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Lost: "House of the Rising Son" (Spoilers)


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Lost: \"House of the Rising Son\" (Spoilers)

As per usual with episode threads,



Tonight's episode was quite something.

The scenes between Charlie and Locke were great, I thought. The teary look in Charlie's eyes when Locke pointed out where his guitar was was precious.

The issue over moving to the caves versus staying on the beach was quite minor in this episode really. It's a tough decision though. Live in cooler shelter protected from the sun and very near a source of freshwater, or out in the sun far from water but where any ships or planes passing by would best be able to see you.

The biggest portion of this episode is over the asian couple. I must say, their story literally scared me. He wanted to be with her so badly that he was willing to do whatever her father wanted him to, but in doing so, he became in a large part someone other than the man she fell in love with. That in order to get out of the situation, she was going to run away, hide long enough they would think she was kidnapped and killed, and then go wherever she wanted is drastic. That something that drastic was the only option it seemed she had, it makes me scared of who/what her father is and what he made her husband do to be allowed to be with her, especially in light of the blood washing scene.

The puppy/dog she got was so cute.

As for the previews for the next episode, next week looks good. Rock collapses, withdrawl for Charlie, and another try at the radio signal: looks very good. :)
Re: Lost: \"House of the Rising Son\" (Spoilers)

Another great episode. I really wonder who Sun's father is too. We were right: she could speak English! For a while there I was thinking that Jin was pissed because he found out Michael saw her naked.

The decision to go to the caves or not is a tough one. You do have the shelter and the fresh water, protection from the heat and sun, but you may also be giving up the possibility of being rescued.

I think the best solution would be for a small group of people to always stay on the beach, and for small groups to just take turns so that if a boat or plane ever did appear, they would have a greater chance at rescue.
Re: Lost: \"House of the Rising Son\" (Spoilers)

Another good episode.

Yes, we saw it coming that Sun must understand English, but it took me aback when she just blurted out in English, wasn't quite expecting her to be fluent in speaking, only figured she was understanding and maybe would speak broken English. Didn't see Jin as a Mobster/Enforcer though. We could see there was tension from Sun, like she was afraid of Jin, or didn't want to be around him quite as much as he wanted to be with her. It was nice to see what exactly that tension and fear was about. I too, fell into the trap of believing it was jealousy that showed the agression in the previews (and in this episode until the truth was revealed). To think it was all about a watch Michael found.

Locke is really growing on me as a character, he really seems to be enjoying the adventure, and he seems to understand the island. I wonder if he had already found the guitar, and was using it to help Charlie, or, if it really wasn't there until Charlie made his decision, as a reward from the island, for giving up something important to Charlie, as Locke explained it.

Was a little irritated with the previews immediately before the broadcast last night, as the announcer indicated lots of secrets of the island would be revealed, yet only a very small tidbit was revealed. After hearing the announcer indicate that, I thought those skeletons in the grotto were really going to mean something big.

Looks like Dr. Matt's life is going to be in danger next episode, I wonder if that's why Locke's character is becoming so strong, will they be killing Matt off? Will they be killing off any of the principals we have been getting to know? Or only killing off background characters we only see walking past the camera, or never have seen (IE: The lady who drowned).

My channel has a game on next Wednesday, so our next episode will be delayed until Saturday the 6th. Next episode "the Moth" is episode 7, and I didn't notice in the previews that they were trying to trace the French Transmission again, but it's Episode 9, we're waiting for to see an old friend from B5 ;)
Re: Lost: \"House of the Rising Son\" (Spoilers)

Was a little irritated with the previews immediately before the broadcast last night, as the announcer indicated lots of secrets of the island would be revealed, yet only a very small tidbit was revealed. After hearing the announcer indicate that, I thought those skeletons in the grotto were really going to mean something big.

Advertisements for tv shows and movies tend to nearly always annoy me. They're usually written with near complete disregard as to the tonal feel of what it is they're advertising. The narrators for them always speak with an "action-packed" voice and make tons of over-the-top "action-packed" claims about the story. It often really gets on my nerves.
Re: Lost: \"House of the Rising Son\" (Spoilers)

Oh, and VL, shame you changed your avatar. The imagery of last night's episode in the water would've been quite fun, the next time you have a passionate debate with someone ;)

Being so accustomed to your old avatar, thoughts of you and CBO debating ran through my mind during that scene (No offense to either of you, BTW) :D
Re: Lost: \"House of the Rising Son\" (Spoilers)

The imagery of last night's episode in the water would've been quite fun, the next time you have a passionate debate with someone.


Yeah, he really beat the snot out of Michael. I can't say I've ever beat anyone even remotely like that though. I don't even think I've punched anyone period, actually.

I just felt a desire for a change of my avatar. I had it narrowed down between a few choices of those available but eventually decided to go with this one of Marcus because I do identify with several of his personal qualities even when I don't hold myself to them as tightly as I would like.
Re: Lost: \"House of the Rising Son\" (Spoilers)

I just felt a desire for a change of my avatar. I had it narrowed down between a few choices of those available but eventually decided to go with this one of Marcus because I do identify with several of his personal qualities

Ah...it so reminds me of...me. ;)

I had that avatar for nearly a century...until Antony got around to adding more premies.
Re: Lost: \"House of the Rising Son\" (Spoilers)

The episode was great. Lost really does rule, I'm loving it. The writing quality is so high.

Also did anyone hear them say they'd been there six days?

If so that means they're doing an episode a day, which is interesting.
Re: Lost: \"House of the Rising Son\" (Spoilers)

I think I read in a magazine somewhere that the first season may cover approximately 40 days. So far, each episode has been between 1 and 1.5 days. So, later down the road, we may see more time being spanned per episode and/or have a few days transpire "off-camera".
Re: Lost: \"House of the Rising Son\" (Spoilers)

Yea Antony, I believe almost every episode has made some reference to it only being 1 day passing.

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