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New Serenity Trailer...

Serenity comes out tomorrow. Fortunately my schedule allows me to go opening night!

I already stumbled upon major spoilers on the 'net. If anyone wants 'em, PM me.
Without spoiler Darth, is it better than the series? I've enjoyed the series enough, but, haven't become as "GA-GA" over it as Koshfan and some others have.
Good review Darth, glad you liked it as a sceptic. :)

Just three incredibly minor things though:

1) It's "Whedon" not "Whelon" or "Wheldon"
2) It's "Reavers" not "Reapers"
3) Shepherd is his title, not his name. His name's Book, so Shepherd Book is the equivalent of "Father Ted" to give a contemporary reference.

But good stuff though! :)

No worries dude! :)

As I said though, it was good to know that the movie appeals to those who haven't fallen under the Cult Of Whedon, as well as Fanboi's like me. :)
