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Lochley Brothel Hologram

When I watched B5 S5 on Sci-Fi I remember an episode where someone in down below had created what I remember being a hologram of Lochley for a brothel, or something of the sort.

I had lent my copy of the S5 box set to one of my co workers and when he handed it back to me, I asked if he watched that scene - he said he didn't see it.

Problem is I can't remember which episode this came from, so assuming I'm not insane and this really didn't happen, what episode was that?

Its actually not in Season 5, its from the telemovie, "River of Souls" and also features Martin Sheen. Worst of the B5 movies in my opinion, but still fun.

Its actually not in Season 5, its from the telemovie, "River of Souls" and also features Martin Sheen. Worst of the B5 movies in my opinion, but still fun.


I guess you're excluding TLaDiS from the list of "B5 movies" ...because otherwise, I'd say TLaDiS is the worst. It's given me a new found appreciation for TRoS, and no, I'm not kidding.

Watch TLaDiS and then watch TRoS, and see if your opinion of TRoS isn't higher than it used to be. ;)
You're talking about the only worthwile scene in River of Souls. :) I'm looking forward to the DVD release. Can you say "zoom" and "freeze-frame"? I knew you could...



You're talking about the only worthwile scene in River of Souls. I'm looking forward to the DVD release. Can you say "zoom" and "freeze-frame"? I knew you could...

Naughty, naughy, Joe!

Oh, who am I kidding? The scenes _I_ freeze-frame and zoom are the ones where we get to see G'Kar in that sleeping robe, the one that shows off that great chest! ;)

You're talking about the only worthwile scene in River of Souls. :) I'm looking forward to the DVD release. Can you say "zoom" and "freeze-frame"? I knew you could...




If you have to have Lochley on screen, then half-naked with no dialogue works for me. :devil:
You're talking about the only worthwile scene in River of Souls. :) I'm looking forward to the DVD release. Can you say "zoom" and "freeze-frame"? I knew you could...




Soom. Fr... Friis.... Friis Fraim.

I did it! I could!

Sorry, I'm going to bed now...
No news today either. :(
