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On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not (SPOILERS)



I'm in a bitchy mood so grab yourself a grain of salt and dig in.........

I was a late commer to the B5 books. I've read the Telepath trilogy (good but rather anticlimactic and the romance story was chiched) and just finished the Technomage trilogy, the topic of this post. Possible spoilers for any who have not read these books or seen later seasons of B5 and plan to. Yes, I said, "spoilers!"

I really liked Galen as a character on Crusade and was therefore really looking foreward to reading this series. But is this the same person as in the series at all? I mean, my god, the constant doom and gloom we're forced to endure in the latter two thirds. The endless mind exercises he forces upon himself just to keep any stray thought away, which, by the way, are mentioned ad-freaking-infinitum through out the last 2 books. Burning his flesh to blisters repeatedly just to escape the pain of losing his one love and retaining control. And his constant feelings of total failure. Galen is so damned convinced he's a complete failure to everyone, despite all the things he manages which no mage before him has ever done its just pitiful. There's not even the slightest hint of this in his (admittedly cut very short) Crusade appearances.

I also found the tie-ins to key B5 episodes quite annoying. Particularly when they only served to lessen the impact of feats performed by B5's main characters. As in when we learn that Sheridan's plan to bomb Za'ha'dum would have failed miserably if not for Galen. Sorry, but I refuse to except this as part of the B5 mythos. Call me immature, but no freakin way. Until JMS tells me so in person, never happened. Period.

Also on my list is the use of Anna Sheridan. Her complete absence from these books could have only improved them. She was unimportant to the Technomage story, unimportant to Galen and merely served to slow down the paceing of the novels and take our attention away from the flawed yet far more interesting "A" story.

I sincerely don't know if these books came out as they did because that's what JMS's notes directed or merely (hopefully) because that's how the author chose to write them. But I suspect the latter.

Now, time for someone to tell me why I'm wrong. Be gentle, friends.
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

Galen is in a doom and gloom mood throughou 3/4 of the books because of his spell of destruction. He thinks he's a bad person having "invented" this spell that can cause so much destruction. The fact that he killed millions of people on (I forget the name of the shadow planet) adds to his feelings of worthlessness. All his life, Galen had wanted to be a healer, to help people, and instead, he develops a spell to kill instead. He can't see the good things he's done because he concentrates so much on the bad (focusing on the bad and not on the good is done by many, many people in real life). His sense of worthlessness is added when he finds out technomages are made and manipulated by the shadows, the most destructive and murderous race in the galaxy. His continuous mind exercices is in part because technomages are quick to anger because of how the shadows made them and because Galen thinks that if he lets a thought stray only destruction will be let loose (which if its true can cause great damage, what with the spell of destruction and all), and if Galen makes a spell out of anger, it will most likely be the spell of destruction, partly because it's so easy remember and because he's always thinking about controlling it, so it's the spell at the top of his mind, the first likely choice to be made since he's always thinking about it. The reason Galen doesn't act like this in Crusade is because at the end of the books Galen has come to terms with who and what he is, he has accepted himself and starts to see the good things in himself.

I rather enjoyed the episode tie-ins, I actually found it added to the episode, gave them a deeper story. These episodes were not what they seemed to be from the first viewing.

I found the Anna sub-arc was very well done. It explains what happened to Anna after she was caught and how the new programmed she (and others) were made to feed about the war and the other races. We see the view of the Shadows and the Vorlons in more detail, which I think is quite interesting. We also see that Kosh was actually a minorty in his people in believing in helping the younger races, and makes me respect him even more!

In conclusion, I think the author did a great job in writing these books. They were very well done.
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

I posted the same thoughts on Galen's helping of Sheridan.
I didn't like it either, and I feel it was a direct response to all those years of people posting to jms "How come there was no planetary defense system on Z'ha'Dum?"

The implication that Galen aided Sheridan's attack on Z'ha'Dum and even helped him discover the Shadow's plan of attack (prior to Shadow Dancing) makes ol' Johnny look like a friggin goober.

As to Galen's doom and gloom, like the book says, the tech is equivalent to a rather large bug up your ass. It was only at the end, when Galen effectively mastered the tech (ie. won out over the programming) that he was able to be himself and develop his new attitude and sense of humor.
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

Thank you both for your posts. I was very interested in hearing other opinions on this subject. I gues the simple truth is this series was so comletetly not what I wanted it to be, I have a hard time accepting it for what it is. I still don't buy the Za'ha'dum angle, though. /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

I found it great and very ... involving (don't know if it's the right word but the best one I can think of at the moment), while I was reading it. But once I'd finished, it sort of left me somewhat disappointed. So while I couldn't put the books down before I'd finished, it's still my least favourite trilogy of the three.

I must say I didn't pay all that much attention to plot points possibly lacking something but the language did start to bother me towards the end (Galen "bringing the fire down on himself" on practically every page etc).
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

Actually, there are everal hits in Crusade to the way Galen was... I don't have time to pull them all out now, though, because I"m heading out the door. Off to dinner, followed by Chamber of Secrets....
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

Actually, there are everal hits in Crusade to the way Galen was... I don't have time to pull them all out now, though, because I"m heading out the door. Off to dinner, followed by Chamber of Secrets....

I rember in one crusade episode, Galen tells Gideon that everyone has a question. Gideon asks Galen what his is. Galen says: Why? To me that sounds like "Why did Isabelle have to die?" Also, in the episode" The path of Sorrows"Galen goes on his thing about "There is no order or meaning to the universe"

Both of these tie directly into the books.
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

a Few quotes relating to the boks:

Gideon, "I thought you said you don't hold a grudge."
Galen, "I don't. I have no surviving enemies ... at all."

Referring to Razeel and Elizar, and a few others...

Galen, "When you have reached the end of the road, then you can decide, whether to go to the left or to the right, to fire or water. If you make those decisions before you have even set foot upon the road, it will take you no where ... except to a bad end."

To Dureena, about his own experiences with his preconcieved notions of the tech, et. all.

Galen, "All roads intersection with the path of sorrows"

Again, sounds like he's talking about his past experiences here.

Galen, "If I believe differently, even for a moment, ... then she died, because someone somewhere decided that she deserved to die and she did not;. She did not! But you do!"

Regarding Isabelle, and Galens' beliefe in a god.

There are a few more, and there's a lot of things that you just have to hear and see to catch the inflection, or the look and you can see a lot more depth to them after reading the trilogy.

For instance, one of my fvourites, the look on Galens' face in The Pat of Sorrows, after Gideon stops him from killing the creature and says "You're not a murder, Galen."
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

Yeah, the Path of Sorrows had a new meaning for me after I had read the books.
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

I did enjoy the Technomage Trilogy but there were a few things I could have done without. I got bored with Galen exxcoriating himself about his perceived failure. I just skipped a lot of long paragraphs. Also I didn't like the tie-in with Sheridan, and the bombing at Z'ha'dum. It wasn't that way at all in the series and there was no need to change it.

I did find the Anna Sheridan arc very interesting, and it followed up on the book "The Shadow Within" very cleverly.

I believe Jeanne Cavallos was given a 20-page resume by JMS saying what he wanted for each of the books and he had the final say before publication so he must have known what had been said but he obviously didn't change anything.
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

Every attack that was important to B5 seemed to have Anna in the middle of it.

I know I won't make any fans here by saying this, but as a fan of science ficiton writing, I found the majority of the B5 novels to be rather weak.

They relied too much on our fandom to be really good stories, I'm afraid. IMHO.
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

I was at Borders today and I saw the new Shadow Within book. Of course, it's just a reprint of the original, which I have anyway, so I didn't buy it. But the cover looks cool, even better than the cover on the original. /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

Heh, I've said this a couple of times before so I can say it again - I read the B5 novels as entertainment, and as light entertainment & show tie-ins, they were just fine. I never expected them to be great literature, or great sci-fi literature at that, so I wasn't disappointed at all. (Except for book 8, Personal Agendas... probably because of the incredibly short chapters, the book just didn't seem to have enough story.)

Anyway, my copy of The Shadow Within arrived today so I hope to find the time to read it over the weekend. /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

Book #8 contains a dedication to the word processor used to produce it. Having got the same word processor the author almost certainly stored every chapter in a separate file and started a new chapter when the file was full.

The Amstrad word processing machine used the Z80's 8 bit instruction set and had a tiny 128k ram. It used a non-standard floppy disk and had no hard disk.
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

So that's supposed to be an excuse for having 1.5 page chapters (in fairly large print)? /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Heh, he could have at least written more of them then! Or used a bloody typewriter. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Jomar: </font color>
I did enjoy the Technomage Trilogy but there were a few things I could have done without. I got bored with Galen exxcoriating himself about his perceived failure. I just skipped a lot of long paragraphs. Also I didn't like the tie-in with Sheridan, and the bombing at Z'ha'dum. It wasn't that way at all in the series and there was no need to change it.

The only thing I didn't like about the Technomage trilogy was the intersection of "The Geometry of Shadows" and "Summoning Light" regarding the explosion of the Ondavi. Jeanne strips the gears a bit right there.

Other than that, I found the Technomage trilogy to be great.
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

You'll enjoy The Shadow Within, Kribu.

Yes, the B5 novels are pretty good as light entertainment. I also had the advantage of hearing which books were so lousy that they weren't worth buying. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not...........

I thought Andy Lane, the author of the Babylon Files, had a good analysis of the novels, describing which ones were reasonable, and which ones should be avoided, and the reasons for each. I fould that to be quite reliable.
Re: On the Technomage Trilogy, agree or not.......

I hope I'll enjoy it. I must admit that one of the reasons why I never bothered to try and get hold of it before now was that the subject matter doesn't really sound interesting to me. /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif

But hey, it's not a thick book, I can try and gnaw myself through it... besides, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. After all, I figured the Psi Corps trilogy would be boring as well, since I wasn't really interested in that - but it was IMHO so well written that it simply became interesting.