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Open post to moderator and staff

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Not all visitors to the site participate in the message board.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A very good point indeed. If Antony doesn't have the space, time or desire to create a whole new page he can simply add a static link to this page. It doesn't list the individual sponsors, but it does have my Excel and delimited ASCII files available for download, along with suggestions on how to write an effective letter.

A link to Tim's page here would also be helpful for those who would prefer to copy and paste rather than download. Tim doesn't have room on his site for every single sponsor, but he does have all the most important ones, those that got the "presented by" designation and spent the most money.

I'd also like to thank Tim and Heather for their past and current efforts on behalf of B5 fandom, and for continuing to post to this board. Tim got some pretty rough handling here over the Dylan post, and I understand that a few folks even sent some him some nasty e-mails about the issue. I think it shows a lot of class for him to return here and try to do some good for our shared cause.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

Bingo!! This is exactly what I mean. If you folks want to see Rangers survive then this site is going to have to take on a different look. All information pertinent to the survival of Rangers must be presented up front. It must be clearly labeled. Also the situation must be made clear to the casual fan who visited this site after seeing Rangers. You are NOT going to reach this person by simply having the relevant information buried in the messageboard which the casual visiter may not even see.

If steps are not taken to mobilize fans and convince them that "Rangers" hangs in the balance. Then this site will become a memorial to a failed pilot. I know what I'm talking about here.

However if the fans write letters and sponsors we may be able to provide the final push that will convince these people that there is money to be made by putting Rangers into production. Remember money is what this is all about. This is why it is so important to write the sponsors in support of Rangers.

Remember looking strictly at the average rating, Rangers does not deserve to survive.
Even Crusade had a higher premier rating (It got a 1.9). However between the football game, the West coast ratings and a LOUD fan base we may be able to convince them to take a risk on Rangers.

If we do not act collectively then Rangers is dead. It is as simple as that.

Sounds like a good idea to me. Anyway, I've notified Antony of this so I'm sure he'll look into it once he gets online.

"Isn't the universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else." - G'Kar, B5: Rangers
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com | Kribu.net
Ok people, I have one more log to toss onto the fire here.

First off, we can't assume that all of the people here visiting this site WILL write letters. I would wager at best %33 will actually do it if we are lucky. There are LOTS of B5 fans, and potential Rangers fans out there who did see the pilot that do not visit this site, or even know about it. What steps need to be taken to reach others, outside the realm of this website, who could write letters and help the cause?

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
I almost dread saying this... but here it goes. An ad in a major publication could create awareness and even publicity. However ads are very costly. It cost the Crusade campaign approximately $6000 to place a full page B&W ad in "Variety" magazine and another $1000 to place an ad in "Sci Fi Magazine". The campaign did receive a write up in "The Cleveland Plain Dealer" the major newspaper in Cleveland as well as a small mention in "TV Guide" during the week of Crusade's premier. However I think the most important thing for us now are letters to SFC and Sponsors.

I've posted the link to Monica's page on the most heavily-trafficked B5 boards that I'm aware of except for the Sci-Fi Channel sites - which I can't access due to high traffic.

Sandy Bruckner has posted a link to the thread here that has the addresses on the ISN News site, and will probably add a link to Monica's site, which I sent her earlier today.

I started a topic on the ISN News discussion forum around the same time that I started the one here, as added one to the Home Theater Fourm (where the B5 DVDs are often a hot topic) last night.

I've posted the information to the Compuserve SF Media Forum (Straczynski's works section) and sent an message with the URL for Monica's page to the moderated newsgroup, although this will take a little time to appear, as all new topics have to wend their way through moderation.

I've even promoted the campaign on the crappy official WB site, which gets relatively little traffic, and will be posting the link to Monica's page their shortly. Finally I've posted the information to a couple of "private" discussion groups and mailing lists.

So the word is being spread beyond the confines of this board. But Tim and G'Kar'seye are right (did I just say that?
) it is impossible to put this in too many places. If you can think of any I've missed, or participate in B5 groups that I'm unaware of, by all means, tell people about and share this URL.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

I hope Monica's site can handle the increased traffic. I would hate for her site to become another 'IBM e@business Solutions' TV commercial

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK

[This message has been edited by Recoil (edited January 28, 2002).]
I work with apps like Photoshop, QuarkXPress, and PageMaker every day (printing company, family-owned)... I live to serve and I serve to live (although I thankfully don't find this very life-threatening)

-Londo's Hair
"Vir, intelligence has nothing to do with politics!"
And yet i still believe that our best hope lies with Doug Netter's pitches' ability to put a positive spin on the whole east-west coast deal in Sci-Fi's mind.

I'm sure letter writing won't (can't) hurt, but let's not kid ourselves, Doug Netter is our last best hope right now.

The movie's trend of a growing audience (rather then an eroding one) has alot going for it. Netter's job will be to emphasize this point, and to convince sci-fi that they would have had a national average close to the west coast ratings, if only not for the football game.
Pray to whatever deity you worship, that he can make this case.

"I walk, i shop, i sneeze. I'll be a fireman when the floods roll back. There's trees in the desert since you moved out ... and i don't sleep on a bed of bones."

You're right about the original movie quote... the character "Goldust" fancies himself some kind of "movie producer" and is always quoting movie lines during his promos & interviews. I did remember him giving the credit to a Godfather movie, but I've never seen any of 'em so I had no idea who it came from.

-Londo's Hair
"Vir, intelligence has nothing to do with politics!"
Wow! Who knew there were so many TTWS fans here.
I don't follow them as much anymore since they broke up a few years back, but I try to listen for the new stuff that they are doing on their own now.

Since I don't obess about them as much as I used to, it just means I can focus all my obessive traits to B5 now.

I just realized that Toad and B5 do have similarities now that I think about it ... they both never got the recognition they deserved.

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Rangers Sponsor List
Pouch-sucking spawn of a bladder fish! Son of a fitch piece of smelt! Tok-swallowing fenbarger! Thrak it! --Na'Feel swearing in B5LR
My favorite TTWS song is "Walk On the Ocean"... I just HAVE to belt that one out loud when I hear it.

Do I smell a move to the Off-Topic forum coming on?

-Londo's Hair
"Vir, intelligence has nothing to do with politics!"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lyta:

Oh yeah, what was this thread originally about? Hmm, maybe it should be closed or moved now that Antony made a news item as this thread requested?


ah that now i shall do..closing now

And here is a link to new item.

Make your voice heard

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dave Thomer:
That's a great website you have there, by George.

(B5 and Toad the Wet Sprocket? I applaud your taste.

*bows to DT and thanks him kindly*

Good to know there are other B5/Toad fans out there besides me.

*tickles Dev into oblivion*

Oh yeah, what was this thread originally about? Hmm, maybe it should be closed or moved now that Antony made a news item as this thread requested?

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Rangers Sponsor List
Pouch-sucking spawn of a bladder fish! Son of a fitch piece of smelt! Tok-swallowing fenbarger! Thrak it! --Na'Feel swearing in B5LR