I was flipping through one of my B5 books, and there was a list of recurring characters with the episodes in which they appeared.
I was reminded of a few things. One, that Catharine Sakai makes appearances in the back-to-back Parliament of Dreams and Mind War, and then vanishes out of the galaxy to return for Chrysalis. If you're gonna marry one of your main characters, shouldn't you have the intended on camera a little more?
Strangely, G'Kar is absent from Signs and Portents to Chrysalis as well -- almost half of season one.
Bester, of course, has his night to howl in Season Four, where he's around almost non-stop, but before Ship of Tears he's barely there. Lise Hampton and the Centauri Regent follow the same pattern, making one appearance apeice in S1 and then vanishing until S4. We could add Neroon to the list as well.
While it's great that they managed to work in as much continuity as they did, wouldn't we all have liked to see a little more of the abovementioned?
I was reminded of a few things. One, that Catharine Sakai makes appearances in the back-to-back Parliament of Dreams and Mind War, and then vanishes out of the galaxy to return for Chrysalis. If you're gonna marry one of your main characters, shouldn't you have the intended on camera a little more?
Strangely, G'Kar is absent from Signs and Portents to Chrysalis as well -- almost half of season one.
Bester, of course, has his night to howl in Season Four, where he's around almost non-stop, but before Ship of Tears he's barely there. Lise Hampton and the Centauri Regent follow the same pattern, making one appearance apeice in S1 and then vanishing until S4. We could add Neroon to the list as well.
While it's great that they managed to work in as much continuity as they did, wouldn't we all have liked to see a little more of the abovementioned?