The other two, I think are involving Cindy and the kids are alive and well, and involved with the "others", and possibly that the "Others" honestly believe they are giving the kids a better life. I have a feeling ABC killed the impact of answering Cindy and the kids, by showing them in the previews, I think it was supposed to be a more dramatic impact.
I happen to agree about Jack's tatoos, but, for whatever reason, they have been a real big deal of a mystery on the LOST boards. It is interesting though, that Bai Ling's hcaracter defined Jack as a leader, because he never was pre-island, and had to be convinced on the island to be so. (And she is supposedly set to be in two more episodes this season I believe, and tough to believe Jack will ahve two more flashbacks this season, so she may be in on this whole conspiracy or, she may end up in someone else's flashbacks)
I really, really, wanna see Rousseau's reunion with Alex, but, I really don't want her to die. Surprised Karl took off, I was expecting him to be a mole gathering recon on Fusie Beach, just waiting to have his programming activated