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Latest From JMS

Are we there yet?

Is it safe to come back in the car now?
Wait for me! I just have to get buttoned-zipped over here.
Hey! ... Hey! Oh. very funny. Leaving me at the rest stop. :mad: I'm calling a cab.
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Well at this point I think we've all pretty much run the gambit of possible scenarios...

Except, of course, for those of us who have correctly run the gamut of possible scenarios instead.

(A gambit is the opening move of a chess game - by extension a provocative opening comment intended to start a conversation or one's starting position in negotiation. A gamut gets it name from the first note of a musical scale and to "run the gamut" means to cover all possible notes in a sequence or range. )

My 'pet' mistakes like this, the ones that really set my teeth on edge, are two:

1) "For all intensive purposes" (when the speaker means "for all intents and purposes"); and

2) "Chomping at the bit" (when the speaker means "champing at the bit").

Re: They guessed the acronym.

Like I said, "One little mistake..."

A mental lapse...EEECK! Oh god, I'm not perfect after all! For "all intensive purposes" I should be! That really leaves me "chomping at the bit." :D
Re: They guessed the acronym.

"Of" instead of "have" is another one that makes me cringe, as if "I should of picked the second one" instead of "I should have picked the second one." :)


Re: They guessed the acronym.

So, Joe and B5ers,

Does anyone think we'll get any news from JMS today?

What's the prediction?

Mine is: Torment satisfieth the soul of the Creator, so chaos may reign a bit longer into the night. Light, breaking into blackness, only comes at the Maker's will.

And his batteries are dead...so, wait a minute, I can't see anything. Is anyone there? What's that noise? EEEEEWWWW! Not here! Not now! :LOL:

Joking...only joking. So...what do you think?

CE :)
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Do studios give out press releases on a Friday?

Any press conferences planned for next week? :confused:
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Studios give out press releases whenever it best suits them....It's word from JMS, himself, I'm waiting for.

Once the ink is to paper and before it's dried, I'm sure he'll let us in on at least some minor hints. Though I don't expect him to tell us everything. Have to keep some mystery, and JMS is a master of suspense.

I have noticed that everyone seems to be fairly quiet today.

Not sure why.
Re: They guessed the acronym.

According to everything he's told us in similar situations in the past, JMS can't say anything of substance beyond what he's already said (there's a project being discussed, the script is finished, the initials are "B5:TMoS") until whoever is paying the bills (WB, cable channel, network) makes an official announcement in the form of a press release or something similar.


Re: They guessed the acronym.

Isn't that what I said? Ok, more or less what I said. I said they will release a press release whenever it best suits them...and JMS might give us some cryptic (as usual) note just to let us know the announcement is pending.

Sorry if that was confusing.

Re: They guessed the acronym.

"Of" instead of "have" is another one that makes me cringe, as if "I should of picked the second one" instead of "I should have picked the second one." :)

What about when people say "as if" when they actually mean "as in"? :p
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Although I'm wary of being prescriptive with language...there is one trans-atlantic one that borrows me.

It's not a big deal, it's just an idiomatic lexical item...

In britain, if there's something we don't care about, and we want to express that we say "I couldn't care less". i.e. "it is not possible for me to care any less about that than I do".

Whereas, stateside the expression seems to be "I could care less", which to me would imply "I actually care about that to some degree, as it is possible for me to care less than I do".

It just always throws me! :)

Re: They guessed the acronym.

stateside the expression seems to be "I could care less"

That is not a universal American idiom. There those of us in the US who actually say waht we mean (i.e. "couldn't care less") and are also annoyed by the "not" being dropped.

And JoeD.'s "of" complaint is also a pet peeve of mine. It only comes up in written communication, though. When it is spoken I hear the perfectly correct contraction "should've" or "could've" or "would've". It irritates me that so much of what you see written in places like message boards implies that people don't actually know what they themselves are saying when they speak. Similarly, it also bugs me when I see people write "there" or "their" when they mean "they're" (the contraction for "they are").

BTW: Antony; those issues where people write full words, but the wrong full words, slow down my reading even more than the messaging acronyms that so irritate you (though many of those *do* slow me down).
Re: They guessed the acronym.

What about when people say "as if" when they actually mean "as in"? :p

Now that is one I have never encountered. I'm happy to say. :)

And while I agree with everything said about "I could care less" in its present form, I feel I should share my (apparently) unique knowledge about how the phrase was once used and intended...

"I could care less" has it origins (like many really stupid ideas) in the 60s, believe it or not. It was one of those "backwards intensifiers" like saying something was "bad" when you meant it was good. The self-conciously ironic intent of "I could care less" was to convey the idea that whatever was being discussed was a matter of such total indifference to the speaker that there were actually levels of caring below that which he was currently feeling, but that it wasn't worth the effort of going there. I swear this is how people meant to use it, with the sort of self-congratulatory irony that only people in their teens and early twenties can pull off - because they still know everything there is to know. :) I was "present at the creation" as it were, and know what my elders were up to. The phrase has since been adopted by the illiterate set that doesn't know that "could've" is a contraction for "could have" and only hears the sound "could of" without noticing that the phrase makes no sense - so it has been stripped of irony and now is merely the badge of linguistic sloppiness that always sounded like.

Somebody please stop me before I explain anything else. :)


Re: They guessed the acronym.

Thanks, Joe. I'd always wondered about that one. I guess I figured it was my generation that was responsible for it, but I guess we're just inarticulate torch-bearers. :)

Anyway, I should prolly get back to my kewl peeps. Shoutouts to all youse guys.
I am a bit confused...

So will there be something new or not in the world of B5? At this point I am not even sure if JMS ever said anything at all... And another thing, don't get me wrong I love that guy he is super cool, but why in the world does he only post relevant news on news groups where I simply cannot find them or some really strange place...

I think b5tv.com is a perfect little place for the 'last best hope" for babylon 5 and its dear fans... Why not post here? Why not have a JMS section where only he can post if he wants to... Then we know it comes from him... Or is that too much to ask for?

Anyway, we are in the middle of the month of February... Any new news?

PS. What did JMS ever say to the spelling error in one of the B5 seasons on DVD "Minibari"? :eek:
With high probability... there is something about to happen. JMS has indicated that much. For more details, I suggest reading relevant parts of this long-winded thread (and others) or searching the JMSNews site for original comments mirrored from RASTB5M.


About RASTB5M:

Newsgroups can be moderated before-the-fact. A moderator can choose to approve all messages before allowing them pass. While message boards can be moderated this way... they are not designed for such operation. They are designed to be more real-time.

Therefore... not only for historical reasons... but because of limited time, no desire to deal with trolls (or read story ideas, which could become basis for challenging the authenticity of his work)... JMS does not participate on B5 message boards -- only the "rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated" newsgroup.
Yes, Lyra. JMS, I think, set up his moderated group (the onle Sleepy mentions) so he would have one place to go to keep his avid fans informed of his work. Why make him go to more than one site, or to partially moderate a site when he has a perfectly good one of his own already?

He insists on only posting at moderated groups so he won't accidentally receive story ideas. If he's had similar ideas, it causes legal problems for him. Apparantly one episode of B5 might never have been made (Passing Through Gesthemene (spelling?)) because a fan had discussed some similar idea with him.

So he's protecting himself and keeping it simple.

To get to the articles in the moderated group, you have to have a reader of some kind. Someone recommended Google Groups to me, and that's how I read that board. It's a pain having to resize the screen all of the time, but it works. :D
To get to the articles in the moderated group, you have to have a reader of some kind. Someone recommended Google Groups to me, and that's how I read that board. It's a pain having to resize the screen all of the time, but it works. :D

Actually, it can be much simpler than that.

Most e-mail clients, including Outlook Express, Mozilla Thuderbird, Eudora etc., will allow you to pull down and read newsgroup posts in a similar fashion to reading e-mail.

However, for this to work your ISP has to provide access ... some do, some don't.

In OE for example, you just go to Tools>Accounts, then click on Add>News and run through it as you would for a new e-mail account. You just need to know the name of your news server, which your ISP can tell you if it offers the service.

Once it is set up, you just select the news folder from the hierarchy and click on "Synchronise". It will then pull down all new messages since your last visit.

I used to dip in and out of the moderated NG quite regularly, but frankly I was only interested in what JMS had to say, so I don't bother now - I just read his post archive on JMSNews.


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