</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
What will be revealed over the course of the series? All of it.
By the time the series has run its five-year course (Neilsen willing), there will only be ONE unanswered question left: "NOW what?"
Of course, at the time he
said that, production hadn't even started yet. Sinclair was still the main character for all five years, the Vorlons were probably still a society where people advanced through assassination, and the Minbari were still androgynous and highly emotional people who struggled to keep their passions under control.
Things change. The real world affected how the story was told in numerous ways. Two things that affected S5 were the expectation that there would be a theatrical film and that there would be
Crusade - both of which would deal with aspects of the Telepath War and its aftermath, so only the trigger for the crisis had to be shown in S5, not the event itself.
JMS's posts about which loose ends aren't really loose (we already
saw Londo and G'Kar's fate, what happens with David and his Keeper can be deduced from evidence that is presented in the series, etc.) can be found on
The Lurker's Guide "Sleeping in Light" page under "JMS Speaks" His parody of a letter from an angry fan to J.R.R. Tolkein is especially funny.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Why is that obscure?
OBVIOUSLY he is trying to gather opinions.
reason for gathering opinions was described as obscure. Nobody said that the
fact that he was gathering opinions was obscure.
Re: Claudia's acting.
I still don't understand why people universally attribute bad moment's in an otherwise decent performance
exclusively to the actor. There is also a director on the set, who is getting paid, in part, to make sure that the actor's performances bring out the best in the writer's script. And there are two executive producers looking over the
director's shoulder. It
may be that Claudia just couldn't nail that moment and they didn't have time to keep reshooting it to get it right. Or it may be that the director kept
asking her to make it "bigger" against her own instincts and got
exactly what he/she wanted on film.