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Journeys End in Lovers Meeting

The guys in hoods may be the Big Death equivalent of the Black Death's Cult of the Flagellants. These happy campers roamed the countryside scourging themselves to atone for the sins of humanity..at least until Pope Clement VI told them to quit scaring people and go home.Perhaps Jeremiah's version atone by keeping the roads in good repair???
As for the fate of David and company.. Miracles need witnesses(credulous for choice). if his intent all along was to use this as a tool to begin the revitilization of society then I would posit that they split up at the shoreline and, even now, in ones and twos are going through the countryside testifying to the miracle they witnessed. Or they were picked up by a resurrected Navy Blimp.
As for taking a walk into the sea. any one that has surfed a winter ocean can tell you that entering water that cold is a profoundly, nay transcendently, sobering experience..painful too if you are male.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by grendel:
<font color=yellow>The guys in hoods may be the Big Death equivalent of the Black Death's Cult of the Flagellants. These happy campers roamed the countryside scourging themselves to atone for the sins of humanity..at least until Pope Clement VI told them to quit scaring people and go home.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Gotta love that pope! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

<font color=yellow><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Perhaps Jeremiah's version atone by keeping the roads in good repair??? </font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

That seems like a good allround deal to me! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

<font color=yellow><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr> As for the fate of David and company.. Miracles need witnesses(credulous for choice). if his intent all along was to use this as a tool to begin the revitilization of society then I would posit that they split up at the shoreline and, even now, in ones and twos are going through the countryside testifying to the miracle they witnessed. Or they were picked up by a resurrected Navy Blimp.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

My money is on the Navy Blimp.

Well, now that my site updates are finished for this episode, I can finally comment on the discussion going on. /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif Get ready for a long ass post! /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif

Originally posted by PsionTen:
<font color=yellow>Best episode ever! I like this one even better than Firewall. </font color=yellow>

Wow, this episode was really good but I don't know if it was better than Firewall. The two eps are so drastically different and I like them for different reasons. It is good to see someone who really liked this episode and I love the fact that this episode will appeal to people in many different ways (or not at all). /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

<font color=yellow>But this episode revealed some things about the Kurdy character that we haven't seen before. </font color=yellow>

I agree! It was really great to see Warner stand up and recite that poem. Impressive.

Ok, maybe this is a girl thing, but I am also struck by how beautiful his eyes are. Maybe other eps show them off better but they really do draw me in even though I am not attracted to his type normally (big w/ muscles). You can really see the emotion and intensity in them. Powerful stuff.

<font color=yellow>Did anybody else have suspicions about the mute guys in the monk robes?</font color=yellow>

Hell ya! They were really ominous in this episode and they reminded me of the monk-like men we saw carrying the dead body that Simon saw in the pilot. I have watched this ep a number of times and you can see the "pallbearers" just hanging out in the background of many of the shots. I think that had to be on purpose.

<font color=yellow>Anyway, I have one question/observation that I never noticed until now and may be the most screwed up aspect of the entire series.... The Roads.</font color=yellow>

*chuckles* Man, if that is the most screwed up thing you can find in the series, then that isn't bad at all! /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif That is the one thing I would definitely overlook even if I believed it to be true. I think -most- roads could survive and under -certain- conditions. I don't really know either since I have never been in such a situation nor have I ever been in construction either.

Still, I hardly expect them to either find roads in disrepair just to make the film believable or tear up roads just for the scene. /ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif The scenery in this episode was just fantastic and so what if the roads were perhaps in better condition than they should be. I think the scenery and story more than make up for the issue with the roads. /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif

Originally posted by Recoil:
<font color=yellow>The Kurdy stuff was cool, but I found it hard to believe that he would fall in, even for a bit, with these folks in such a short timeframe and give up all of what he has been doing (albeit just for a little while) considering all that has happened recently.</font color=yellow>

I did too at first.but I think the point was to show that Kurdy is looking for something different than Jeremiah even though they follow the same path together. I thought that was important to show and made me understand who Kurdy is and why he does what he does. Also, dito to what GKE said about him and his attraction to this group. /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif

Constance helped a lot too and I wondered how many others she helped recruit in the same way. /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif She saw right through all the BS and really connected with him in a way he couldn't with Jeremiah or any other guy. Plus, she was pretty too so I am sure that didn't hurt. /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

<font color=yellow>I also thought the ending was a bit predictable. </font color=yellow>

Duh. /ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif No seriously, even if it was a bit predictable I still loved how JMS did it. It leaves much to be interpreted and speculated on. I think I must have watched the ending quite a number of times to try and see it from another perspective.

So, speaking of the ending ... does anyone care to speculate on what they thought happened? Was it a miracle? Did they drown themselves? Was it a VS plot?

Did Kurdy really see a person climb to the top of the hill or was that just something he thought he saw? He should have been close on the heals of that person yet when he crests the hill, they are no where to be found and not a ripple on the water's surface.

If they drowned themselves, they would have to make sure the bodies were never found in order to keep the illusion of the miracle alive. Is it really possible that out of all those people, not a one of them backed out? Is it really that easy to go under the water and just never come back up?

As for the comments about the neighborhood community looking in such nice condition ... they did make the comment in the show that the reason Jeremiah thought it was the right place was because of the nice condition of the houses. Also, it depends on how a house is made too because many homes could have had vinyl or concrete (which looks like wood) siding. I am sure those things would still look good in 15 years especially if you have people living there and taking care of things. I just think it is funny what you guys pick apart. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

Channe, I loved the things you pointed out about the costumes and symbolism! I got some of it but not all so I was glad to have that pointed out. There was just a quality about the episode that I couldn't put my finger on and I think you just nailed it. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif