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New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted??


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Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted

As well as the (was it second season?) episode that looked very much like it was inspired by the Palestinian/Israelian struggle.
Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted

In DS9, the Cardassian/Bajoran occupation/conflict was in my mind certainly based on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.
Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted

I dont know why the studios are obsessed with doing prequels. I think they should just let it go for awhile, let the fans get over their disappointment with Enterprise before trying to give them something "new".

There are many books in the Star Trek universe that deal in the "prequel" idea. I think for now if I want any Trek I'll just watch reruns of DS9 or read a few of the books. I for one am not ready to be disappointed again with a new film.
Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted

The original introduction of the Bajorans on STNG was clearly based on the Israel/Palestine conflict. I thought the connections in DS9 were rather weak.
Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted

Chances are nill that this will actually get made. Berman and some non-Trek (no real impressive career having) producers came together to try to put this one up to save Berman's Trek career.

Paramount has clearly stated that it's not interested in anything Trek for a few years, TV or film. This is Berman's last ditch effort to save his hide.

Paramount knows that Berman is most of the Trek problem, so they're not about to give him money for another Trek film, especially after the horrendous showings and reviews for the last two.

Berman's days are over. If and when there's another Trek film, it will not have Berman involved, nor will any future Trek series.

Think of TMoS when thinking of this film. Some producers want to try to get it made, they commission a script and Paramount has to sign off on it. They're not going to sign off on it, especially with the universally reviled Berman involved.

Nope...this has been running the mill for some time and hasn't gone anywhere. Paramount not only isn't going to give Berman any more money, but they're not about to hand a multi-million dollar film over to the likes of the producers he has tied to it. Their respective bodies of work (all in old, bad TV or b-style knock-off films) are not exactly impressive.

Not to mention he has McCarthy listed as one of the composers and Kiner, who's not so impressive either.

The people Berman has pulled into this are about as exciting as a card-board box with nothing inside, much like their heads. Once more, Berman has pulled together mediocre talents to try to make more mediocre Trek. NO THANKS!

If my some miracle this does get made, I'll be writing Paramount to tell them what idiots they are and that they and Trek aren't getting another dime from me until that moron is no longer in control of anything Trek. Berman must go!

Expect this to go absolutely nowhere.

Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted

Oh, I got the impression this was another new attempt, not the one that was floating around when Enterprise was winding down.
Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted

Oh, I got the impression this was another new attempt, not the one that was floating around when Enterprise was winding down.

Why do you say that? It sounds like the same idea to me.
Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted

Oh, I got the impression this was another new attempt, not the one that was floating around when Enterprise was winding down.

Why do you say that? It sounds like the same idea to me.

Nope, same one. I'm sure the interview with EJ was to try to drum up fan support so Paramount would be more inclined to greenlight it. Talk had died down. Weak attempt and ultimately, one can hope, a futile one.

Trek needs to be dormant for a number of years and come back under completely new and hopefully visionary management.

Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted

Oh, I got the impression this was another new attempt, not the one that was floating around when Enterprise was winding down.

Why do you say that? It sounds like the same idea to me.

I didn't see any details on Berman's prior attempt to go again, and SciFi wire put this up the same day I posted it, so I ASSUMED it wasn't old news. And apparently the axiom about assuming is still true, LOL.
Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted

Oh, I got the impression this was another new attempt, not the one that was floating around when Enterprise was winding down.

Why do you say that? It sounds like the same idea to me.

I didn't see any details on Berman's prior attempt to go again, and SciFi wire put this up the same day I posted it, so I ASSUMED it wasn't old news. And apparently the axiom about assuming is still true, LOL.

Yep, this one's been listed at IMdB since ENT. died. Same tired project from the same tired Berman. Ick. :eek:

Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted

The people Berman has pulled into this are about as exciting as a card-board box with nothing inside

Not a good analogy, CE. Have you never seen a cat with an empty cardboard box? ;)
Re: New Prequel Trek Movie idea has been submitted

Speaking of cats, crofootski, your current avatar is cute. :D

And yeah, my mom's kitty Rosie Cotton LOVES LOVES LOVES empty cardboard boxes.

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