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In the Beginning

I was rereading the novel and there were alot of things that either Peter David added or were apart of the original script as the book says.On the commentary for the movie there was a deleted scene between Morann and Lennon which was filmed but cut why didn't JMS try to or negotiate to put the footage in and if there is anymore in an DVD extra for deleted stuff like what was done for SIL ? BTW rereading the book and seeing the movie are to very different things when I was getting into B5 I read the book then the movie .I was very disappointed .Anyway another question when Morann comes up to Delenn and asks her decision on what they should do he says hers will decide it.Meaning split 4 and 4 with one making 9 .If Dukhat was popluar why wasn't the vote more in favor of war.Even though from the scene no one would have know he was dead at the time and before Morann even showed up since he died in Delenns arms .It just seemed to me that while he may have been popular with the people of Minbar he may not have been with the members of the Grey Council .
In Atonement we see that the Grey Council don't always see eye-to-eye with Dukhat, and he uses Delenn to embarrass them. Remember they didn't even want to meet with the humans, despite what Dukhat said, and they held us in little regard. But the religious caste, aside from Delenn, maybe were more peace-loving and wished to avoid war, at least until they had found out exactly what had happened. I always assumed all three of the warrior caste and one of the worker caste voted in favour of war, and two religious caste and the other two worker caste members voted against. Delenn, young and naive, was upset and so voted for war, whilst regretting it later.

As for the cut footage, I've not heard JMS' commentary but there may have been a reason why it was cut out, other than time limits, that would have slowed the pace of the movie, or that it was superfluous to the story, or whatever, but in the novel those scenes work because the pacing of a novel is different and it also requires more depth.
Do we even know there were still 8 Grey Council members besides Delenn alive at that time to make the decision? I seem to remember a comment that at least one member was dead, therefore, in order for it to be a tie that Delenn had to break, would mean 2 (at least were dead). I think I recall that from JMS speaks on the Lurker's guide for the Movie?

Well, I couldn't find it, but, I still seem to remember some discussion about how many were available to vote??
I seem to remember a comment that at least one member was dead

I don't remember this. Granted, I've only seen it 10 or 11 times and I'm sure I have 'Adult ADD' so all bets are off, but if you can narrow down when you think you might have heard or seen this I'd be willing to look with you. I was under the assumption that the rest of the Grey Council was intact, though this may have been erroneous.
Deaded, I can't back it up at the moment. I thought it was Lurker's Guide for the movie, but, no luck looking there, so maybe I imagined it.
Also remember that the vote against war was more specifically a vote against attacking before they found out what had happened -- to see if it was a misunderstanding or an accident. Which, of course, it was. Had the Minbari discovered that it was quite deliberate and with malice aforethought, you'd better believe everyone would have voted for war. But cooler heads were attempting to prevail and Delenn prevented that.
On the commentary for the movie there was a deleted scene between Morann and Lennon which was filmed but cut why didn't JMS try to or negotiate to put the footage in and if there is anymore in an DVD extra for deleted stuff like what was done for SIL ?

...BTW rereading the book and seeing the movie are to very different things when I was getting into B5 I read the book then the movie .I was very disappointed .

Regarding the scene where Lennon threatened Morann with his pike, I have a vague memory that it was cut because JMS considered it melodramatic and a bit OTT.. Which is a criticism I could level at the whole movie, really - I agree that Peter David's book version is much better on the whole, though the movie has some wonderfully moving visual scenes.

Regarding whether other Council Members died, I'm still a little mystified as to how Dukhat himself died.. He seemed to be bleeding internally, suggesting he might have been crushed, but what was he doing out in the corridor at that point anyway? A second earlier he was in the observation chamber.. :confused:
I seem to remember a comment that at least one member was dead

I was rewatching Atonement and when Morann was leaning over a dead body I was sure the indiviual had the robes of a grey council on and when the two medics went by the had some injured or dead party on the stretcher and I thought again he or she had gray robes .
...and how many teenagers dress like Brittany Spears? I don't think that we can assume from their clothing that they were Satai.
Well, we know that the Ranger Council dresses the same way the Grey Council does. That was shown in Legend of the Rangers. It could well be that the grey, hooded robes are similar in function to the robes worn by academics and judges in our society, a symbol of wisdom and probity.

Yeah, but odds are that if it's the Grey Council's ship, and the Grey Council's meeting room next door, and the Minbari in question is wearing what looks like Grey Council robes, "what part of this progression escapes you?"
TV movies have carved-in-stone running times. Most cut footage is cut because either it goes or something else does. There's no room for negotiations. And most times (depending on when in the process the cut is made) you can't just drop cut footage into an episode, even if you still have the film. When they did a new score for The Gathering it wasn't just a aesthetic decision. They were adding scenes that had been cut before the original composer had wirtten the score, so there was no music to go with them, and they were being put in between finished and scored sections that had continuous music buildng to a climax.

The same may apply to any (surviving) extra footage for ItB. With TG you had TNT happy to put up the money to get a "new" version of the TV movie for broadcast. I doubt WB would have been intereted in doing the same for ItB on DVD.



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