There was a group here in Memphis that wanted to place one in the top of the Memphis Pyramid. Pyramids, according to some, are valves over tuluric (sp?) currents, or energy currents, of the earth. These currents, when let loose via a pyramid without a spirit (the ancient pharoahs were these) to control it, it could wreak havoc, amplifying any other energy that comes on contact with it.
I can't speak to the truth of this belief, however, having lived in Memphis both before and after the building of the pyramid, I can tell you there is a noticable difference in the mood of the city. When it's bad, it's really bad and when it's good, it's really good. Though it is usually bad.
As for the crystal skull that was to be placed in the top of the pyramid that sits on the shore of the Mississippi River (rivers are major tuluric currents)? The religious right went nuts and demanded that the evil satanic item be removed immediately. It was.