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JMS says "Just get people to tune in"

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Re: JMS says \"Just get people to tune in\"

GKE - True.

The only way I think opinions would count is if:

a) You had a Nielsen box (which I think all us B5 people need to do to ensure quality programming. Lets form a conspiracy /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif).

b) TELL Showtime in any way, shape, or form, that the only reason you signed up for their channel was because of Jeremiah.

Considering their press release about losing subscribers and having a drop in new subscriptions, that info may be more important to them than anything. Its definately worth a try.
Re: JMS says \"Just get people to tune in\"

YEESH if I can get a good price for Showtime I might sign up if not I can ask my mother to tape Jeremaih for me she has Showtime.
Re: JMS says \"Just get people to tune in\"

<<Though Savant might be able to shed more light on this I think with cable it's more complex. >>

Hi, I haven't been around a while because I thought this site was closed. I didn't know the forums were still open.

I think pay channels like Showtime are driven by factors other than ratings.

Subscriber satisfaction is one, but if they have research in place for this I don't think you can opt into it by sending them letters and e-mails. They more likely are doing qualitative research among a random sample of their subscribers. Researchers don't put much trust in letter campaigns and such because it is too easy to get them going, particularly for science fiction shows.

If ratings mattered, they wouldn't have canceled Stargate, their number 2 original series behind Queer as Folk. Jeremiah is usually number 3.

I believe they are looking for buzz and Jeremiah has had very little. JMS probably can't create any critical buzz, so he may be seeing if he can move the ratings.

I don't see how he can. Only one out of 125,000 people get Showtime AND are a Nielsen household. I doubt JMS can mobilize 125,000 people to find a Nielsen subscriber. (But, JMS has always admitted a weakness at math)

When people on the Farscape boards asked me how they could ensure success for the show, I recommended they write letters to TV critics for newspapers and magazines to generate buzz.

One of the fans did this and the result was a large, favorable review for Farscape in the S.F. Chronicle. The critic even named the fan as being responsible for them noticing the show.

Of course, this strategy wouldn't have worked if the show wasn't also good and the reviewer liked it.

Jeremiah has gotten little press notice, but it's too late to change that. ( Odyssey 5 , I noticed, got better reviews than Jeremiah)
Re: JMS says \"Just get people to tune in\"

SavantB5 wrote: "I think pay channels like Showtime are driven by factors other than ratings."

Suspect you are right in this as well as being driven by "buzz." After all, "buzz" translates into new subscribers where as "ratings" only tell how many existing subscribers are watching any given show.

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