\"Messages from Earth\": my favourite (spoilers)
I could possibly change my opinion later...
...but currently, it seems that "Messages from Earth" is my favourite episode in Season 3, and possibly all of B5. After first watching it, I clearly recall wondering to myself "was that really 45 minutes"?
The storyline contained so much... that most TV shows could have *never* fit everything into a single episode, maintaining an unrelenting sense of movement (events spinning out of control) yet never becoming too quick.
Despite full awareness that you probably know this wonderful episode... I still cannot resist the temptation of posting silly comments and pictures. Especially if those include Delenn smiling.
So, what do we see?
We see an important reminder of mathematical realities. Where Rangers come from, three minus one equals one.
"I know, we got a petition."
"For or against?"
"Based on the sound, they think we are torturing you in here."
"...the war, the fall of Narn, our mistakes, and what must be done to correct them."
"This time, they are planning to keep it."
The conspiracy of light, preparing its next move.
A look into the mirror. Zack asking "but where does it stop"?
Lack of Ivanova does not shelter you from rational advise.
Delenn promising to catch John if he falls.
Proper meditation?
Delenn listening to a story.
Such a cutie.
This is *definitely* a love story.
Run for cover -- Marcus tries to cheer up Ivanova.
The mistake is made. The outpost on Ganymede quickly becomes ashes.
Fight or flight? How many Earth ships would a Shadow vessel destroy?
Fight and flight... just fell into the same package.
Minbari navigators already fly at full throttle.
Return fire? Sheridan is having trouble with abandoning everything.
Delenn orders an atmospheric jump.
Zack treads a minefield.
Structure of the universe, relative to Susan Ivanova.
No good deed goes unpunished. Clark has received an excuse to declare martial law.
I could possibly change my opinion later...
...but currently, it seems that "Messages from Earth" is my favourite episode in Season 3, and possibly all of B5. After first watching it, I clearly recall wondering to myself "was that really 45 minutes"?
The storyline contained so much... that most TV shows could have *never* fit everything into a single episode, maintaining an unrelenting sense of movement (events spinning out of control) yet never becoming too quick.
Despite full awareness that you probably know this wonderful episode... I still cannot resist the temptation of posting silly comments and pictures. Especially if those include Delenn smiling.
So, what do we see?
We see an important reminder of mathematical realities. Where Rangers come from, three minus one equals one.

"I know, we got a petition."
"For or against?"
"Based on the sound, they think we are torturing you in here."

"...the war, the fall of Narn, our mistakes, and what must be done to correct them."

"This time, they are planning to keep it."

The conspiracy of light, preparing its next move.

A look into the mirror. Zack asking "but where does it stop"?

Lack of Ivanova does not shelter you from rational advise.

Delenn promising to catch John if he falls.

Proper meditation?

Delenn listening to a story.

Such a cutie.

This is *definitely* a love story.

Run for cover -- Marcus tries to cheer up Ivanova.

The mistake is made. The outpost on Ganymede quickly becomes ashes.

Fight or flight? How many Earth ships would a Shadow vessel destroy?

Fight and flight... just fell into the same package.

Minbari navigators already fly at full throttle.

Return fire? Sheridan is having trouble with abandoning everything.

Delenn orders an atmospheric jump.

Zack treads a minefield.

Structure of the universe, relative to Susan Ivanova.

No good deed goes unpunished. Clark has received an excuse to declare martial law.