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Middle of January my a$$

"if it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Amen to that.

Maybe "owes" is a little harsh, but I think the fans deserve to the originals on DVD. I know the final say belongs to GL, but he should still consider the wants of his fans. And the fans want the originals damn it! :p
Maybe "owes" is a little harsh, but I think the fans deserve to the originals on DVD. I know the final say belongs to GL, but he should still consider the wants of his fans. And the fans want the originals damn it! :p
this is just a scheme. After he gives you the "Director's Cut" on DVD, GL will make you pay again to get the "Well Cut" version. Sorta like what happened with the LOTR DVDs but in reverse. :D
No problem here. I won't buy the SW SE versions on DVD. If the original versions ever come out, I'll probably buy ANH, anyway. :rolleyes:
Hmmm, this thread started out on a completely differant topic, what happened? I guess I shouldn't have used the 'star wars', 'DVD' and 'original editions' words in one sentence.

For some reason, they tend to tick people more off than does a naked breast at the superbowl (which also isn't that big a deal anyway, Americans are strange )
Hmmm, this thread started out on a completely differant topic, what happened?

That's 'cause there's not much to say in the original topic, other than whine about when we'll get news on the new b5 project. :p
I think we are going to be here a while yet, guys... :(
Anyone got anything they want to get off their chest whilst we are here ??
(NB, in the non-undressing sense, of course!)

Oh dear, i'm resorting to sub carry on inuendo.
Initially he said middle to late January for an announcement. Then a "few more weeks." Its the freakin middle of MARCH and we haven't heard JACK! Anyone else getting bent?


I've gotten to the point where I just don't care anymore. I'm eagerly awaiting the U.S.A. Showtime remake of "A Lion in Winter" far more than whatever JMS announces.

I think JMS overplayed his hand a bit on this one. You can't keep fans chomping at the bit for too long. Although I admit, that could just be me.

I'm more than certain when the announcement does come out (if it ever does) I'll hear about it somehow. :LOL:
I think JMS overplayed his hand a bit on this one. You can't keep fans chomping at the bit for too long. Although I admit, that could just be me.
I think JMS has done exactly what he has always done: tell the fans as much as he can, when he can. He doesn't control the timing of the release, and so cannot "overplay his hand" by keeping "fans chomping at the bit for too long." He tells us what he can, when he can, and if the delays are long between announcements he expects us to understand. If he really felt that it hurt his standing with the fans for these kinds of things to happen, he would of course just keep his mouth shut until an official announcement is made.

We live for the eep, we die for the eep.
Anyone got anything they want to get off their chest whilst we are here ??
(NB, in the non-undressing sense, of course!

Quiet! There are girls in this thread dammit!

Aah, look at Kaleb going on all gentleman like. :p

Sorry there ma'am, couldnt let these buccos boss you around like that. Now you just feel free to do whatever you want. Hell you can get things ON your chest if you like. And Im gonna quit the innuendo before I get this thread nc-17ed.
Initially he said middle to late January for an announcement. Then a "few more weeks." Its the freakin middle of MARCH and we haven't heard JACK! Anyone else getting bent?


I've gotten to the point where I just don't care anymore.

And now it's the frickin' middle of May. :mad: :rolleyes: Warner Brothers moves at 1/100th of a glacier's pace.

Bent? I'm already a pretzel. :rolleyes:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jms at B5"
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 9:01 PM
Subject: quick note


> Oh...and starting around the Ides of May, look to the wrong side of the river
> for word from Harry, Jack and Albert.
> Not that I'm enjoying this, of course....
> jms
> (jmsatb5@aol.com)
> (all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
> permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
> and don't send me story ideas)
Typical. But on the upside, he has kept the B5 community interested that something is going on since December, instead of there being total silence and people dropping out of interest in the whole B5 universe.
But on the upside, he has kept the B5 community interested that something is going on since December, instead of there being total silence and people dropping out of interest in the whole B5 universe.

With the upcoming seasons four (outside r1), five, Crusade and the TV-movies on DVD, people 'dropping out of interest in the whole B5 universe' seems very unlikely right now.

You gotta like JMS for keeping the fans 'in the know', but he probably shouldn't have said anything if the new project wasn't greenlighted yet. People undoubtedly are getting ticked off by this, which by the way is a bit rash if you ask me.
You gotta like JMS for keeping the fans 'in the know', but he probably shouldn't have said anything if the new project wasn't greenlighted yet. People undoubtedly are getting ticked off by this, which by the way is a bit rash if you ask me.

Oh, it's greenlighted. The contracts are all signed, sealed and delivered. The first draft was handed in, notes received and revisions made and (by now) handed in.

What hasn't happened was a public announcement or press release. *That's* why JMS can't tell any details, not even a title.

I think JMS overplayed his hand a bit on this one. You can't keep fans chomping at the bit for too long. Although I admit, that could just be me.
I think JMS has done exactly what he has always done: tell the fans as much as he can, when he can. He doesn't control the timing of the release, and so cannot "overplay his hand" by keeping "fans chomping at the bit for too long." He tells us what he can, when he can, and if the delays are long between announcements he expects us to understand. If he really felt that it hurt his standing with the fans for these kinds of things to happen, he would of course just keep his mouth shut until an official announcement is made.

Then why the riddles? "look to the wrong side of the river for word from Harry, Jack and Albert."

Either he can tell us something or he cannot. There is no other reason for him to give us riddles other than his need to string us along.

I'm sick of this crap. :mad:

Then why the riddles? "look to the wrong side of the river for word from Harry, Jack and Albert."

Because all he really can say is "Warner Bros. should have an announcement sometime around May 15th" and that's pretty boring. JMS knows, from reading the newsgroup, what kind of frenzy of speculation he's touched off with his little hints. Being unable to say much more, he contributes to the game (as with "TMoS") People forget that JMS is a fan himself, and a part of him just likes to participate in the twisted little mind-games so typical of SF fandom.

Either he can tell us something or he cannot. There is no other reason for him to give us riddles other than his need to string us along.

There are lots of reasons for trying to have a little fun with what little information he can dole out. That you can only see one reason, and the most negative one, says a lot more about you than it does about him.

He has told us what he can tell us. (Warner Bros, May 15th) Why complain about the form he choses or the fact that we may have to exercise a grey cell or two to get to the simple answer?


Why complain about the form he choses or the fact that we may have to exercise a grey cell or two to get to the simple answer?

Because it's very in-crowd. You have to know the history of Warner Brothers to understand what the hell he is saying? :confused: :rolleyes:

I suppose it's just not something I'm used to. But, then again, B5 wasn't either. And I ended up rather pleased with that result. :D

I, for one, have shifted my manic focus elsewhere.

:devil: The Lion in Winter. :cool: :D

There are several science fiction projects that are also stirring up out there. I hope at least a couple of them end up being decent.

And Antony can laugh his ass off at me: I'm wondering when/if we on this side of the pond will ever get to see the 2005 Dr. Who. :mad:

Damn! I'm still waiting to see when/if "Blake's 7" will ever get to Region 1 DVD. *cries*

"I, Robot" makes me want to weep already.

I have heard Clarke's "Rama" might find its way to film (maybe the first 2 books combined?"
