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"Mystery object" mentioned in Movie DVD Commentary

Re: \"Mystery object\" mentioned in Movie DVD Commen

i'll have to look into that a bit. do you know the first name of these bear burge? apparantly he doesnt ever take a screen credit for anything he does because the only burge to ever work on any sci fi type movies was len burge who worked on terminator 2 and jurassic park. the overthruster is also smaller than a pop can so the clues giving in the audio commentary are wrong as well if this is what they meant. i watched first contact on wednesday but i missed the overthruster, i'll have to watch the part when they launch the phoenix again tonight. i think that was the overthruster in the scene of babylon 5 becasue we did comment on that when it first was shown, i had forgotten that tho.
:D Great stuff. Keep it up, please!
Re: \"Mystery object\" mentioned in Movie DVD Commen

kind of dissapointing that that is the object. i rewatched that scene in first contact and i can see the overthruster there but if you didnt know to look for it you would never notice it. it is mounted on the back wall right in the middle and always shown from the long shot, never in a closeup. it is also mounted backwards so you just have to go by the fact that it is the same size and general shape of the overthruster to know that it probably is. i went back through escape from LA and couldnt find the prop anywhere. i still have to get my copy of total recall back so i can check out that movie. i also have most of the episodes of space rangers on tape, i'll check through those one of these nights.
Re: \"Mystery object\" mentioned in Movie DVD Commen

So this object that was referred to in the commentary *IS* the overthruster from Buckaroo Bonazi? The thing that was also the flux-capacitor in Back to the Future?
Re: \"Mystery object\" mentioned in Movie DVD Commen

from the list that was given, it does show up in a lot of the places that were refered to such as star trek and babylon 5 as for the flux capacitor, no that is not the same prop. i cant remember if it was on the commentary for back to the future or in an interview i saw but the flux capacitor was designed to look similar to the overthruster control mechanism as an homage to buckaroo banzai. i'm still holding out a little hope that there is something else that has shown up in these movies but it may be that it is the overthruster that was refered to in the babylon 5 commentary. if i see it in total recall that will pretty much clinch it but if i dont see it there, i'll go ahead and buy the 1980 version of life pod which was dragon dronet's first film he worked on and see if there is a prop from there that appears in these other films.

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