Ranger Shoshanah
Good grief, Charley Brown--can anyone say Seven of Nine #2, X-Marks-the-Spot Edition? And please, let's not tar Jadzia Dax with the same brush--you didn't see *her* tiptoing along the DS9 walkways in 4-inch heels! (On the other hand, it was too bad that some wise guy decided to tighten Kira's uniform partway through the series.) I've always said that one of my favorite reasons for watching B5 was oxfords--Ivanava, and later, Lochley, actually dressed like military officers, right down to the lace-up flat-heeled oxford shoes. Neither of them would have had the slightest problem making a beeline for the nearest Starfury. Can you imagine Seven trying to get to an escape pod in those spikey things?
She would have gone done with the ship! Well, what do you expect from a Roddenberry show? Every Roddenberry show has a designated sex object.