Oh yes it can! Both had $3 million budgets. Both were made after Warner Brothers lost, sold or destroyed almost all of the 1993-1999 B5 and Crusade resources. Everything made after Crusade was operating under a handicap of missing resources.
Pretty irrelevant (to this argument at least). jms made a conscious decision to have things like the ship designs look very different – presumably to show there was more to the B5 ‘verse than had already been seen.
Perfectly relevant. Don't know if what you said above is what JMS said somewhere,
but I don't believe it [1] and
in reality it was
forced upon him by having no ship models of adequate resolution to be seen in anything BUT the distant background. All he had of the 1993-1999 ship models was the stuff Babylonian had given to Sierra for the aborted B5 Space Combat Flight Simulator. Warner Brothers lost everything else.
That's why, other than the MaintBots we saw working on the Liandra on Minbar, all we saw in close-up were the new ships, the Valen, Liandra, and the dirty snowflake ships of the baddies (which were all made from scratch), NOT because of any
"conscious decision to have things like the ship designs look very different – presumably to show there was more to the B5 ‘verse than had already been seen." The only reason they worked on the MaintBots was because they were going to be shown working on the Liandra, and the Liandra WAS going to be shown in close-up.
One failing that the show didn’t have was a lack of CGI,
Lack of
good CGI. Personally, I didn't like the new oily, colloidal suspension look of space, or the pink cotton candy hyperspace with shakeycam. Why he has to constantly screw with the look of hyperspace, or come up with "quantum space" (in B5:TLT, from the Vorlons even though we can't go to that planet for a million years to be able to discover such things.), is beyond me. Seems to me that sometimes he just likes screwing with the fans to see if our heads explode. Not good. Bad JMS!!!
or the lack of extras walking about or actors done up in prosthetics (which the Lost Tales did suffer from).
Well, B5:LotR didn't have many extras, either (all I can remember are the various ambassadors on the Valen and then the Liandra), though it certainly had a few more than B5:TLT.
Though I note that it did have one thing in common with Crusade. Executive interference.
Some executives should be shot.
At the time jms said there wasn’t any (but that’s just typical hype), cost did effect the whole Liandra gun pod thing (the set for the original idea was going to be far and away the most expensive and time consuming to build), but the studio execs also felt folks wouldn’t accept the concept of a fully articulated chair. It’s the same reason why the ship didn’t fire beams, instead the exedcs wanted energy bolts. (I noticed that was a complaint some folks raised at the time).
The execs didn't want the Liandra to fire beams? First I've heard that one. The Enfali fired beams, for a few seconds.
Anyway, it’s done and filed under crap in most folks book. Maybe a bit unfair, but there you go.
Personally, I thought A Call To Arms in a few respects was far more clumsy in execution - it also felt very rushed in places.
"A Call to Arms" was fine art compared to the Rangers pilot.
Sheridan was looked upon as a bit of a dithering old fool for a fair section of the movie, just to fit the story.
Yeah, that was clunky. However, I think that was the first time that a technomage had communicated with him that way (electron incantation).
The part where the captain of the other vessel calls his little girl just before he decides he has no option but to ram the ship against the planet killer, while stating that he promised his little girl to protect her from the monsters, felt like a last minute (and poorly placed) addition.
Utterly corny.
Sections of the CGI was truly terrible, did you see the unfinished model of the Warlock fleeing the imploding death cloud.
No, but there were a helluva lot of ships flying all over the place at the time. I was watching the Excalibur, and saw a few Omega Class Destroyers and Drakh cruisers trying to escape.
They’re going to look for First Ones to help find a cure for the plague. Plot twits like that are reminiscent of 1930’s serials where the viewer is treated like they had the memory retention of a gold fish. You know, buck rodgers with their cliff hangers and the next episode starts with a whole new set of the goal posts in order to allow our hero to escape.
"First Ones" ??? or just other races. Had to be in Sheridan's voiceover at the very end. I'll have to check that out.
No, didn’t like it very much.
I loved it, and "In the Beginning." Those are my two favorite B5 TV movies, and I rate them a 9 and a 10 out of 10 respectively.
That and river of souls. Not so much for the story ideas but more for how they were actually put together.
"The River of Souls" was my least favorite B5 TV movie, UNTIL the Rangers pilot came along and made "The River of Souls" good. Lochley actually wasn't bad in "The River of Souls." At least it had a good ol' B5 feel to it. To me, the Rangers pilot felt like it was written by somebody who didn't know jack about B5. The Rangers pilot is to "Babylon 5" as the B5 novel "The Touch of Your Shadow, the Whisper of Your Name" is to "The Shadow Within" and The Technomage Trilogy.
[1] He says stuff like that to put a good face on things. It's not the unvarnished truth, but is really just PR talk.