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Latest From JMS

Re: They guessed the acronym.

I loved the bit where Vir has to go deliver a message to the Technomages, and takes a sip of Londo's leftover drink at the bar to gove himself courage, turns to carry out his mission... and drops like he was poleaxed! Great, great physical humor, and totally unexpected.
Re: They guessed the acronym.

I'm not saying what I'm saying. I'm not saying what I'm thinking. I'm not even thinking what I'm thinking.
Re: They guessed the acronym.

And then of course there's the trouble with a space dragon. You know, the kind that eats the sun every thirty days. It's a nusiance, but what can you do with reptiles? Did you know that my nose is on fire, and that I have fifteen wild badgers living in my trousers? I'm sorry, would you prefer ferrets?

I'm quoting from memory, so I hope I've got it right. :D
Re: They guessed the acronym.

''You are the right people, in the right place, at the right time!!''

Sebastion - Comes The Inquisitor.

What happened to JMS?

I can only hope that no news is good news.

( he says dreaming of the day when a B5 feature film comes along with a 120 million + budget and James Cameron at the Directing helm - what a dream!!!! )

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Re: They guessed the acronym.

All together now:

'You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out. You put your right in and you shake yourself about, you do the hockey pookey you give a little shout that's what it's all about'
Re: They guessed the acronym.

All together now:

'You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out. You put your right in and you shake yourself about, you do the hockey pookey you give a little shout that's what it's all about'

Well, things ARE a little hokier and pokier every day, so if that's not what it's ALL about yet, it soon WILL be! :D ;) :D
Re: They guessed the acronym.

NO news is good news as they say and,I can only hope that in this case it is proven wrong.

Wait, if that was proven wrong, wouldn't that mean that this lack of news is equivalent to BAD news?

Aaaaargh! We're back on semantics again!!!


Re: They guessed the acronym.

Yup sure would mean bad news I HOPE I AM WRONG AND JMS WILL TELL US ONE WAY OR ANOTHER>But then everyone is getting so antsy.
Re: They guessed the acronym.

All together now:

'You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out. You put your right in and you shake yourself about, you do the hockey pookey you give a little shout that's what it's all about'

I rather enjoyed the song.

Do *not* tell him.

Are you sure?

Trust me.
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Ivanova's "depiction" of human sexual ritual...hilarious and DEAD ON! :LOL:

And no one bring up the "s" word again! :D

As for the wait...it's WB making us suffer. Like demons they sit and watch and laugh maniacly...HA HA!
Bastards! :D
Re: They guessed the acronym.

As for the wait...it's WB making us suffer. Like demons they sit and watch and laugh maniacly...HA HA!
Bastards! :D

I'm pretty sure JMS is the only one who does that. ;)
Re: They guessed the acronym.

As for the wait...it's WB making us suffer. Like demons they sit and watch and laugh maniacly...HA HA!
Bastards! :D

I'm pretty sure JMS is the only one who does that. ;)

Well, yes JMS I'm sure gets a perverse pleasure in watching us squirm, but he can't tell us anything until WB decides to announce the project...so in essence, it's both of them....the bastards!! :LOL:
