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JMS and his decision

I think a younger crew in their mid 20's is about right. Any younger, and they wouldn't have had time to be trained and get posted to a ship. Also, if there should be a series they can all get to be five years older (or some of them can).

A few older rangers could always turn up in a particular episode when needed. After all, someone has to give the orders. I don't think the series would be realistic at all if the rangers had been in their early 40's as was the case when B5 started.

I always seem to be diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
No worries, Warren.



1) We're all searching for something. Namely, next month's rent payment. Talk about a desperate crusade.

2) We're usually "just glad to be here" in today's job market.

3) We'd most likely behave like Malcolm if we were caught in the act by someone like G'Kar, too.

4) Given a chance, we can work the miraculous (right, Na'feel?)

5) Our refrain: "It isn't fair!"

6) None of us are exactly what we seem.

7) We make one mistake and the guy in the next cubicle gets the promotion.

8) Minefield? No problem. See you on the other side of hell.

9) We live for the weekend, we die for the weekend. (And then, we get unexpected, last-minute company in the form of parents or in-laws...)

10) We're still young enough that we can get away with solving problems by hitting them.



You guys remember the Ranger who had to sacrifice his life and that of his crew so the information would fall into the Shadows' hands (Malcolm in the Middle dad)? That moment was really sad and moving.

If there was a series, I'd expect to see some more ranger sacrifices or elder rangers like the one I mentioned before, guiding the way.


"And that, Mollari, is why it will not be your people, or mine, or the Gaim, or the Drazi or the Vorlons or the Shadows who in the end will stand astride the galaxy like giants. It will be the humans."
"I think you are the one who is mad, G'kar," Londo said. "I can choose just as well as the humans. I can choose to stay in this cell, with you, or I can choose to leave."
"Yes, but can you choose for there not to be a cell at all?"
"I don't understand," Londo said.
"Exactly," G'kar said. "Exactly."
You guys remember the Ranger who had to sacrifice his life and that of his crew so the information would fall into the Shadows' hands (Malcolm in the Middle dad)? That moment was really sad and moving.

- Gosh, I didn't realize that was him! You know that has to be one of THE most affecting moments in the original B5, and his performance really made it for me. Hes pretty darn funny on Malcolm, but after this I would like to see him some more serious roles!

*Typical Session of Aliens RPG*
GM - Well you killed all 10 of the Aliens.
Captain Anderson (Me) - You said there were 12 of them.
GM - Really?
Me - Yes, I'm sure - I'm the Captain because I can count!
GM - An Alien jumps on you from the roof.
Me - mumble mumble mumble my big mouth.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
What - when a fan guessed right, JMS would say "eep?"

If I recall correctly, 'eep' used to be the code word for 'we got picked up for another season but can't make the official announcement yet.'

Dave Thomer
This Is Not News
Here's a sort of "EEP!" timeline.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> March 94
Well, here's a date to write down: March 23rd. That's the last day of filming on Babylon 5: Year One. It took us seven years to get here, and suddenly the last day of the first season is just around the corner.

We'll know if we get picked up around late April/May. Look for an "eep" if I can't say anything official.

May 94
Fairly quiet couple of days here; nothing much eep an official nature to talk about yet.

June 95
Got the phone call late today, spent the next bit on the phone with people who had to be notified. Didn't get a chance to log on until just now. Yes, it is now safe to say .............. eep.

The official announcement of BABYLON 5's second season will be made tomorrow by Warner Bros.

Naturally, the day the word comes is the day I'm kinda down with a slight bug, which kinda takes the edge off it... but suffice to say that Brett's observation is correct; with this new season, we'll be 3/5ths done with the story, over half.

Suffice to say we are all very happy, and looking forward to shooting Year Three commencing about July 31st. (And half the fun, well a quarter of the fun, is knowing just how many people in what groups are going to be SO pissed off that we've been renewed....)

June 96
Now, as an aside....

Warners has been running the numbers on renewal, and we've been told that the numbers look right, and will be recommended for renewal. Now that's not the same *as* renewal, there are still some execs who need to stamp the thing and say domini domini over it (as John Copeland says), (in nomine patre, et fili, et spiritus sanctus, ACTION!")...it would take a huge and unexpected event to stop it now, and that doesn't seem likely at all. So while I wouldn't say this is an eep, that formally hasn't happened yet, and it's WB's perogative to actually make that announcement, I'd certainly consider this at least an e.

I make a point of saying this only because I'm going to be in the UK this coming week, and thus offline, and won't be able to post any eeps that might be forthcoming.


June 96
But y'see, the Eep is only used when I know for sure it's renewed and can't say so. Now it's renewed and I can say so, and I was away for the very brief in-between ...to misuse the power of the Eep is a serious infraction.

Feb 2001

So I've basically been going insane since January, with Big News to announce, but not being able to say *anything* because it would be a serious breach of studio protocol. If I so much as eep they'll beat the crap out of me (and rightly so, to be fair about it).

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."