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JMS on LOTR and B5

There was a Greek scientist way back in the day named Galen, but at the moment, that's the only person of significance I can think of associated with that name.

Galen was a greek physician...in the passing of the technomages








Galen had no name before he became a chrysalis staged mage and choose the name Galen because his greatest purpose in becoming a mage is to heal....but then he changed his mind because he wasn't really any good at healing(why?Coz he's destructo boy,that's why) but was stuck with the name Galen

So I suppose Alwyn and Elric and Galen's father used to call him "Hey,Boy!!!Bring me a glass of water....good boy!!!" :D(boy,that's one dumb joke)
There are supposedly only seven archetypal stories, after all, and B5 and LoTR obviously belong to the same type, so similar themes are bound to crop up whether deliberately or otherwise..

As to the name Galen, I'd genuinely forgotten the Greek connection.. I'm think I'm willing to give JMS the benefit of the doubt on this one, I don't really believe he stuck a pin in LoTR!

Of course Tolkien wasn't writing in a vacuum himself..
Okay, according to an article in yesterday's Times newspaper (in the UK) about a book called 'The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories', the seven basic plots are:

Rags to Riches, The Quest, Voyage and Return, Comedy, Tragedy, Rebirth, and Overcoming the Monster.
Although I can't remember them, I know I've heard other versions of 'the basic plots.' "Tragedy" and "comedy" seem a bit too broad and nonspecific to be called plots. But, thanks for posting that version.

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