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New respect for Season 1.

It's kinda like crusade, it appears to run it's course like any other sci-fi series. One vague under lying story with a lot of little individual stories making up the various episodes. What I didn't realize is that in B5 season one a vaste ground work was being laid down, character developement etc,etc.
Unfortunately Crusade was never given the opportunity to develope it's full potential!
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by superbob:
<font color=yellow>Unfortunately Crusade was never given the opportunity to develope it's full potential!</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

I seem to be one of the few who wanted Crusade to be such a great follow-up to B5 but who was greatly disappointed! by the series. I think just one - 1 - of the Crusade episodes gave me thrills , and though I found some episodes and characters interesting I couldn`t shake the feeling that this was sooo much poorer sci fi than B5 *sigh* Yes , it had some potential - but I think it could and should have been made a lot better ... I will stick to B5 , which was a quality series ( and Farscape which btw I believe is many times better than Crusade /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif )

PS. I know I am repeating myself here , but taste is individual and each to his or her own taste /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
I hear what you're saying but consider this. Would you have said that B5 would develope into one of best sci-fi storylines ever based on the first series? when you get down to it, the first series didn't quite do itself justice, however when you look back at the following 4 seasons and can now fully appreciate the scope of B5. It kinda makes one reconsider the first series.
I viewed B5 S1 much the same way you view crusade but taken as a whole well it's not even open for debate. B5 rules supreme.
Iguess it does boil down to individual taste but Crusade should have been given the chance to go further and in so doing give us the oppurtunity to make an educated decision whether we liked it or not.
Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever know.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by superbob:
<font color=yellow>I guess it does boil down to individual taste but Crusade should have been given the chance to go further and in so doing give us the oppurtunity to make an educated decision whether we liked it or not.
Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever know.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

You are right in that the series should have been given a chance to grow and develope *nods*. It was never really given the chance to achieve greatness ..

As to B5 , I agree - it rocks! /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif
They would have had tons of material to work with. That box that gideon had. Also the technomages could have learned more about them. Max had a history to learn about. Oh yeah and the plague they had to find a cure for. Could have led into the telepath war as well. First season just brought up a bunch of things that later could be dealt with. I too didn't like it that much maybe cause i saw the tnt eps and not the jms eps.
I don't remember a whole lot from Crusade, but I remember I liked it. It was different, it wasn't Babylon 5, but that's how it should be. It was different, but it was still in the B5 universe and felt enough lik e B5 while still maintaing a unique identity. I would have loved to see it go on and get the whole arc. Damn you TNT! Not only did they cancel the series, but as someone earler mentioned, they meddled with it a lot.
It's a wonder that someone hasn't gone on a shooting rampage in the TNT offices. If I wasn't such a damn lousy shot I'd go and let my piece do my talking (struts off feeling irate, bashes innocent daisy bush)
Re: I agree with you ..

Sorry for bringing this old threat up again but I couldn't resist it.
Was this girl one of the alien ambassadors? If yes, then you're referring to 'The War Prayer ' , Sinclair had to kill her to prove his loyaltie to a Homeguard-group but he managed to save her.
Sinclair didn't hit anyone in TKO, the story focussed on Ivanova/Rabbi Koslov and Garibaldi/Walker Smith if I remember correctly


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