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Well, I know that this information has nothing to do with "Legend of the Rangers"...but I found it quite interesting. There have been many uncanny incidents/coincidences with "Legends" and some of the actors...

Well, I was searching the web trying to obtain some information on "Jeremiah", and I stumbled upon "Luke Perry's" credit list of productions he has worked on...Under TV series...I suspect, guest spots, he did a tv series guest on "Oz" where his character name was "Jeremiah Clouthier"...Interesting isn't it!

And the fact that Dylan and Luke have the same manager...That is very interesting to me!

I thought that I would share this with all of you! Cheers! -Warren- "Kit"

Sounds like something out of the Twilight zone
intrigue abounds.....

Emporer Turhan-"How will this end"
Kosh-"In fire"
Another blow for Babylonian synchronicity...

I've heard of other examples, but the specifics escape me at the moment.

I'll bet Encyclopedia Joe can fill in the blanks, though... Joe D?


I have no surviving
enemies. At all.
Here we go again--more B5 coincidences! Gotta love 'em!


PS--I recently saw a guy wearing a t-shirt that said "Garibaldi Point Surfboards".

Funny, I never thought Garibaldi was a surfer...

Though it will be real hard for me to see Theo Huxtable in something as serious as this, I'm looking forward to seeing JMS back in the saddle again, as it were. It will be interesting to see what will happen if the series takes off (a la Stargate-SG1) and the sci-fi channel decides to get off their moronic duffs and announce that LOTR will be a series. That, in conjunction with writing Spider-Man and the Rising Stars project would be enough to cripple down the most prolific of scribes. If he can pull it off, then he would definitely be above the likes of Joss Whendon and Kevin Smith in my book.

"There ain't a white person in this room who'd trade places with me ... and I'm rich!" —— Chris Rock, 'Bigger and Blacker'
Here's another one Warren. I don't think I ever mentioned this to you but at the TCA convention in Pasadena, Joe and I learned that we literally live about a minute away from each other in the same neighbourhood. I teased him that it's my dog wrecking his front yard every morning.

Oh and this is just a stupid hokey one. In the same neighbourhood, the other week my wife and I noticed five cats in a pet store window, one of which had a collar on that said "Babylon". I'm not kidding! I almost took it home out of pure superstition....



That is interesting and very strange at the same time! Intriguing...No explaination...It seems like these types of phenomenons are frequently popping up more so as we get older and spend more time on this planet Earth!

-Warren- "Kit"

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> noticed five cats in a pet store window, one of which had a collar on that said "Babylon". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'd be very tempted to run back and get it.

Of course, it probably sold minutes later.

JMS likes cats, BTW.
One of the Crusade episodes was even dedicated to JMS cat "MR Kitty" who was very ill when the episode was being written.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Who was Mr. Kitty? Was he yours? Was that an actuall picture of him?

Yeah, he was my cat. 13 years old, a stray who wandered in a few years ago when his owners abandoned him. (Yes, that's his picture.) A walking attitude with fur.

He developed FIDS (feline AIDS) and had liver cancer ... but we kept him going with chemotherapy, kept his quality of life high. For nearly three months, Kathryn fed him with a feeding tube, administering his medications. He had one solid year in good form right up until the end. I'd kinda hoped he would make it to see his episode aired ... but as it was he'd already made arrangements for an agent, a publicist, and he was going to start demanding residuals, so maybe it's for the best.

I miss the little guy. He was tough, and he was a fighter.


Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
I just thought of two more Warren. In 1997 I did a pilot for Fox and Tracey Scoggins had a recurring role in it. I didn't know of her involvement with B5 until recently.

One of the other regulars on the same pilot was an actor by the name of Jeff Griggs who later did an episode of B5 as an ISN reporter.

This is getting kinda weird... Seems like it was just a matter of time before I crossed paths with B5.


I crossed paths with B5 today by making an obscure reference to the stage manager about ripping the director's lungs out (an Ivanova line.)

Oh, yes, and that the incidential music I composed for between scenes and behind the dialogue was heavily, heavily Christopher Franke-based, as I had been listening to his stuff all morning while running errands. Is that a synchroninity, or just me being influenced by a good composer?

That's about all the B5 synchroninities in my life (other than the Breen Hall incident, which I'll laugh about all year), although I'm happy to report that the run of the show was fantastic, and we ended up tonight, as a troupe:

$600 richer
With a possible sponsor
An offer for the usage of the college stage again
Free publicity from newspapers interested in a bunch of high school/college kids doing community theater
Comments from at least ten people plus a minor local media personality saying (former at the end of the show, latter on television) that this was not community theater - it was low-end professional.

Quite a contrast, isn't it, to the professional world? I adore community theater. Our motto - "Gaffer's Tape Is The Best Thing On Earth."

Ahhh, I know none of you on this board care a whit what I did this weekend, but I had to exult. This was the best production I ever had the honor of being involved in. Mmmpphhh....

And now it is time to sleep.

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.
So it would seem that alot of actors had guest appearances and then you see them in other scifi shows...

Emporer Turhan-"How will this end"
Kosh-"In fire"
I just realised another one while giving an interview.

My very first job as an actor was in a CBS movie of the week called "Echoes in the Darkness" starring Gary Cole.

That means that I've run into two of the four previous captains of B5 lore so far. It also means my first two jobs fourteen years ago were with future B5 people; Gary and then Joe and Doug with "Captain Power".

This is getting a little silly...I'll stop now I promise.


Hey Dylan,

I had a few minutes, so I decided to pop by and check out the postings. I read the last two of your postings and it is quite uncanny to me! Interesting though to say the least...

From reading a post from "JMS" that was a quoted copy from another site, Joe's late cat named "Mr.Kitty" kind of caught my attention as the character that I play in "Legend's" is named "Kitaro" but is abbreviated to "Kit" throughout the show (as if I have to tell you since you were calling my name most of the time, if not all in the movie)...I don't know if this has any type of meaning...but...(just kidding)

Anyways...Cheers! -Warren-

Oh, no, Warren! You're joining B5 fandom. You're finding the significance in the smallest things. Oh, no. Run and hide, run and hide before it's too late and your matching the color of Sheridan's hair to the color of the S4 new uniform and deciding that it means something!

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.
It's a small world after all! Amazing coincidences, considering how many actors there must be auditioning and working on so many projects.

Hey, quality attracts quality, maybe.

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo

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