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Mira To Be On 'LOST'


Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

Mira will be playing Danielle Rouseau, episode "Solitary" (#1.11),either airing November 10th or the 17th. If you watch the show.... she will be playing the mysterious French woman whose voice was on the tape. :cool:

[UPDATE] Just found out.. indirectly, but from Mira, the role is not a one shot deal. Wooo Hooo!!
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

Thanks for telling. :)

I will definitely keep that in mind... and should a recording or broadcast of that show happen to reach where I live... I will definitely watch.
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

My mother likes that show, but I haven't seen much of it. If I'm home when it's on, I'll have to check it out. ;)
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

Awesome! Was that her voice on the tape or will she be picking it up when she first appears?

Don't think so... but I am sure we'll be asking her that, at Chiller at the end of the month. ;)
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

How totally cool. And, it's not a one-shot? I thought we were actually going to be running into the French Woman the week after they heard the transmission.

So, if it's not a one-shot, that means the French Woman is most likely alive, and we will be learning what she knows about her 16 years on the island?
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

Bumping this thread to remind any who might see it that have forgotten that Mira's going to be on tonight's episode of Lost.
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

Well, what'd you guys think? As soon as I heard her voice when you couldn't see her face it brought a refreshing feeling to mind.

Although from the ending, it doesn't appear that she'll be a regular on the show by any means. Thoughts?
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

I don't think it was ever intended for Danielle to be a regular character, but to be a reoccurring character (no clue as to the extend of how many times reoccuring though).

As for Mira's performance as Danielle, I thought it was lovely (more information on my thoughts on the episode to be found in the episode thread in the tv and film forum). It's definitely great to see Mira on tv again. :D
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

This was actually the only time I've ever seen Mira outside of Babylon 5. I'm sure we'll be seeing her again at some point in the future.
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

This was actually the only time I've ever seen Mira outside of Babylon 5.

Same here. Because of that, it was a little hard to get used to. For the first few minutes it felt like Ambassador Delenn had crashlanded on the island. ;)
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

It may be repeated this weekend, most weekends it has been, with the exception being last weekend.
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

If I understood correctly, she said that she is at least slated to do 3 Eps. Whether she becomes a more regular re-occuring character---- one can only hope! ;)
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

I don't usually watch that show, but I watched the scenes with Mira in them last night just to see her in something outside of B5. :)
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

I don't usually watch that show, but I watched the scenes with Mira in them last night just to see her in something outside of B5. :)

Whay cha think of the crazy French woman???
Re: Mira To Be On \'LOST\'

She was definitely a departure from the Delenn that we all know and love on B5. (Well, everyone except Kribu. She hates Delenn. :LOL: )

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