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ISN anchor


Beyond the rim
Does anyone know the name of the actress who played the ISN anchor after Clark's people took over? And if she has appeared in anything else? Just curious.
Hm, wasn't Maggie Egan's character the ISN anchor *before* Clark's people took over and also after Clark had been toppled?

The only one I can think of is Kim Zimmer (she played the ISN person Cynthia Torqueman in And Now for a Word). /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Thanks, Sinclair. I thought I had seen her in other things but couldn't remember what and when. And I didn't know her name.
Hmmm! Now that your mention it, you could well be right,Kribu. Guess I'll take another look at the various eps with ISN anchors and see who is who.
I remember there being another anchor too but Egan is the only one I can think of. Here's a pic of Zimmer playing Torqueman:


Is this who you meant gangster?
Sinclair wrote: "Is this who you meant gangster?"

No. I remember this episode but the one I am thinking of is the actress who put out Clark's "anti-Babylon 5" propaganda that upset Sheridan so much.
Diana Morgan was also the newsreader in "The Illusion of Truth". The lying reporter was the man Jeff Griggs.

Other episodes had other actresses, you will have to define the episode to get a definate answer.
If you're talking about the black woman with the squeaky-clean attitude -
I'm not sure of her name, but I did see her once on The West Wing. She played a reporter at a press conference.
ElScorcho wrote: "If you're talking about the black woman with the squeaky-clean attitude -
I'm not sure of her name, but I did see her once on The West Wing. She played a reporter at a press conference."

She's the one I was thinking about. Sounds like she got stereotyped as a news person. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Sounds like she got stereotyped as a news person.

It's kind of funny because as I was looking at the fimography of several of the others that we've mentioned, most of them have several roles as a newsperson.
Cynthia Torqueman - the one with her picture above can also be seen on Guiding Light (if she's still on the show).
You think that's stereotyped? I swear I saw her in a some ethics film we had to watch when I first started college. Half the freshling class was herded into the cinema and they showed this 20/30 movie and I think she was one it for at least a few minutes. It's been too many years to remember what she did (she might have been playing a mock reporter, heh) but she had the exact same tone to her voice as she did in B5. I was quite amused.
The black woman who was one of the ISN cronies was also a reporter in the West Wing, but not sure who she was.
Sinclair wrote: "It's kind of funny because as I was looking at the fimography of several of the others that we've mentioned, most of them have several roles as a newsperson."

Not really surprising. She apparently came across well in that role and the role was noted in her credits. Thus, when a producer/casting director needed a bit player to fill a similar role, they ran a quick search and her name popped up. Then someone said, "Hey! She came across well in XXXX" so they contacted her agent. (Supposition on my part.)

I still get chills up my spine from remembering her delivery during the lines where she talks about Garibaldi turning in Johnny boy, and calling him a true hero of the people.