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JMSNEWS.com post question


All I can see is his reply, not the original item it was regarding. Does anyone know what this post on JMSNEWS was about? I am assuming its about the trailers on the B5 DVDs, but which one and what is it regarding?

Subject:Re: Do promoters add their own SFX?
From: Jms at B5
Date: 01/16/2004 09:36 PM
Forum: Usenet

>That is
>NOT in the show itself, at least not on the DVD. I realize that the people
>doing the teasers take liberties, but it seems strange to me that they would
>try to "improve" on the program with their own effects.

Seemed pretty weird to me at the time, too.

JMSNews only archives JMS's post, not whole threads and not the messages he's replying to. So you only have as much of the original post as he quotes in his reply - assuming he quotes anything at all. (He's gotten a lot better about this in recent years. If you look at some of the really early archive years, you'll see a lot of posts that just say things like "Yes", "No", or "Tha wouldn't be a very good idea" and wonder what everybody was talking about.

Anyway, here's the entire message he was responding to (luckily it hasn't scrolled off the newsgroup yet):

I wonder: do the folks that do those short teasers/trailers for B5 add their
own special effects?
I'm going through the B5 series for the very first time, watching it on DVD
(US version). Season 2's 7th episode ("A Race Through Dark Places") starts
with Bester interrogating a prisoner. The trailer for that episode shows a
bit of that scene, the difference being that in the trailer Bester's hand
has this cheesy red glow meant to "illustrate" his telepathic power. That is
NOT in the show itself, at least not on the DVD. I realize that the people
doing the teasers take liberties, but it seems strange to me that they would
try to "improve" on the program with their own effects.


Anyway, here's the entire message he was responding to (luckily it hasn't scrolled off the newsgroup yet):

If it had scrolled, it probably could be found in a search of Google Groups.

"NOT in the show itself, at least not on the DVD."
Search only in rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated


...which leads to

Original Thread.

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