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Most TV I ever watched in one day...

Wouldn't that mean nothing but that collection would arrive until I was finished with it?

That I am not willing to do.

Or do you mean search "Criterion Collection" and one by one pick what I want to try?

(Thanks, because I have liked what I've seen of foreign films, mostly, I have found some kind of boring, too. Or just too weird. :confused:)
Yes, I mean adding them to your queue one by one. It's not like one box set or anything. I'm just saying it's a good starting point: lots of Fellini, Bergman, Kurusawa, Godard, Bunuel, etc.

And when you do order a box set, like Farscape, they just send you the discs one by one, treated like they're seperate. It's just easier to put all of them on the queue by hitting "Rent All" instead of on each of the discs, which would have the same effect.
I think the most TV I ever watched in one day was either a Star Wars marathon or a V mini series marathon.

Then there was that time I pulled an all nighter when I had lots of collating to do and put season 4 on to keep me going.
You know, I was thinking of getting into Stargate. I love the movie, and I'll be finishing Farscape soon. I like having serial story on DVD come in the mail through Netflix. I'll probably get Band of Brothers next, but after, I may look at Stargate.

Stargate is a good show, and I had the same feeling, loved the movie wanted to see the show. I got season 1 and 2, like them a lot, but I was frustrated that there was not a lot of arc and way to many lose ends that were never tied up. Maybe someone who's watched more of it can say if it continued that way. Now I just catch it on TV when I can.

Worth watching, but not exactly a serial.
Yes, I mean adding them to your queue one by one. It's not like one box set or anything. I'm just saying it's a good starting point: lots of Fellini, Bergman, Kurusawa, Godard, Bunuel, etc.

And when you do order a box set, like Farscape, they just send you the discs one by one, treated like they're seperate. It's just easier to put all of them on the queue by hitting "Rent All" instead of on each of the discs, which would have the same effect.
Now, I didn't know that. I thought if I ordered the series they'd send it all at once and I'd not get anything else until I had time to finish it. Thanks for explaining that for me.

I do like how you can adjust the ordre of your queue, too. Order something now, who cares if there are 23 things already? Just change the priority. :D :cool:
Have you ever seen Animaniacs? It was a WB daily cartoon on TV like 10-15 years ago, very good. Same spirit as Looney Tunes but of course modern. Subversive and topical but with music and very kid-friendly.

My favorite line from Animaniacs:

Yacko: "That tooth has to come out. First we need a little Anastasia."
*Little blond girl hits Rasputin with a large hammer*
Dot(to the camera): "Its an obscure joke. Ask your parents."

Animaniacs was awesome, though the only two decent segments in it were the Yakko, Wakko and Dot bits and Pinky and the Brain. You have to admire the pure songwriting genius behind it.
I do like how you can adjust the ordre of your queue, too. Order something now, who cares if there are 23 things already? Just change the priority.

Do you know how long I had Netflix before I noticed you could do that? :LOL:

Got an email yesterday saying that in June the price is going up.
Animaniacs was awesome, though the only two decent segments in it were the Yakko, Wakko and Dot bits and Pinky and the Brain. You have to admire the pure songwriting genius behind it.

I still love "I am the very model of a Cartoon Individual".
I once calculated that I have enough animation, on tape and LD, to watch for a week straight, with no sleep. I have all pre 1948 color Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, some of the black and whites, all of the original B&W Fleischer Brothers Popeyes, all existing Betty Boops, some silent era B&W Koko the Klown and Felix the Cat, a multi-volume collection of Van Buren Studios stuff, all Tex Avery cartoons from his stint at MGM, almost all Rocky and Bullwinkle, all the original Ren and Stimpy, and a lot of avant garde and international animation. My all-time favorite cartoon short is Betty Boop's Snow White, which includes Cab Calloway singing "Saint James Infirmary Blues." My Warner Bros. favorites are anything by Tex Avery, like "Detouring America" for example. I think my favorite non-Tex WB cartoon is "Porky In Wackyland", which looks, in part, like it was done by Salvador Dali.

I think that the longest TV marathon I have done is about 20 hours, on Turner Classic Movies, film noirs, and old serials. The most B5's I've watched back to back is eight. If I succeed in refinancing my house, and get a new DLP HDTV, I'll shoot for a five one-complete-season marathons. I have a couple of friends who would be into it. :D
I do like how you can adjust the ordre of your queue, too. Order something now, who cares if there are 23 things already? Just change the priority.

Do you know how long I had Netflix before I noticed you could do that? :LOL:

Got an email yesterday saying that in June the price is going up.

Yea, but it's still worth it, IMHO. The money I'll save just on gasoline to drive to the rental store will make the increaase insignificant to me.

The main thing for me is choice. For a nowhere-Arizona little town we have a couple of good dvd rental places, but they just can't compete with the selection Netflix has. I look forward to episode 1 of " 'Allo, 'Allo" later today. :cool:

And I think I would probably have cancelled Netflix if I couldn't rearrange the order in my queue. You just don't 'poke around' enough. :D
I hear ya. I live in a small town with one video rental place; and good luck ever finding a new movie in on the weekends. I do the 3 movies at one time program and that works very well for me. In the long run it is much cheaper to pay Netflix then to rent all the individual movies themselves. What I also like is that Netflix has a facility about 40 miles from where I live. So if I mail out a movie on Monday, they recieve and send out my next one on Tuesday and by Wednesday I have a new movie. :D

Plus you can't rent some of the more obscure, independent movies from most retail chains and not many places rent discs of television shows.
Netflix. *mutters*

I remember following an advert of theirs once, and joining up. After you join, you find out it's US only.

The troubles I had to get removed from their database... geeze...
It's not just your location- I live in New York, where art and culture are more available than most. Still, it's mostly Blockbuster for us, and they don't have stuff like M Hulot's Holiday (my most recent Netflix viewing).

Yeah, definitely worth it.

I know there is a Netflix type service in the UK- different company, I believe.