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Nuttin to see here, move along...

Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

If it's free, can it possibly be approved by whoever owns the rights to B5 games? (Warner Brothers, I'd assume.)
Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

If it's free, can it possibly be approved by whoever owns the rights to B5 games? (Warner Brothers, I'd assume.)

Not licensed, not approved, not canon.

Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

Exactly, that means it's totally legal. As Jan pointed out it's not canon - that means it cant be approved and wont need to be licensed
Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

Exactly, that means it's totally legal. As Jan pointed out it's not canon - that means it cant be approved and wont need to be licensed

Which actually means that it's a complete infringement of Warner Brothers rights as trademark and copyright holder and therefore totally illegal.
Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

We won't sell it. We don't get profit out of it. No one gets paid. No money is involved. There's alot of B5 mods/games out there. No one got sued. It is not illegal. :rolleyes:
Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

We won't sell it. We don't get profit out of it. No one gets paid. No money is involved. There's alot of B5 mods/games out there. No one got sued. It is not illegal. :rolleyes:

Its legality depends which country you are in. Without a licence it is illegal in the USA even if no money is involved.
Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

We won't sell it. We don't get profit out of it. No one gets paid. No money is involved. There's alot of B5 mods/games out there. No one got sued. It is not illegal. :rolleyes:

Money & profits have nothing whatsoever to do with infringement. You're using images and characters and concepts that belong to WB. If they decide to pursue it, you would find that they would be completely within their rights. JMS posted this comment in a similar conversation quite a while back. Here's a little more detail on why they might decide to crack down.

Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

Not true.
If they would have a problem, they would first contact us saying stop.

But, there are tons of mods/freeware games of diffirent movies and series and whatnot, AFAIK no one got sued.

So, are there any programmers available here? :)
Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

Ok. All those who have C++ programming skills, have the time and interest, AND are NOT lawyers, contact us. :)

"Whenever a copyright law is to be made or changed, the idiots assemble." --Mark Twain
Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

"Whenever a copyright law is to be made or changed, the idiots assemble." --Mark Twain

Excuse me but I am not an idot and do like being addressed as such .The other posters and myself are only trying to point out that what you are doing is illegal .No matter how you try to twist the facts around to suit your own needs or wants .I would like to see a b5 game came out as much as anyone else but I want it to be legal and one that I can purchase on sites such as amazon.And if one never comes about well that's fine to.
Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

I didn't call you an idiot.

I didn't call no one idiot.

It's not my problem that you don't want to play any B5 games/mods available. It's not my loss.

What bothers me is the lack of support. I came here to seek a coder. Instead of, I end up talking about copyrights and law. You act like there isn't any free B5 games out there.
Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

Whenever a copyright law is to be made or changed, the idiots assemble." --Mark Twain

You posted the above quote on this board and I find it offensive it doesn't matter to me whether you actually said or in this case Mark Twain.

What bothers me is the lack of support. I came here to seek a coder. Instead of, I end up talking about copyrights and law. You act like there isn't any free B5 games out there.

I am not saying there isn't any and I have never said that all if you want to make a game then you need to do the work yourself. As for the support issue what did you except ? you are violating the law by using copyrighted property that belongs to someone else
Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

You act like there isn't any free B5 games out there.

Completely immaterial and not germaine to you claiming that what you're doing is legal. It's not. A lot of people speed. The cop doesn't care about any of them when he pulls you over and you can't use it as a defense.

Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

Well, I was writing a long post about this all, but I won't bother...
Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

Change the shape of the machines and rename the names of the characters & races. I am sure that the Celtic 6 game will do well. Legal means that you can sell it.

Sorry I am afraid that I am going to be busy for the next few so I can not help you.
Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer!

No, Andrew, makiing cosmetic changes such as you suggest would also be illegal. In fact, you'd probably get sued for more money because of the obvious attempt to deceive. This is precisely the kind of thing JMS accused of with regard to The Lord of the Rings early on, which he referred to as "doing LotR with the serial numbers filed off" and one of the reasons he was so offended by the accusation was that it something even lower than piracy - plaigirism: passing someone else's work off as your own.

Regarding some of the other points raised above:

1. Money has nothing to do with anything. If you are using copryighted or trademarked material without permission you are guilty of infringement. There is nothing in the applicable law that says anything about making a profit or offering something for sale.

2. That other freeware games exist and the creators haven't been sued as far as you know proves nothing. Once a mod or a freeware game is out there, it wouldn't disappear, even if its creators were sued by the studios. It isn't like s successful lawsuit would cause every copy of the game to vanish from every server and every computer in the world.

3. The studios may not be aware of all of these games and mods. Again, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. They may discover the games tomorrow and launch a major legal offensive against them. That they haven't up until now proves nothing.

4. That you haven't been contacted by Warner Bros and warrned off proves less than nothing. 'What on Earth makes you think you'd even be on their radar?

5. The Mark Twain quotation was clearly intended as an insult to those who dared to mention that you are violating copyright law. I'm sorry the truth hurts, but that doesn't give you the right to call those who are better informed on such matters than you are idiots - still less to do so by proxy and then try to evade responsibility for a note you injected into the conversation.

