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Let's speculate on THE HAND(spoilers)

Re: Let\'s speculate on THE HAND(spoilers)

As has been said earlier, the Hand originated in Our Universe while the Third Space Aliens were from Another Universe.

The Reason the 3Sa could be stopped is that the Door needs to be opened from Our Side.
(I think the dialogue may have said BOTH Sides)
Once it was closed on our side, they could not force their way into our universe.

The Hand was apparently Banished into yet Another Universe.
Perhaps a pocket Artificial Universe such as the Vorlons used to conceal their Planet Killer fleet in Hyperspace.

The evidence shows that, while the hand can communicate with this universe, their allies cannot yet open the Door back into this universe.

I haven't had a chance to rewatch the tape, but I got the impression the Alien City was built by another First One race, NOT by the Hand.
It evidently DOES contain either secrets that are harmful to the Hand or the key to their return.
Or Both.
The enemy ships destroyed the Archaelogical base, not the City.

They want the City for themselves.

It also occurs to me that, even without the Hand, a genuine First One city would be so valuable that many of the races in the Alliance would commit countless Murders in order to get exclusive control of whatever Tech might be found in the city.
Keeping them all from going to war over access to the City might be the first major test of the Ranger Fleet and the Alliance.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."

[This message has been edited by bakana (edited January 24, 2002).]
Re: Let\'s speculate on THE HAND(spoilers)

I was just thinking about the ideological wars between the Vorlons and the Shadows, and I believe that to some extent, the Hand may very well be the cause of this.
My theory is this: A billion years ago, the Hand stretched forth across the galaxy spreading destruction wherever they went. Eventually they were confronted by the First Ones who had both the Vorlons and Shadows as leaders for the First One Alliance.

The Hand is beaten back and sealed into a "place of eternal darkness".

As the Vorlons and Shadows are the dominant First Ones and primary guardians for the younger races, they begin to teach them how to fight the Hand should they return.

The Vorlons believe that the only way to win is to have the younger races stand together in a unified front that the Hand wouldn't be able to repel.

However, the Shadows believe that the only way for the younger races to survive is for them to rapidly improve their technology so that they can engage the Hand on a more level playing field.

Over the course of time as it seems that the Hand is less likely to return, the Vorlons and Shadows grow less concerned for the welfare of the younger races, but which one of their ideologies is correct.

Re: Let\'s speculate on THE HAND(spoilers)

HHHMMMMM Interesting speculation. It does explain things including why the vorlons and shadows were guiding the younger races in the first place.

Sheridan:Are you sure we can't jump
Sheridan:Then we have a problem
Lennier:No $h!t Sherlock
Sheridan:RUN FOR IT!!!!
Downbelow Sound Archive
Re: Let\'s speculate on THE HAND(spoilers)

Hmmm, you been reading my stuff Andy
. Took the words outta my mouth, but I still got a little left. And for those that saw my reply/ accidental topic titled "HAND spoilers, I'll be continueing it sometime today on the SciFi Boards somewhere. Feel free to e-mail if wanting to know where it'll be. If not, read Andy's article, he basically nailed the concept. Nice work Andy

FJG out.

Even good guys die in War

[This message has been edited by Thunderstrike (edited January 25, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Thunderstrike (edited January 25, 2002).]
Re: Let\'s speculate on THE HAND(spoilers)

anybody notice that the Hand ships use the same hyperspace jump points that our ships do, as opposed to the nifty phasing that the Shadows use?

So come on rally round this brave and valiant cause with tradition, pride, and honor at its core. With swords drawn to defend stood these noble-hearted men. Faugh-an-ballagh, clear the way, me boys!!
-Dropkick Murphys: Heroes From Our Past
Re: Let\'s speculate on THE HAND(spoilers)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cern:
anybody notice that the Hand ships use the same hyperspace jump points that our ships do, as opposed to the nifty phasing that the Shadows use?

Yes. Just a few thoughts...

(1) They were not Hand ships but 'mere toys'.

(2) They still seemed to be more evolved than the ships of the younger races, at least partly organic (I'm thinking of how they 'absorbed' the lifepods).

(3) IIRC, Vorlon ships used jump points as well. Maybe it's easier, conserves energy?

"There are things out there beyond imagination, and I have a rather healthy imagination." - G'Kar, B5: Rangers
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com | Kribu.net
Re: Let\'s speculate on THE HAND(spoilers)

Well, yes, the Hand ships we saw were "toys". but i am wondering if this could add more fuel to the fire over who built the first Jumgates...since the Vorlons use the same tech, they were the prime suspects, but if the Hand are older and use the same deal, than maybe they are the ones who started the jumpgate system, and the Vorlons stole/assimilated their tech?

So come on rally round this brave and valiant cause with tradition, pride, and honor at its core. With swords drawn to defend stood these noble-hearted men. Faugh-an-ballagh, clear the way, me boys!!
-Dropkick Murphys: Heroes From Our Past
Re: Let\'s speculate on THE HAND(spoilers)

i guess the question is, if the older Hand use the same Jump tech as the younger Vorlons, who built the Jumpgate system?

bahh...slow arse computer...
So come on rally round this brave and valiant cause with tradition, pride, and honor at its core. With swords drawn to defend stood these noble-hearted men. Faugh-an-ballagh, clear the way, me boys!!
-Dropkick Murphys: Heroes From Our Past

[This message has been edited by Cern (edited February 13, 2002).]
Re: Let\'s speculate on THE HAND(spoilers)

I was gonna start a new thread for this, but what the hell.

Minister Kafta said something like"if you had seen what I have seen...you would serve the Hand also..."

anybody have any ideas what the frell he was blithering about?

So come on rally round this brave and valiant cause with tradition, pride, and honor at its core. With swords drawn to defend stood these noble-hearted men. Faugh-an-ballagh, clear the way, me boys!!
-Dropkick Murphys: Heroes From Our Past
Re: Let\'s speculate on THE HAND(spoilers)

If you believe him I believe he means the forces of the hand.

Of course he could merely be asking if four aces is a good hand while playing poker.

"I was free to wallow in my own crapulence." -Mr. Burns in "Who Shot Mr. Burns Part Two"