granted, this would piss the Minbari off, but hey, it's an imperfect universe.
The dialogue specifically states that Sheridan was "the late President's first choice to succeed Sinclair", so it is clear that he was
Santiago's choice, not Clark's. General Hague later tells Sheridan that Clark went along with the idea because Sheridan - on paper - looked like an ordinary jar-head who would do what he was told.
All of this suggests that Santiago knew a great deal more about Sheridan than Clark, to whom Sheridan seems to have been little more than a name on a file or in a headline. I wonder if Santiago actually
knew Sheridan, or at least knew people who did. Hague and Lefcourt obviously did, and regarded Sheridan as something of a protege. And Sheridan's father was well-connected in EarthDome. This may have gone a long way towards getting Sheridan the command.
Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division