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No Show. Why not books?

There is a reason why the attachment box's text says "no bigger than 30270 bytes, please). /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
What I want to know is why The Sci-Fi Channel didn't re-start Crusade AFTER they finally got the re-run rights. Why do they pick up the re-run rights to shows that were canceled in mid-stride (e.g. Crusade, Brimstone, etc.), with absolutely no intention of filming new episodes? Do they think that people like unfinished stories, bridges to nowhere???


1. Why not? If somebody is going to watch what you buy--getting ratings that you can sell to advertisers--what difference does it make if they continue it? Programming like this is purchased to fill time.

In order for them, to be interested in continuing a series like Crusade, there has to be someone at the other end at WB saying to them that *they* could pull it off.

I've never seen any indication from JMS that he was pushing to have Crusade continue. Subsequently, I doubt WB's representative is saying to Sci Fi, "Hey, we could continue Crusade if you are interested."

Continuing Crusade would create some logistical problems in gathering the cast, etc.

When given the opportunity to do another B5 project with SciFi, I got the impression from JMS's statements that they were mulling several ideas. We know now what they settled on?

To date, I've never seen JMS get asked the following:
1. JMS, when mulling various ideas for B5, specifically what ideas did you consider before you all settled on B5LR?
2. JMS, was continuing Crusade brought up by you or Warner Brothers as one of the ideas?
3. JMS, *if* it was brought up, why was it not chosen?

Constantly asking the question here doesn't get any answers. JMS has the answers. Why aren't you asking him?

(He's at Comic-con next week and I am attending, maybe I could get up the guts to at least ask question 1, but then you guys won't hear the answer unless you are there. I won't ask question 2 or 3 because to me it is obvious why Crusade wasn't considered. It just isn't obvious to some of you)
Back to the original books question...

As with TV shows, getting books published requires a publishing company to commission them.

I don't think any are.

I read once that Dell was a little bit disappointed with the sales of the B5 novels. I suspect this would lead to some skepticism on their part about the marketability of novels based on a more obscure 13-episode series.
I'm not sure why Sci-fi doesn't just make made-for-tv Crusade movie? It wouldn't have to be that huge a budget, Rangers obviously wasn't, and it would be rather simple to tell a good, self-contained story. This seems more logical to me than creating crap like Firestarter: Rekindled, and it could generate interest into starting the show up again.

Ugh, Firestarter. And Battlestar Gallactica take II. I really don't like what I'm seeing for the new and "improved" Sci-Fi.

And I thought they wanted to expand their appeal. Just whom are they trying to appeal to? It looks to me like more of the same old junkola.

I wonder if "Polaris" is a dead deal, as well. /forums/images/icons/frown.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Why do they pick up the re-run rights to shows that were canceled in mid-stride (e.g. Crusade, Brimstone, etc.), with absolutely no intention of filming new episodes?


As Savant said, to fill time. Because they know that short-lived cult shows like that have no other chance of being repeated, and that therefore they can attract new viewers to their network. It is hardly as if people are expecting Sci-Fi to remake all the other defunct shows that they air. Where is the outrage that they bought the reruns to Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea when they clearly had no intention of remaking or continuing it? The fact is that people with an emotional attachment to a show tend to view any development involving it as being tatamount to a revival, and then irrationally blame people who may never have given the revival idea a second thought for not bringing the show back.


As I recall (and I'd have to do a little digging to find an exact quote) JMS has vaguely indicated that he suggested a possible return of Crusade (in some form) as one of the things discussed with Sci-Fi. Early on, when fans raised the subject, he said that Sci-Fi wanted to see how B5 did on their air before thinking about Crusade at all. He later said that the decision to do Rangers came out of Sci-Fi's desire for a "B5 project" as a result of B5's ratings, and that they would consider Crusade as a separate entity based on its own ratings when Sci-Fi started rerunning it. He also mentioned continuing the Crusade saga within a Rangers series, if Crusade itself could not be brought back. (The last was in an interview carried by an SF/Comic Book website.)

So it seems likely that the idea was at least floated on a couple of occassions, and Sci-Fi may have turned it down in preference for something new in the B5 universe that explored one of the more interesting aspects of the show - the Rangers.


</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Kribu: </font color>
There is a reason why the attachment box's text says "no bigger than 30270 bytes, please).


You don't say! /forums/images/icons/devil.gif /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif /forums/images/icons/devil.gif /forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif

I said "I can't attach it because it's 406K of text. " Merely stating a fact.

Regarding my "Can you read a Word97 DOC file? If so I'll send it to you via PM." I should have said email.

Regarding my "I tried to post it but hit the 30 second UBB fatal error timeout." that meant posting the text inside the Post box (the place where I'm typing this message).

Instead, I'll upload it to my website when http://www.tripod.lycos.co.uk/ WebFTP upload starts working. (Right now, it isn't, naturally. /forums/images/icons/mad.gif )
Thank you. I don't know if I could read a word97 doc so perhaps I will just visit the link, easier that way. thanks.
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea is ancient, and would be a re-make not a re-start. I was talking about a re-start of Crusade, with the same cast & crew, if possible, and back when Sci-Fi first got the Crusade rights, not now. Crusade and Brimstone would be in the same boat, candidates for a re-start, not a re-make.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by SavantB5: </font color>
Why not? If somebody is going to watch what you buy--getting ratings that you can sell to advertisers--what difference does it make if they continue it? Programming like this is purchased to fill time.


That's a short sighted approach. It shows no creativity.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by SavantB5: </font color>
In order for them, to be interested in continuing a series like Crusade, there has to be someone at the other end at WB saying to them that *they* could pull it off.


Why? Can't Sci-Fi come up with any ideas on their own? [rhetorical /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif ]

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by SavantB5: </font color>
I've never seen any indication from JMS that he was pushing to have Crusade continue. Subsequently, I doubt WB's representative is saying to Sci Fi, "Hey, we could continue Crusade if you are interested."


You don't think this was mentioned when the subject of the rerun rights for Crusade were being discussed? JMS has said that he wants to do the Crusade story, and mentioned it's possible resolution in Rangers if Sci-Fi was against restarting Crusade.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by SavantB5: </font color>
Continuing Crusade would create some logistical problems in gathering the cast, etc.


Now, yes that is true, mostly because of Gary Cole's "Family Affair" for WB. I was talking about when Sci-Fi first got the rerun rights to Crusade. Then, not now.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by SavantB5: </font color>
When given the opportunity to do another B5 project with SciFi, I got the impression from JMS's statements that they were mulling several ideas. We know now what they settled on?


That Sci-Fi passed on Crusade, is unimaginable to me. It's right up there with the "I could have had a V8." maneuver [smacks head]. It's one of the all-time dumbest executive decisions I've ever seen.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by SavantB5: </font color>
To date, I've never seen JMS get asked the following:
1. JMS, when mulling various ideas for B5, specifically what ideas did you consider before you all settled on B5LR?
2. JMS, was continuing Crusade brought up by you or Warner Brothers as one of the ideas?


I'll ask JMS on rastb5m:

"JMS, was continuing Crusade brought up by you or Warner Brothers as one of the ideas, when talking to Sci-Fi about a B5 universe series for them to fund and air?"

I say it was, but I don't recall JMS specifically saying that a continuation of Crusade was pitched to Sci-Fi.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by SavantB5: </font color>
3. JMS, *if* it was brought up, why was it not chosen?


IIRC (can't find the message), they wanted their own series, not a continuation of somebody elses (which is a really idiotic reason). They should be producing what the customer wants. We are the customers. People don't like to be left hanging, with no resolution.

<font color="red"> I know it looks like I've answered my own question above. I just have not been able to find the proof (i.e. where JMS has said it). So I figured I'd ask. He probably won't answer, having answered it before. I did a bunch of searches in JMSNews, but nothing turned up. Does anybody know when Sci-Fi first got the rerun rights to Crusade month and year? It should be in JMS news right after that.</font color>

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by SavantB5: </font color>
Constantly asking the question here doesn't get any answers. JMS has the answers. Why aren't you asking him?


I will. He probably won't answer, but I'll ask.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by SavantB5: </font color>
(He's at Comic-con next week and I am attending, maybe I could get up the guts to at least ask question 1, but then you guys won't hear the answer unless you are there. I won't ask question 2 or 3 because to me it is obvious why Crusade wasn't considered. It just isn't obvious to some of you)


It's obvious to me that Crusade wasn't picked because the management at Sci-Fi couldn't find their ass with both hands. /forums/images/icons/mad.gif

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