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I remembered to watch it tonight (unlike last week :( ), and I liked it fair enough for a single episode. If I can remember next week, I'll watch it again.
I enjoyed this episode too. The writing is unfolding the story in a very good way. In the first episode, we thought we missed a few minutes involving the crash, but now we can tell it's just the way their unfolding the story. Letting you get to know secrets of the characters through their memories of the crash.

Yea, the polar bear is kinda strange, and I'm wondering if the "Big" whatever it is, is invisible, or they just haven't shown it to us yet? The way they've shown the trees moving around as it approaches the beach, seems to indicate you should be able to see something above the trees.

Vacantlook or anyone else who missed this episode or last week's episode and wants to catch them, the entire 2 hour pilot (Last week's hour + this week's hour) is showing this weekend all at once (Sunday I believe) on my ABC channel, so I imagine the same should be true of your channel.
the entire 2 hour pilot (Last week's hour + this week's hour) is showing this weekend all at once (Sunday I believe) on my ABC channel

I could have sworn they said they would repeat it Saturday night. I could be wrong though.

Could someone confirm for us? I have a friend who might have to catch up on the first episode too.
The show is somewhat predictable.


I think we all knew the hobbit was a junkie since last week.
I blurted out "Republican Guard" before Sayed could say it.
They make out DDK to be a prick, but he seemed cordial to the other survivors in offering his sea urchin sushi. I wonder if his wife didn't cheat on him, prompting him to be that way, including making her button her top shirt button when Link from Reloaded came along.
Good surprise with the woman being the prisoner, though.

Also, did everyone notice the attacking polar bear on the comic book the kid was reading? Hmmm.

It's looking like some kind of matrixey, sensory deprivation kind of thing, like that Twilight Zone episode dealing with loneliness.
B5 obsessed, yes we discovered Dominick M. was a druggie in the first episode, it was obvious, but prior to seeing him in the crashed plane, you didn't know, other than the fact that he was a rock star and grungy looking (Which doesn't neccessarily mean he's a druggie). So you can't count that as being predictable, because they showed he was last week, when he came out of the bathroom in the plane.
Just out of curiosity, is this a scripted show that is written to seem like it is a so-called "reality" show? :confused:
It's written to be realistic, but, I wouldn't neccessarily say it reflected a Reality show, it's got a scripted series feel, not a feel or the twists of, say..., Survivor
No, it's a full-on scripted show the plot of which, in part, is that a group of people were on a plane that crashed onto an island. It doesn't have any resemblance to a reality show, in my opinion.
Hyp, to be more clear, what I was referring to was realistic elements. Such as people have cuts and bruises, one girl was wearing high heels, and had to take more appropriate hiking shoes from a corpse, the Dr. went looking through luggage for a blade for surgery and asked another character to gather all the prescription drugs in the luggage, especially those that ended with cillin and myacin because those were antibiotics and he needed them for the guy he was operating on. People erupting in bickering, the Korean couple (Daniel Dae Kim, and a woman I'm not familiar with) don't seem to speak English, etc.
I saw one review talking about Survivor as inspiration for this. Not sure if it's fact or just the reviewer's opinion.
B5 obsessed, yes we discovered Dominick M. was a druggie in the first episode, it was obvious, but prior to seeing him in the crashed plane, you didn't know, other than the fact that he was a rock star and grungy looking (Which doesn't neccessarily mean he's a druggie). So you can't count that as being predictable, because they showed he was last week, when he came out of the bathroom in the plane.

I missed several pieces last week because I was in the middle of something. Did they actually show him using drugs last week? I only saw the part when he came out of the bathroom and she asked what he was doing. I said to the tv "Shooting up!" But alas, it seems he's forgotten his needles.
They showed a euphoric look on his face, and he was guilty looking. Also, I believe he was tucking something into his pocket suspiciously. It was quite obvious he was doing something drug related. Like you said, you figured it out right there.
Goodie, goodie. One of the networks in Norway just showed the pilot on wednesday. And I get to go back over the old threads to see the discussion.

I think this is going to be one of the only TV shows I'll be watching or taping off the air this season. The rest I watch is either news or shows on DVD.
Was originally scheduled for Mid April, but, now it seems this coming Wednesday is new (Ep 19 out of 24). Not sure if they will run the rest straight through, or have one more small rerun break

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