A few weeks back I was going thru some of my very old videos. We're talking the cartoons my mum used to record for me when i was about 6 years old.
One of these videos was devoted to my favourite 80's cartoon She-rarincess of Power. Well, guess who's name came up on one of the episode's writing credits. You got it the man pretty much responsible for us all spending so much time here: JMS
Admittedly i don't know that it's the same JMS, but how many of them can there be?!
Anyone got any interesting little tidbits they've noticed about The Man?!
We are starstuff. We are the universe made manifest...
One of these videos was devoted to my favourite 80's cartoon She-rarincess of Power. Well, guess who's name came up on one of the episode's writing credits. You got it the man pretty much responsible for us all spending so much time here: JMS
Admittedly i don't know that it's the same JMS, but how many of them can there be?!
Anyone got any interesting little tidbits they've noticed about The Man?!
We are starstuff. We are the universe made manifest...