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JMS signed on to a new ST series??

Given that JMS has already said that The World on Fire was based on the premise that a terrorist attack on New York gave rise effectively to WWIII, I can't imagine it will see the light of day any time soon - if ever. Unfortunately.

On another issue from earlier in the thread, why shouldn't JMS "hold out" for a Trek series if one is in the offing.

If I know a job that I really want is shortly going to become available, I would be pretty stupid to tie myself into something else in the meantime and be denied the opportunity of getting it simply because I am not available. If I don't get it because the bosses think someone will do it better, that is life. If I don't get it because I have taken another job, that is my stupidity.

To say JMS is being arrogant would be to show signs that he is assuming that the job is his - the opposite of which is shown by his appeal to the fans to lobby on his behalf.

He has made no secret of his love for Trek, and I'm sure that if given the opportunity to EP a ST show, he would jump at it. To do that, he has to make sure he is available when a new ST show comes around.
So publicly suggesting himself for the job under those circumstances wasn't especially arrogant. As a long-time Trek fan, JMS just couldn't resist going for it when an opportunity seemed to be there, even though he already had a number of other projects on this plate. With Trek off the table for a couple of years (meaning nobody else is going to get it, either) he was free to take this fall 2006 project when it was offered.



So it's my opinion that he should've think twice before go public with this issue with the risk of seemimg arrogant.

I don't want to see him doing anything Trek or specially SW with it's juvenile stories.
There's a lot a good people in this TV business that I like to see running this shows. Many Cotto is one of them.

JMS is good with the B5 stuff or something entirely new.
On another issue from earlier in the thread, why shouldn't JMS "hold out" for a Trek series if one is in the offing.

Well, one isn't in the offing, so this is becoming the mother of all moot points. :)

JMS is good with the B5 stuff or something entirely new.

Er, he's done pretty well adapting other people's stuff, including an award winning version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for Showtime (if memory serves), the Ghostbusters animated show he wrote for, Jeremiah, Murder She Wrote (which he did not create) and - oh - The Amazing Spiderman anybody?

And I think we can be pretty sure that if JMS involved himself in a Star Wars series that it wouldn't be juvenille - and conversely that if what Lucas had in mind was that juvenille that JMS would not involve himself in it. Neither the original Star Wars nor Empire were especially juvenille in tone or execution. They were glorious evocations of the spirit of the classic serials and they were somewhat tongue-in-cheek (like the Indiana Jones films), but that isn't the same thing. I'm sure JMS could have a blast playing in the SW universe and doing shows in the style of the first two films. (I can't speak to the more recent trilogy since I only saw The Phantom Menance once, the week it opened, and I didn't bother with Episode 2 - whatever it was called - at all. I'll probably rent the final installment when it comes out on DVD, just to see how they try to tie it into the later films.)


On another issue from earlier in the thread, why shouldn't JMS "hold out" for a Trek series if one is in the offing.

Well, one isn't in the offing, so this is becoming the mother of all moot points. :)

I'm well aware of that Joe - just wanted to make the point that keeping yourself available (or holding out) for a job you really want doesn't strike me as being arrogant, is all.
just wanted to make the point that keeping yourself available (or holding out) for a job you really want doesn't strike me as being arrogant, is all.

I don't think that's why anyone was calling him arrogant. It was more the publicly asking fans to lobby Paramount in support of the idea that he was the guy who should be handed the keys to the Trek franchise that cause the "a" word to be used.

And far from "holding out" for Trek (by turning down other work and keeping himself free) he indicated that he would be spreading himself a bit thin to take on a Trek series in addition to everything else he already had on his plate or was in talks for, but he couldn't pass up the possibly once-in-a-lifetime chance to play in that universe.


I liked AoTC as well, but these people have their minds made up. (and I didn't like Phantom Menace much.)
The cheesy dialogue and annoying kids in the last two SW flicks are all part of Lucas' master plan to make the next one the greatest film ever made. I have figured out how he'll do this: ep III will feature the slow and torturous death of Jar Jar Binks and lots of naked Natalie Portman naked. Perhaps naked Portman will kill Jar Jar, I haven't worked out the details yet. But after those two Disney features, the gleeful pornographic carnage of "episode III: Revenge of the Fans" will be fantastic.

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