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Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Wow, I never knew that before. :D

"Passing Through Gethsemane" didn't even get mentioned. And you've passed it already, ilikemike.

It's an episode most either love or hate. It's my favorite episode of the series. :cool:

What were your thoughts?

I believe we covered Gethsemane, albeit briefly. Ilikemike is watching these things too fast and commenting too little. :LOL: The other day she says "I hope Steven is alright" and then never mentions his near-death stabbing. Details! Details! WE WAN'T IT ALL!
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

:LOL: She's certainly going through them fast, and saying little.

Perhaps when she's done we need to revive all of those EpsDis threads. :)
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Well now she knows why we all smiled when she asked what happened to Mr. Garibaldi since that showed up as an episode title :D

She is lucky though in not having to wait a week for each new episode. I remember what it was like watching the end of season 3 and then having to wait to find out what happened. I think they showed the first season 4 episode the very next week but a week can certainly last a long time :p
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Hi, there! Yes, it IS nice to watch it faster than once per week. I guess I don't comment as much because there's so very much to digest.

About "Gethsemane"...it was one of my favorite episodes. What a statement about capital punishment! Brad Dourif played such a great role. The entire idea of wiping one's mind instead of execution and using the reborn person for works of charity is mind-boggling. In this case, it didn't work as well as it should have, and the poor monk was tortured by his memories, even though they were instigated by the family of his victim. It showed that every system has flaws.

So Adam Nimoy directed that one, too! What a talented son of a very talented father.

As for my Garibaldi, I can't wait for him to reappear...he's got to! I like him too much to do without him. I even like his 'household god.' LOL.

Sheridan's got to return, too...or else the Rangers will find him on Z'ha'dum with Delenn leading them. I can't watch any more until tomorrow night.

I'll try to comment more on what I'm seeing. In fact, tomorrow night, before I watch another, I'll give my feeling about each character and where I think they're going. How's that?
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!


Ilikemike, just ignore us. :LOL:

Post whatever you want and ignore the grumblings of the old cranky ones. :p

But thanks for your impressions on my favorite episode. :D

Maybe being a cranky one pays off. :)
And it would be interesting to see your character summary up to this point. :beer:
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Cranky? speak for yourself, woman! :p

Ilikemike, I do agree with hypatia when she says to post what you want. It's more fun to see you post spontaneously than trying to post what you think we all want to hear. ;)
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Are you sure Sheridan will come back? After all, they did replace captains before...


I agree w/ Shabaz about when to watch In the Beginning. Makes for a much more pleasant and logical viewing experience.
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Sheridan's got to come back!!!! I like him. Of course, I liked Kosh, too; but a piece of him is in Sheridan. If Sheridan is gone, I lose both. Waaaahhhh!!!!

BTW, where can one post a poem? I wrote a poem that struck me about Londo...I don't know why, but it fit.
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Of course you can post a poem.

Poor old Sherridan eh.Well you're in for another little exciting run so strap yourself in :beer:
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

That was one of the wonderful things about this show. For all that you could convince yourself that of course Sheridan had to come back somehow (because there were supposed to be two more seasons and because there hadn't been any rumors about Boxleitner leaving as the 3rd season wound down) there was always the awareness in the back of your mind that JMS is a sick, twisted individual and that when you came right down to it, no one was safe. However unlikely it seemed, JMS must might kill Sheridan if only to confound expectations. He wrote the kind of cliff-hangers that really did leave you hanging because he'd demonstrated a willingness to do things that no other writer/producer would dare to do. :)


Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Okay...I'll just put it in here. Don't anyone laugh, please.

Londo Mollari's Lament

I laughed through the forests
I laughed in the valleys
I laughed on the moutaintops
I laughed on the plains

My laughter came back to me
In echoes of inanity
Of stupidity and pain
Of a ghoulish clown

I tried to push the sun
Into being
But shadows covered it
And it was no more

Laughter…hollow laughter
Mimicking truth
That is covered with lies
All is futility

The battle raged
Caught in the spider web
I cry out for escape
But there is none

Darkness now covers me
Like an ebony blanket
I have put it there
It is oddly comforting

Under the midnight cover
I don’t need to laugh
I don’t need to smile
I don’t need to be kind

I can be the joke
That is my self
I have prepared the way
And now I must dwell in it

September 12, 2006
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

So apt and well written.Londo is my favourite character,tragic but funny.I blame that G'Kar for pushing him ;)
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Very nice! It's got Londo written all over it! ;)
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Truth be told, many of us are jealous of you, ilikemike, because we all remember when we were watching these shows for the first time. I know I enjoy seeing you start to make the connections that were so fun for me to discover for hte first time.
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

"That's right, now you too can own The Collected Poems of Londo Mollari with an introduction by Vir Coto. Available now at Narns and Noble. This is a good thing, no?"


Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

To reiterate, some of us are extremely jealous of being able to know that we would be able to see the next show!!!! :devil:

I'd suggest lining up "To Dream in the City of Shadows" and the "Centari/fire trilogy for after the video. It will help with wthdraw symptoms. :beer:
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Gosh! I've never had anyone jealous of me before.

Well...I promised to tell you my feelings about the characters and where I think they might be going.

Sheridan - This strong and courageous man is walking around with Kosh in his head. He's in love with Delenn and his future showed him on Centauri Prime with Delenn and a son. Since dreams/visions on this show seem to come true, I can see this happening. Having said that, he might have changed things by going to Z'ha'dum. I suspect that he will somehow get off of Z'ha'dum and get back to B5...a very changed man.

Ivanova - The real mystery person for me. I really have few clues as to how she will end up. Since Sheridan and Delenn will be on Centauri Prime, will she be the captain of B5? I really don't know.

Garibaldi - Something bad is going to happen to him. Whoever captured and imprisoned him did so for a reason...and it ain't a good one. I fear a lot for him.

G'Kar - Now in prison on Centauri Prime, there can't be anything good coming out of this. Somewhere, if Londo's dream continues to be true, as well as Sheridan's vision in time, his eye gets injured. I think he will remain a prisoner until the end. How sad for this wonderful character!

Londo - The saddest of all (see the poem I wrote above)...his dream is totally coming true. All he ever wanted is for good things to happen for his people (his methods were pretty lousy). He made some terrible choices but now he has to live with the results...very tragic. He will die...killed by G'Kar, if this vision continues to be true. Londo will be emperor...but Vir is waiting in the wings.

Franklin - Now that he's found himself, like Ivanova, I wonder what will happen to him.

Delenn - will marry Sheridan...their love will bring a child. I believe she will suffer much before this happens.

I hope that the mad emperor of Centauri Prime is assassinated...and quickly...before any worse things happen. Perhaps this is where G'Kar's eye gets hurt.

There's my take on what's happening. Now...on to "The Summoning." BTW, I do NOT read the little blurb in the book...just the title. I like to be surprised.
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

I think Ilikemike is at least a P5.

Some of your observations are very good and some are off.
I ain't sayin' which. :devil:
Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY!

He wrote the kind of cliff-hangers that really did leave you hanging because he'd demonstrated a willingness to do things that no other writer/producer would dare to do.

As someone who's had to remove himself from 24 as of late, I've come to appreciate the difference between kind of twist and cliffhangers that make sense and are meaningful and that kind that are just supposed to "shock."

ilikemike, dig this for whatever it's worth: I, like most around here, have watched the entire Babylon 5 series like 80 gabillion times since I got into it years ago.
I'm not the type of person to endlessly re-watch things I like over and over. On top of that, my personal tastes in music, movies and TV have gotten more specific and I have less patience for a lot of things, and I've changed my mind about a lot of things I used to like and dislike.

But I'd re-watch B5 in a freakin' heartbeat.

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