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No Space TV Show After the End of BSG!

I have not thought of that movie or character for YEARS.

Thanks a LOT there, fisheggs. :klingon: Or, if you prefer: "Shut Up, Wesley".
I have not thought of that movie or character for YEARS.

Thanks a LOT there, fisheggs. :klingon: Or, if you prefer: "Shut Up, Wesley".

The comic was AWESOME!!!!!

The movie ... less so.:devil: If you'll notice, "Howard" has not been released on DVD, and (if Lucas can help it:devil:) will not be reseased on blu-ray:devil: I've heard Lucas is offering big bucks of any VHS copy so he can burn them.:devil:

Who (Character/Actor) said the third quote in your sig.:

"My momma didn't raise no fools: We raised ourselves!"

...and what was the movie title?

I know the first was Les Nessman in WKRP in Cincinnati, and the second was Cartagia/Wortham Krimmer in B5. If I had to guess, I'd say the third was George Clooney/Everett in "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" (2000), which I never saw.
Actually the first was Mr Carlson.;)

The last I "stole" from a friend, Bob Stuart. I think it might come from Steve Martin's "the Jerk', but wouldn't swear to it. The only line I remember from that movie was "I tried to give the cat a bath, but my tongue kept getting fur on it".
Actually the first was Mr Carlson.;)

Drat! Well, I was trying to remember from my only viewing of the episode, back when it first aired.

The last I "stole" from a friend, Bob Stuart. I think it might come from Steve Martin's "the Jerk', but wouldn't swear to it. The only line I remember from that movie was "I tried to give the cat a bath, but my tongue kept getting fur on it".

Could be Steve Martin. Ask Bob if you get a chance. I thought I heard Clooney say something like that in a trailer for the O Brother... movie. An IMDb quote search turned up nothing. Ditto for a Google search (which only turned up your sig. as an exact match of "momma didn't raise no fools: We raised ourselves"
That's actually very cool!!!:cool: We're both retired now so don't really have a good way to reach him. It could well be original. Maybe I should copywrite it.:devil:
I'm not quite sure about that, because I don't live in the US and I don't have the chance to watch all the new programmes on TV, but I think that after the end of BSG we won't have any real space Sci-Fi TV series anymore.I hope I'm wrong and some new cool show is going to be aired soon.

If there won't be anything new, the only option would be rewatcing old space shows such as "Firefly", "Farscape" and of course "B5" and "Crusade".

I've sworn that I would never watch the biggest rip-off in the history of television, called "Deep Space Nine". I've given it up after the first episode, when I heard the name Gul Dukat.

There's really not much left - "Andromeda" is dumb, so are "Voyager" and "TNG". I had some hopes for "Enterprise", but in vain.

Tell me there's something coming. :)

You've frogotten about Stargate Universe, tthat one is Space based. as for DS9 yeah I can see see a comparsion to B5 but never the less its a great show.

Andromeda got killed after season 2, when they restored the Commonwealth, the shows purpose evaporated. This hsow could have been up there with B5, Battlestar and DS9.
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as for DS9 yeah I can see see a comparsion to B5

That was because JMS shopped B5 to Paramount (discussed it with 'em, gave 'em the Series Treatment, etc.) before he went to Warner Brothers. Paramount says no, they're not interested and then comes out with DS9 before The Gathering can make it to air. ...but I'm sure all that was purely coincidence. :rolleyes: Yeah, right. <S>

but never the less its a great show.
DS9? :p I gave it a chance from the beginning, and for four years. Pretty much couldn't stand it. Went to Voyager (a "road show") but couldn't stand it, either. Then I discovered B5, and immediately liked it about 1000 times more than DS9 and 1,000,000 times more than Voyager.
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That was because JMS shopped B5 to Paramount (discussed it with 'em, gave 'em the Series Treatment, etc.) before he went to Warner Brothers. Paramount says no, they're not interested and then comes out with DS9 before The Gathering can make it to air. ...but I'm sure all that was purely coincidence. :rolleyes: Yeah, right.

That's exactly what I meant when I said rip-off.

Unfortunately writers in Hollywood are not very well protected from such things. Even if you patent your idea there will always be someone to change a few names and present it as an original idea. In this case they didn't even bother to change all the names (Gul Dukat).
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That's exactly what I meant when I said rip-off.

Unfortunately writers in Hollywood are not very well protected from such things. Even if you patent your idea there will always be someone to change a few names and present it as an original idea. In this case they didn't even bother to change all the names (Gul Dukat).

There was a "Gul Dukat" in B5???
That was because JMS shopped B5 to Paramount (discussed it with 'em, gave 'em the Series Treatment, etc.) before he went to Warner Brothers. Paramount says no, they're not interested and then comes out with DS9 before The Gathering can make it to air. ...but I'm sure all that was purely coincidence. :rolleyes: Yeah, right. <S>

DS9? :p I gave it a chance from the beginning, and for four years. Pretty much couldn't stand it. Went to Voyager (a "road show") but couldn't stand it, either. Then I discovered B5, and immediately liked it about 1000 times more than DS9 and 1,000,000 times more than Voyager.

I have heard that story about him shopping it to Paramount and i believe it. Still DS( is a favorite of mine.

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