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Newbie here. Hi.

It's a shame, I now have all B5 on DVD - but my VHS's are just sitting around gathering dust. I don't really want to get rid of them, and they'd fetch next to nothing on eBay - such a shame considering the time and money I've spent over the years collecting all of them...

A couple of people I know donated their VHS tapes to local libraries. That'd be a nice way to possibly 'convert' more B5 fans.

Donating to a library is good but how about a charity shop? I would not have got S5 if someone had not donated them.
It's a shame, I now have all B5 on DVD - but my VHS's are just sitting around gathering dust. I don't really want to get rid of them, and they'd fetch next to nothing on eBay - such a shame considering the time and money I've spent over the years collecting all of them...

If your VHS B5's are taped from TV, I doubt that a library would accept them. The thrift shop, or a friend who might want to check them out might be better. If you have a DVD recorder, you might want to dub them all to DVD, so that you could check out the original, 4x3, version, if there is ever any question about things changed, or missing, from the originals to the WS DVDs. I've got all the originals on broadcast grade SVHS, and I'm saving them for just that reason.
Blimey! You are so organised. Good idea though. Something like that is bound to come up.
I am now at the beginning of S4. It is so gripping, I am not getting anything else done!
Good idea though. Something like that is bound to come up.

Already has. I remember issues on the R2 season 5 set where the begining of an episode was missing, and something in one of the season 1 sets regarding ratios or something. I'm sure somone can explain it better then me.

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