Leto II
From: jmsatb5@aol.com (jms at b5)
Subject: from jms 8/23/04
To: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
Date: 8/23/2004 7:06:26 PM
Just some quick, minor updates....
In the comics world...Supreme Power 12 came out last week, and the next Amazing Spider-Man comes out this week, and I'm very happy with how both of them came out. It's a good time to jump on board.
I was recently in NYC for a big retreat/conference with Marvel about upcoming projects, and while there are several I can't talk about yet, one thing I can mention is that I'll be doing a Silver Surfer miniseries that should shake people up a bit.
There's also going to be something very weird and funny coming from Marvel soon, which will give them cause to never, ever invite me to one of these things ever again.
Also, the first of the last three Rising Stars issues comes out next month as well as the co-written first issue of the Doctor Strange miniseries.
On the TV front, I have final confirmation that the last batch of Jeremiah episodes will be airing on the regular Showtime channels starting September 3rd. The episodes are:
Sept 3: Crossing Jordan and Running On Empty
Sept 10:: The Question and The Past Is Prologue
Sept 17: The Face In The Mirror and State Of The Union
Sept 24: Interregnum (Parts 1 and 2)
All of them are really strong episodes, and I'm glad to see them finally being aired.
Pending contractual negotiations and formal pickup by the networks involved, I've been offered two different series, so we'll see which goes first. They could both be very cool to work on, but one of them could be insanely successful. I should know more about this situation in late October. (Neither is Trek-related, just to nip any potential rumors in the bud.)
Starting sometime in October, in an unrelated project, our friends in Britain can expect to see me hanging about on-and-off in the general vicinity of London. Just, y'know, workin', doin' stuff.
I've also tentatively agreed (pending working out some details) to appear at FedCon in Bonn, Germany in May of next year. In an unrelated story, my radio series, The City of Dreams, will also apparently be airing soon on German radio. For those of you who can speak the langauge, you can get more information at http://www.sf-radio.net/radio/spezial/
The next of my novels to be reprinted from ibooks/Simon and Schuster is Tribulations, due out in December, which can be pre-ordered at Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0743497856/qid=1093312226/s
Volume 2 of the Supreme Power collection, also due out in December, can be pre-ordered at
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0785114564/qid=1093312293/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/103-9872970-82478 01?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
Buddy the Miracle Cat (or Buddy TMC as he is known to his hip-hop friends) celebrated his first re-birthday last month, and has decided that he wants to be a shark instead of a cat. There's clear plastic covering one of the floors while work is being done, and he loves nothing more than to get under the plastic (lots of holes for air, don't worry) and circle around me like a shark, over and over. It's all he wants to do anymore.
Oh, and in the next week or so I should be turning in the next-to-final draft of the TMoS screenplay.
(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)
Subject: from jms 8/23/04
To: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
Date: 8/23/2004 7:06:26 PM
Just some quick, minor updates....
In the comics world...Supreme Power 12 came out last week, and the next Amazing Spider-Man comes out this week, and I'm very happy with how both of them came out. It's a good time to jump on board.
I was recently in NYC for a big retreat/conference with Marvel about upcoming projects, and while there are several I can't talk about yet, one thing I can mention is that I'll be doing a Silver Surfer miniseries that should shake people up a bit.
There's also going to be something very weird and funny coming from Marvel soon, which will give them cause to never, ever invite me to one of these things ever again.
Also, the first of the last three Rising Stars issues comes out next month as well as the co-written first issue of the Doctor Strange miniseries.
On the TV front, I have final confirmation that the last batch of Jeremiah episodes will be airing on the regular Showtime channels starting September 3rd. The episodes are:
Sept 3: Crossing Jordan and Running On Empty
Sept 10:: The Question and The Past Is Prologue
Sept 17: The Face In The Mirror and State Of The Union
Sept 24: Interregnum (Parts 1 and 2)
All of them are really strong episodes, and I'm glad to see them finally being aired.
Pending contractual negotiations and formal pickup by the networks involved, I've been offered two different series, so we'll see which goes first. They could both be very cool to work on, but one of them could be insanely successful. I should know more about this situation in late October. (Neither is Trek-related, just to nip any potential rumors in the bud.)
Starting sometime in October, in an unrelated project, our friends in Britain can expect to see me hanging about on-and-off in the general vicinity of London. Just, y'know, workin', doin' stuff.
I've also tentatively agreed (pending working out some details) to appear at FedCon in Bonn, Germany in May of next year. In an unrelated story, my radio series, The City of Dreams, will also apparently be airing soon on German radio. For those of you who can speak the langauge, you can get more information at http://www.sf-radio.net/radio/spezial/
The next of my novels to be reprinted from ibooks/Simon and Schuster is Tribulations, due out in December, which can be pre-ordered at Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0743497856/qid=1093312226/s
Volume 2 of the Supreme Power collection, also due out in December, can be pre-ordered at
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0785114564/qid=1093312293/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/103-9872970-82478 01?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
Buddy the Miracle Cat (or Buddy TMC as he is known to his hip-hop friends) celebrated his first re-birthday last month, and has decided that he wants to be a shark instead of a cat. There's clear plastic covering one of the floors while work is being done, and he loves nothing more than to get under the plastic (lots of holes for air, don't worry) and circle around me like a shark, over and over. It's all he wants to do anymore.
Oh, and in the next week or so I should be turning in the next-to-final draft of the TMoS screenplay.
(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)