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Non-Change in B5 Schedule



I was at SciFi.com and I noticed an announcement that Earth:Final Conflict was being moved to 2PM (ET). Curious to see if that meant B5 would be returning to 7PM, I went to the schedulebot and found that it wasn't.

They are putting another hour of Star Trek on at 7PM. B5 is staying at 5PM.
I don't usually have the time to watch B5 at 5 anymore. I'd have better luck watching it if they moved it back to 7 again. Oh well. I could always tape it though, just too cheap and lazy to go buy another blank tape. /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif
I would be SOOOO much happier if it was moved back to 7. If it was back at 7, I wouldn't be missing it three days a week, just two. As it is, I do not get to see it as much as I would like to. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif I already do have every ep on tape, so if I want to see one, I can always steal my parent's vcr and watch...I need my own VCR again!! I think something happened to it from my last B5 Marathon. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif
Not to be a radical, or anything, but don’t you think the Sci-Fi channel has a good reason to move the B5-repeated-into-eternity episodes to a different time? I would think it would be suicide for a station to do less.

Don’t throw things at me here: B5 is getting to be an old series. Oft repeated, too. The fact that it is still airing at all, and I don’t mean at 2am, is a good sign IMHO.
>Not to be a radical, or anything, but don’t you think the Sci-Fi channel has a good reason to move the B5-repeated-into-eternity episodes to a different time? I would think it would be suicide for a station to do less. <

That's not radical. I was just passing on what I observed because others might be interested.

B5's ratings had faded a 7PM. It wasn't a surprise that they moved it to 5PM. It' s a network's goal to put the strongest show they feel they have in each time period and 7PM is one of their most important time periods.

Given that Earth: Final Conflict apparently did even worse than B5 and has been moved, it was conceivable that B5 might have still been seen as the strongest candidate for the 7PM time period. But, that wasn't the decision they made. They are going with Star Trek.
That's true, SavantB5. And I wondered about that, too. Is it temporary, or is TOS of Star Trek really the strongest show they have for that time slot? I suspect they will do something different with the summer schedule, since they did last year.

This might just be a very temporary move while they consolidate and decide what their summer schedule should bring in.

I think it's great that they show B5 at all anymore. I have a feeling it might be Earth 2's last go-round for awhile. And I admit, I miss Alien Nation. I didn't catch Alien Nation when it was on originally until (literally) about a week before it's cancellation was announced.

That's old hypatia for you: he interest in a show is its kiss of death!

(No wonder B5 has had to struggle so with Crusade and now Rangers. It's the hypatia viewing curse!) /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif