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Non-spoiler question for the cast

Seaquest DSV! There is something I haven't thought about in years!

I really loved the first season... the second season I couldn't get into at all - what was the thing with the 'Day of the Trifids' ripoff!?

Australia didn't even get season 3 with the guy from 'V' as Captain.

Re the actors getting info on Minbari Culture for Rangers... that would be interesting to know.

About nine years ago I wrote and directed a stage play about Domestic Violence, which did incredibly well (to my surprise - considering the taboo in this country), I believe it did so well because of the exhaustive research and personal views from survivors that I drowned my actors in!

So, if any B5 Ranger comes to visit, that would be interesting to know - were you all crash coursed in Minbari Culture and their personal view of the Universe?

"Officially, I'm a P5. Unofficially, my range is more... much more."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Yes, that's it. I honestly don't remember WHAT his music sounds like. It was a long long time ago I even heard about him <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Have you ever watched Disney's Fantasia? The segment with the dinosaurs is set to Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring," which was supposed to be a ballet about primitive people. When he first performed it in Paris, he was chased out of the theater.

He is a crucial figure in modern orchestral music. He helped introduced complex polyrhythms into classical music, which usually only stuck with 4/4 or waltz meters. He brought back the use of counterpoint, something largely avoided since the Baroque period.

I'm generally not into the modern classical stuff (despite my love more abstract difficult music, I still like melody and notes), but Stravinsky is one of the few I dig. It's adventurous and difficult, but has emotional impact as well. Highly recommended.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
JMS once said that SeaQuest was a good show until the Network got creatively involved in the second season. And then we got the aliens. I don't know the exact quote. I agree with him.

My friend and I were the Northeast Coordinators of the Save SeaQuest Campaign...

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.
You might be imagining that, Channe. I looked up relevant posts about SeaQuest and here's what I got:
My story editor, Larry DiTillio, explained to me that the acronym in SeaQuest DSV stands for Doesn't Survive Viewing....


It's actually kinda funny...at no time do I get more positive comments on B5 than when SeaQuest and E2 went on the air.


BTW, and not to get off on a whole SeaQuest tangent, but...today I saw something even rarer than a unicorn: a good SQ episode. It hasn't aired yet, probably won't for a few weeks yet, but as you check your TV Guide, look for the one where a new experimental sub sporting artificial intelligence tied to Bridger gets loose. It's actually quite nice.

Of the "SeaQuest Meets the Triffids" episode yet to come...the less said, the better.


It is my undiluted hope never to pull a seaQuest on you.

jms (who would *never* call his show babYlon 5.)

seaQuest...great potential, wasted.

I gave up on Earth 2 and SeaQuest some time ago, though some folks have been trying to get me to take another look on E2, saying it's improved, so I'll try to give it another shot when I get some free time. Yes, I agree that there has been an increase in our visibility lately. I think it stems from a number of things. First, we've outlived the expectations for us. Everybody wrote us off, said we'd be gone in half a season (including Entertainment Weekly). We've been stomped on, panned, abandoned, derided and left for dead. But we keep on going, like some kind of deranged, phosphor-dot Energizer bunny. Look at the shows that, unlike B5, got lots of PR, had big names attached to them, were held up way above us by the fickle media...VR5, Earth 2, SeaQuest, Space Rangers, Space Above and Beyond, others...and they're all gone. And we're still here. We can't be ignored any longer.


If a show doesn't work, there's only one way to fix it...and it ain't adding battles, or arcs, or chrome...it's the characters. Audiences will tune in to see what happens next to the characters they care about. If that bond ain't there...you've got nowhere to go. It all proceeds from character.

As for SeaQuest, about the only thing that would've helped there would've been depth charges.


I watched the show at the start, but it did sort of fall apart, didn't it?

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say. This was one. No, not good. Not supposed to mention 'one'... or 'THE one'... Mmmm. You never heard that."
Bah, I could have SWORN he said that. My bad. I read it somewhere...

Well, either way, I'm an amateur Chesterton scholar and follow Chesterton's habit of quoting badly. La. *shrugs* Sorry for the misrepresentation.

But I'm SOOOO sure...

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.
SeaQuest in the first season was a very good show. They had science that was at least a little bit grounded in real-live stuff, a near-future history that really spoke to a lot of viewers, and a charismatic captain and cast, not to mention some good stuff with plot and story. The only thing I thought was stupid was Lucas Wolenczak, and as I was in middle school at the time, I was torn between ogling the kid who played him and wondering why in hell a kid like that was working as a civilian on a military boat...

The second season brought in the aliens, and the dubious science, and the rest of the stuff... and then the third season, knocking them forward in time, the Micronesia arc and the rest of the stuff that just threw me for a loop. And they could have done some genetically engineered stories better. The only good thing about Season 3 was Dagwood.

Once the second season was a quarter of the way through there was really no way to save the show... it really needed, as he said, depth charges...

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.
I just wanted to "second" a question asked a bit ago. Did the actors of B5LR get a crash course in the backgrounds of their cultures before taking on their roles? Or were you given just a brief synopsis?

I am curious because in high-school and college I performed in some plays. Plays are relatively easy: the entire “universe” is in that script. It never occurred to me before reading the question (above in this thread) that your situation is very different. There is a ton of background material that theoretically helped to shape your characters and their motivations, attitudes, etc.

Just how much background information did you folks get?

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo
I watched during the first Season because I've always been a big fan of Roy Scheider.

However, even Roy had had enough after the second season. In a lot of ways, seaQuest perfectly paralleled "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea", which started off with a lot of cold war Soviet espionage and quickly devolved into evil puppets, aliens, and of course, the "Men-fish" (not to be confused with the "Fish-men").

I feel bad for Michael Ironside, who was personally coaxed off of E/R by Steven Spielberg to help keep the show going. He got screwed there.

Coincidentally, I live in Florida and a guy I used to work with was an extra on an episode of seaQuest that involved Ironside fighting with a bunch of thugs in a warehouse. He said Ironside was just as much of a psycho off-camera as he is on.

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say. This was one. No, not good. Not supposed to mention 'one'... or 'THE one'... Mmmm. You never heard that."
Hi everybody, hope all is well. Just wanted to pop in and answer some of your questions.

For Berz, who I understand is an anime fan, I was working on Ranma 1/2. Do you know it? I have been dubbing it for seven years from its original japanese to english. It's been alot of fun to work on.

As far as having a crash course on Minbari culture, I can tell you that for me what took place was more of a gradual education of B5 history. I began asking questions almost immediately about Sarah, and her history in order to portray her correctly.

The rest of the information was collected on a need to know basis, because as you know there is alot of history to take in at first.

It was extremely important to me to know how my character fit in to the scheme of things, yet more importantly I feel that it was imperitive that I don't know everything, because then again who does? I am on a journey of discovery as is Sarah, and I think that that's very fitting.

Please forgive me but I don't remember where I read it, but someone posted something about how you can't save a show by blowing up more stuff, or by putting in greater special effects, that people watch characters that they care about. Well, I would just like to say that I can't wait for this show to be a series so that we may all discover new characerts on television that we can learn from and care about. You know JMS will do that.

Bye for now. Myriam

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sarah cantrell:

Well, I would just like to say that I can't wait for this show to be a series so that we may all discover new characerts on television that we can learn from and care about. You know JMS will do that.

Bye for now. Myriam


Us, too, Myriam...

Is it January yet?

I'm really interested in Sarah as a veteran of the Mars resistance movement.

A very rich vein to mine, I think, for a character. You're gonna have such fun...


I have no surviving
enemies. At all.
My own reaction to seaQuest was "Hey, they've turned Lassie into a chattering Fish."

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Technomage Roanna:
I'm really interested in Sarah as a veteran of the Mars resistance movement. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I know that Sarah is from Mars, but has it been established somewhere that she was part of the pro-independence faction there, or are you just speculating?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
Bah, I could have SWORN he said that. My bad. I read it somewhere...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>The search engines at Jmsnews and Lurker's aren't 100% reliable, and sometimes the miss posts. Jms did at one time (on Compuserve I believe) respond to a query by someone involved with the show who wanted to know what people thaought would make the show better (this waould have been around the start of seaQuest's 3rd season.) His message basically said that seaQuest had been screwed arround with continously and was hurting quality-wise, and that the only way to fix the shaw was to hire good writers and let tham do their job.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris Springob:
I know that Sarah is from Mars, but has it been established somewhere that she was part of the pro-independence faction there, or are you just speculating?


I could have sworn that I read in the cast info somewhere that she was part of the Mars independence movement, but since I'm primarily getting info from this site, and it says now that she's of "Mars Dome One", it must have been my fever speaking.

So I will revise my speculation, and simply say I'm interested in how the aftermath of the independence movement plays out in her character's background.

A long, bitter struggle like the one between Mars and Earth doesn't heal overnight no matter which side you are on.


I have no surviving
enemies. At all.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sarah cantrell:
For Berz, who I understand is an anime fan, I was working on Ranma 1/2. Do you know it? I have been dubbing it for seven years from its original japanese to english.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That's with the Ocean Group people, right? Can't say I'm much of an anime fan, but I have enjoyed their work on a lot of american cartoons... You've been in any of it? Any of the Mainframe CGI shows?
Ranma 1/2 is my favorite anime series. Period.

We are fighting to save one another and some of us must be sacrificed, if all of us are to be saved.- Kosh as G'Lan
My all time favorite Anime is "Pon Poko Tanuki" (The Tanuki Wars).

I also like "Grave of the Fireflies", sad as the ending is, it's a wonderfully crafted story.

Kenshin is also good.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?

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