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Lost Season 1 (no spoilers of Season 2 please)

Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Episode 4 was on last night and I thought it was very good. I loved Locke's flashbacks and wanted to see more of them. His first one where it's implied he's a Colonel was done very well. Even though he wasn't in military uniform and the camera was in tight on his face so we couldn't see the background properly, it happened so quickly that I burst out laughing when there was a wider shot and it showed him working in an office.

Had we seen the wheelchair before this episode? Because we saw it in the episode (I think even before it was revealed he used to be in a wheelchair), but I can't remember seeing it in previous episodes. If we had seen it before then I am afraid I am not very good at this paying attention game. :(

Locke managed to escape the monster in the woods and now Jack is seeing a person (in a suit?).

Only 156 hours till the next one!!
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Yep, that was clever, wierd, and I am intriegued again.

Very clever with the Locke story. I think I had noticed the wheelchair before, so that was well done. Who is that guy in the suit, or is Jack just going crazy?
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Had we seen the wheelchair before this episode?

Yes, I believe so; it was used in a prior episode as sort of a makeshift wheelbarrow to cart stuff around.

...it happened so quickly that I burst out laughing when there was a wider shot and it showed him working in an office.

I can't remember if it was in "Walkabout" (this Locke-centered episode), or if it is in another episode in present time on the island, where it's briefly mentioned what the company of the office Locke worked in does -- what they specialize in, that is. But if you take note of it, there's something else very subtle mentioned several episodes down the line that draws a rather interesting connection. (It's a minor detail that one almost has to hunt for, but I think it's fun.)
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Who is that guy in the suit, or is Jack just going crazy?

Patience, patience... you'll find out next episode!!! :p

As the season progresses, Locke's sad history plays a major part in how he perceives the Island, and the actions he undertakes as a consequence.

Yep, the best is yet to come... :D
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Well it's Thursday and that means the thread gets active again as we have seen the latest episode.

So the guy in the suit is Jack's father? Nicley done to get them one of the basic things they need: water.

The group are down to 46 people left as the woman drowned.

Charlie had a tatoo on his arm containing the words:
"Living is easy with eyes closed"

Which is a lyric from Strawberry Fields Forever:

Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about.
Strawberry Fields forever.

Living is easy with eyes closed , misunderstanding all you see.
It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out.
It doesn't matter much to me.

Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about.
Strawberry Fields forever.

No one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low.
That is you can't you know tune in but it's all right.
That is I think it's not too bad.

Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about.
Strawberry Fields forever.

Always know sometimes think it's me, but you know I know when it's a dream.
I think a "No" will mean a "Yes," but it's all wrong.
That is I think I disagree.

Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about.
Strawberry Fields forever.
Strawberry Fields forever.
Strawberry Fields forever.

I hope this does not indicate the whole thing is nothing but a dream, though the "misunderstanding all you see" part applies to me so far. :D
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Yep, I'm still confused.

Which is a good thing as it keeps me thinking. One thing about the water, didn't the make tanks to collect rainwater the other episode? Have they drunk all that in four days?
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

We have been told "It's not all someone's dream", so no need to worry about that.

Regarding drinking water, remember there are 46 people, and they can't just dip a cup into the ocean, when they're thirsty.
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Dip a cup in the ocean? I may be silly, but I thought most oceans (probably also the Pacific) were too salty for humans to drink sustainably, without adverse health effects?
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Drinking sea water for any length of time or amount will kill you. That is why we have de-salination plants. They touched on this briefly in one episode.
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Dip a cup in the ocean? I may be silly, but I thought most oceans (probably also the Pacific) were too salty for humans to drink sustainably, without adverse health effects?
My point exactly. I said they CAN'T just dip a cup in the ocean.
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

and they can't just dip a cup into the ocean, when they're thirsty.

Yup, that's what you said. Seemed pretty clear to me. :)

I'm giving up on the reruns, which have skipped too many episodes, and am just going to bite the bullet and buy the DVDs.


Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Dip a cup in the ocean? I may be silly, but I thought most oceans (probably also the Pacific) were too salty for humans to drink sustainably, without adverse health effects?
My point exactly. I said they CAN'T just dip a cup in the ocean.

Our bad... :)
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Episode 6

I thought that the flashback for Jin and Sun was ok.

Jin attacked Michael and when Sayid tackled Jin off of Michael I thought he was going to split him in two he hit him with such force. It was nice that Sawyer actually helped Sayid with the breaking up of the fight and the handcuffs seeing as he doesn't seem to trust Sayid at all.

Now there are two sepearate camps it should eb interesting to see how long people stay on the beach camp, before they give up hope. I don't understand why they didn't move everybody to the caves and have say 4 people on the beach all the time in case of a plane or boat. They could rotate the people round.

I wonder if the two people in the cave are related to the transmission signal? (Note to people who have already seen Season 1 - that's a rhetorical question :p).I know that the time frames are different, but either way could be wrong (Jack could be wrong in his estimation of the decomposition or they could be out on the transmission thing.

The black and the white stones are strange.

Quote from Galahad:
So you could theorise that the unseen beast is like a "monster from the Id", the peoples imperfections and negative qualities feed an unseen force that manifests itself in aggressive attacks... just like in FP. You could also suggest that the surviviors have an opportunity to reject there negative sides, and that bald guy is there to help them do this.

Given the way he got Charlie to give him the drugs and then "gave" him his guitar, that isn't looking such a bad idea.

Do all the main characters get a flashback?
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Pobman, regarding the two people in the cave (you mean the skeletons, correct?), you don't find anything more about them this season, so accept that's a mystery to be solved another day. The only thing you can get out of their appearance thus far is the black/white imagery which you see everywhere throughout the season. People have theorized about what the imagery represents, but it also is still a mystery.
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Damn, I am going to have to watch the first season all over again! There are things that the people who have seen the whole season that I don't know what they are talking about!

JoeDM, I got hooked watching the re-runs but got really mad when they started jumping ahead. I made my husband download the whole season and started watching them almost straight through!
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

JoeDM, I got hooked watching the re-runs but got really mad when they started jumping ahead.

Well, in fairness to ABC they didn't have 23 weeks between the end of S1 and the start of S2 (with the pilot airing as two weekly episodes) and didn't have enough spare primetime hours to "double-up" often enough to cover the entire season in the number of weeks they did have. So they had to pick and choose. (Or else not air the reruns at all and fill the hours with something else.)

Anyway, I'm enjoying the DVDs. :)


Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Good point but it was still annoying. Thank god for the Internet. :D
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Last night's episode was Charlie orientated. we got to see some of his band in action which was cool. The best moment came (in my opinion) right at the end, when Sayid was trying to work out where the transmission came from and somebody (or something?!?!?) whacked him.

So who stopped him? Well, it can't have been Shannon as we saw her let off the bottle rocket. Even though we didn't see Sawyer let off his bottle rocket, as Kate had left him alone there I think it is safe to assume that it was him who let it off. Everybody else was helping to try and dig Jack out of the caves, apart from.... Locke. So either Locke stopped him or it was somebody we haven't met yet (another crashed passenger, person who lives on the island etc.) Locke does seem to be helping people "get rid of their demons" so perhaps he wanted everybody to stay on the island longer so he could help everyone. I don't know. Just supposition at this stage, but I am enjoying this show more and more.

Oh yeah, just out of interest, how was Sayid working out the position of the transmission? Was he measuring the strength of the signal at each of the antennae and then using that to work out where it was?
Re: Lost (no spoilers please)

Can't answer your last question, but, you will get an answer to who hit Sayid before the season ends.