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Is it Coming here?

I ditto Sharina and Deviot.

Watching B5 or Crusade or any other SciFi here in Australia is like trying to determine when it's going to rain. Watching B5 was so frustrating. I don't think Channel 9 has no concept of time, or story line. They would advertise times of airing but it could be up to an hour and a half delayed! Too bad if you are trying to tape the show for laster viewing! That's not all. If some 'other' thing happens to come along the SciFi gets shoved to make room for the other.
And this could last for several weeks, then the show would come back for two, then get off'ed again. SHeesh!
Fortunately a friend purchased the whole 5 seasons of B5 and tele-movies on video. It was SOOO good to watch B5 this way. It was MUCH easier to 'follow' the underlying plots.

I contacted Foxtel asking them to show B5 but they gave the impression this is unlikely. But that was before 'Space Cadets' started on TV1 (Saturday Nights)... a mini SciFi channel for Aussies.

Oops, I've digressed a bit... sorry.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sharina:
Channel 9....may I have the keys to the vault????!!!!!


Hey Sharina. How about we do a Z'ha'dum on channel 9. Quick, get the WhiteStar...

Great idea WhiteStar....jumps in..heads off to Adelaide...screeechhhh!!!...Picks up WhiteStar heads back to Melbourne!!!! Watch out Channel 9!!!!!

Revenge is a dish best served cold!!!!..I know ..not Bab 5..but it really fits!!!Don't u think??

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sharina:

Great idea WhiteStar....jumps in..heads off to Adelaide...screeechhhh!!!...Picks up WhiteStar heads back to Melbourne!!!! Watch out Channel 9!!!!!

Revenge is a dish best served cold!!!!..I know ..not Bab 5..but it really fits!!!Don't u think??


AI think you're right Sharina... Have you ever gone to the Channel 9 website to complain... I can't find any email address to send anything to, have you found one?

Live Well.
Being a sci-fi lover in Australia isn't exactly the best thing. In WA B5 were shown after "The Foooty Show" which *always* ran over time (once it went about an hour and a half over!). So even though it was advertised for 11.30 it could be 12.30 or 1am before it ended up being on. The worst thing was having to get out of bed the next day at 6am for uni! But it was worth it and the fan club I was in managed to have its 5 seconds of fame when, after they wrote to Channel 9 and the Footy Show, the presenter of the Footy Show said something along the lines of we better go before the fans of Babylon 5 write to us again....

But there are some good points to being here in Australia. B5 Videos $10 and we did get Star Wars Episode 1 before the UK.

"No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand. The Centauri learned this lesson once. We will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years, we will be free."
-- G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Long, Twilight Struggle"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gkarian:
In WA B5 were shown after "The Foooty Show" which *always* ran over time (once it went about an hour and a half over!).

... the presenter of the Footy Show said something along the lines of we better go before the fans of Babylon 5 write to us again....

But there are some good points to being here in Australia. B5 Videos $10


Yeah, I remember that G'karian, that was a long frustrating night (and I think that's the night my wife decided to leave me), and I remember hearing something about the B5 fans on the footy show. Good on ya.

We had a similar thing happen recently waiting for Voyager to air (the week before last?), but instead this other crap. All I could say was "What The!" Grrr.

$10 for the vids -where? @ one of the department stores?

Live Well.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WhiteStar12:

$10 for the vids -where? @ one of the department stores?

Yeah - they were $9.95 at Target, and getting cheaper in other places, letting me finish off a friends collection for her birthday (I'm waiting on DVDs for my own use). I saw Thirdspace for $15 in a video store, and snapped it up for her thinking it was a pretty good deal, then the next day I went into Target, saw their display and nearly fainted... I can't help being pessimistic though... they're probably trying to get rid of them , never to get them back again though *sigh*

Hey Raia

Thanks for that - DVD's would be good and that's what I'll probably wait for too...

Anyway I've gone way off topic here...

Live Well.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WhiteStar12:

I contacted Foxtel asking them to show B5 but they gave the impression this is unlikely. But that was before 'Space Cadets' started on TV1 (Saturday Nights)... a mini SciFi channel for Aussies.


Optus Vision shows babylon 5 on channel 8 (oh) last year it kept showing season 1 eps this year it has been season 2 eps.

Hi WhiteStar....I do not know the email addy for the Channel 9 great and hallowed vault..sigh!!! I do just hate how we have to wait ..and wait...for shows to finish before we get to watch our sci fi...as if staying up late isn't hard enough to do...well for us old folk it is!!! Just to further make all the aussies depressed..it's the footy season again....so..sigh..I guess we will have to get used to being in wait mode...once again!!!!

Go the Blues!!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Deviot:
Optus Vision shows babylon 5 on channel 8 (oh) last year it kept showing season 1 eps this year it has been season 2 eps.


AH-HAH! A precedent! Cool thanks for that Deviot. I may try again with Foxtel and see where I get - I may have to changeover to Optus otherwise.

Live Well.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sharina:
as if staying up late isn't hard enough to do...well for us old folk it is!!!

Go the Blues!!!!


Old folk... tell me about it...the big 4 0 this year scary!

Go Crows...

Live Well.