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Per JMS - Ides of May?

Sorry, but I don't know a river called "f***ing Thames".

Unless I am mistaken, A_M_Swallow was talking about an entirely different river, coincidentally called the Thames.
It really doesn't matter because it should be fairly obvious that JMS isn't talking about the f***ing Thames. :)
I am not convinced; Los Angeles is a very expensive place to make a film.

The river may however be the Hudson or Rio Grand.
I once had a very nice f**k on a boat on the Thames. Thanks for reminding me! :LOL:

Agreed, though, that British production seems unlikely.

Kosh2262's point seems interesting, though. Are miniseries (or a TV series that is announced to be comprised in whole or in part of miniseries) announced at this time?

What if WB is doing a whole season of miniseries at a regularly scheduled time? This fits the bill.
I'm so glad I saw the musical "Chicago" recently. :D

"Give 'em the old razzle dazzle...

razzle dazzle 'em..." :devil:

JMS obviously knows how to keep interest in his projects going. I do, personally, hope it is a major project that will reward many of the original cast. Or a finish to Crusade.

I hope more that if Clarke's "Rama" is ever made, it won't degenerate into a visual-effects vapid project. It so easily could. :eek:

I am already getting ill at what they have probably done with the name of "I, Robot" of Asimov's. :(

"Give 'em the old razzle dazzle...
razzle dazzle 'em.." :(
It would be too expensive here in good old England.

My bet now is Canada - although what it is, is a very good question.

A Movie?

Could be - Now Warners have finished with ''MATRIX'' - they could be looking for the next big thing - and B5 could quite easily fill that role.


Again - Possible. Babylon 5 didn't just disappear when Sheridan & Delenn left for Minbar. The Liberation of Centauri Prime and Telepath war are examples of things which happened afterwards.


Again - possible. I for one would love to know where JMS was going with Crusade.

Sometimes speculating about this is like being locked in a room with a certain Vorlon. You think you have got it sussed, and then something said makes you completely re-evaluate the way you were thinking.

It sure is Wonderful in a saddistic kinda way.

anyway Only JMS and Warner Bros really Know.

Roll on May!
Addressing several recent posts:

I am not convinced; Los Angeles is a very expensive place to make a film.

???? Andrew, I'm really starting to worry about you. Your non-sequiters are becoming that strange. :) Yeah, L.A. is an expensive place to film - guess that's why nobody shoots any movies or TV shows there anymore. :D

1) Where the announcement is made from (likely Warner Bros. Burbank, CA headquarters) had nothing whatsoever with where the project will ultimately be shot. Chances are that a theatrical film would shoot on many different outdoor locations, with interiors shot at a studio. (Most likely Warner Bros. own studio because - despite labor and other costs involved in shooting in L.A. - it is still probably chepaer over-all for them to shoot in facilities that they own, which are already paid for and which are in close proximity to WB's extensive costume, props, technical, backlot and SFX facilities, not to mention specialty rental houses and third party support companies that simply aren't matched anywhere in the world.)

2) Question for the room: What part of "neither of them [the potential B5 universe projects at the talking stage in September, one of which has become "B5:TMoS"] is a series" is everyone having a problem understanding?

3) JMS posted his message to a diverse newsgroup population that is overwhelming dominated by Americans, with folks from the U.K. probably making up the second largest national group. He cast his riddle in terms he expected many or most of the people in that group to understand. (Which is why, contrary to a complaint above, everyone didn't "have to know the history of Warner Bros." - it was enough that many of us recognize the first names of the very famous Albert, Harry and especially Jack Warner and share that information.) Somehow I don't think he would use a lyric from some obscure band Down Under which doens't, in fact, have any conceivable connection to a place from which Warner Bros. could be expected to make an announcement to get his point across.


1) Where the announcement is made from (likely Warner Bros. Burbank, CA headquarters) had nothing whatsoever with where the project will ultimately be shot. Chances are that a theatrical film would shoot on many different outdoor locations, with interiors shot at a studio. (Most likely Warner Bros. own studio because - despite labor and other costs involved in shooting in L.A. - it is still probably chepaer over-all for them to shoot in facilities that they own, which are already paid for and which are in close proximity to WB's extensive costume, props, technical, backlot and SFX facilities, not to mention specialty rental houses and third party support companies that simply aren't matched anywhere in the world.)
In his riddle did JMS mean the location of the announcement or the location of the filming? Basically the fans are guessing on that one.

On outdoor scenes no where can match Hollywood, cold but strong sun is rare. On SFX Britain can match California, the rain forced filming indoors and we have a large TV drama market.
Oh...and starting around the Ides of May, look to the wrong side of the river for word from Harry, Jack and Albert.

Which part of "look to the wrong side of the river for word" strikes you as ambiguous? "Word" as in "announcement". "Word" does not suggest "shooting location". The problem with all this runaway speculation is that nobody is applying any filters to it. No test of common sense, no test of likelihood, no test of agreement with JMS's previous statements is being applied to any idea that pops into anyone's head before it is publicly posted, and then lots of folks spend time speculating about the speculation, even though it has no connection to reality.

We need to stop making things more mysterious than they are and trying to read strange and obscure meanings into every statement the man makes. That way lies madness.

On outdoor scenes no where can match Hollywood, cold but strong sun is rare.

I'm sorry, but I don't even know what you're trying to say here. Is there a word or two missing? Is "cold but strong sun is rare" supposed to apply to Hollywood. Why the word "but"? Wouldn't it make sense that in a cold place strong sun is rare? BTW, have you ever been to Los Angeles? It is not generally cold, and strong sun is common.

And yes, the UK has SFX houses every bit as good as those in Hollywood, but there are fewer of them. If the studio stuff were to be shot in Los Angeles it would make more sense to deal with SFX houses there because life is just simpler when you can get everyone in the same room. (A major reason that JMS used a Canadian FX house on the Rangers pilot.)


Not that I would have special interest in debating rivers...

...but if people stopped debate at the strict (and most probable) interpretation you would apparently prefer limiting speculation to...

...notable boredom would ensue quickly (and in this case, much precious data would be missed about global hydrography).

Some options are certainly unlikely. But after stating it once, speculation about less likely things... should *not* need a disclaimer saying so. It is frequently assumed that people understand this.


Is there anything unexpected about idle speculation bringing up less likely options... or anything harmful about speculating about them all?

I certainly never noticed when this board become a quality source of guaranteed factual information. I suspect it never became one...

...but still remains a medium where a reader interested in probability must consider which opinions fit best.
Agreed that speculation is generally best left unchecked by conclusions that cannot be backed up by fact, but it is not much fun to participate in discussions where the speculators simply ignore the clues and spin tales based wholely on cloud-stuff.

I actually think Kosh 2622 hit the nail on the head. New York is on "the wrong side of the river" to New Jerseyans (and JMS is from Jersey, if I remember correctly), there are a series of announcements being made at that time, and WB is making some of them.

Now how this relates to the fact that the project being announced is not a series is unknown, but what if WB is going to show B5 on their own network, and this new project is something designed to kick off or complement that project?

I just cannot see "the wrong side of the river" being LA. JMS lives in LA, does he not? Why would he use a clue like "the wrong side of the river" to refer to anything in LA?

Just speculating, of course! :LOL:
The problem with New York being the solution is that it is not a city known for its rivers. If the clue had been:
Adams tempting bite (Big Apple)
or lit by the ladies lamp (Statue of Liberty)
or where the maid drops (Niagara Falls)
then the answer would be new York.

Having said that, New York it is better than most of the answers.
On outdoor scenes no where can match Hollywood, cold but strong sun is rare.

I'm sorry, but I don't even know what you're trying to say here. Is there a word or two missing? Is "cold but strong sun is rare" supposed to apply to Hollywood. Why the word "but"? Wouldn't it make sense that in a cold place strong sun is rare? BTW, have you ever been to Los Angeles? It is not generally cold, and strong sun is common.

Los Angeles has strong sun but, by the coast, is about 25 degrees cooler than a place that far south should be. Look at the temperature ranges on this web site.

A strong sun was needed to supply the natural light. In the 1920s those 25 degrees were Hollywood’s secret weapon against the Florida film studios. It was just too hot to film in Florida. The same latitude puts you in the African desert.

Temperature in Conway on Atlantic coast
It seems clear that this means there will be an official announcement from WB in May and that JMS is not at liberty to discuss it prior to that.

I still think this is a miniseries although the immense time it has taken to negotiate this may indicate a theatrical movie. Remember that there is a possibility of another project and if this one is a miniseries the other one might be the theatrical movie.

WB is interested in this because of the DVD sales and a miniseries which is aired and then released in DVD format will probably sell as well as the DVD release of a theatrical movie unless that movie truly transcends the Babylon 5 fanbase and becomes a major hit.

The movie of course has much more profit potential in other areas such as ticket sales etc. but it is also much more expensive to make. The salary of the actors involved would be much higher for instance.

If this is a miniseries I am not sure that it is the Telepath War as JMS might still be saving it for a potential theatrical movie but it remains a strong possibility though.
I don't remember, but did we have to wait as long for Crusade and LOR? I think its probably going to be a theatrical movie, since its taking so freaking long to even know what the title will be.
Riddle me this!!

I'm sorry but JMS blatantly loves to dangle threads and watching us guess.
I know I would! :LOL:
I guess we will just have to wait and see. Don't despair folks, May is not too far away, and there's always the possiblity of hope (and unauthorised leaks!!)
We need to stop making things more mysterious than they are and trying to read strange and obscure meanings into every statement the man makes. That way lies madness.

Surely you should know by now that anytime there is even a peep from JMS that people start speculating without using any logic or thought whatsoever. It happened back in December, it happened in January, and it is happening now. People don't care about facts or realities, they just think what they want to think because "Hey, it isn't 100% surely IMPOSSIBLE!" Yea, its not IMPOSSIBLE, but it is %99.99999 unlikely and should be ruled out.

Joe, this is B5TV.com. If you are looking for logical trains of thought you are looking at the wrong BBS. All hope abandon ye who enter here.
If you are looking for logical trains of thought you are looking at the wrong BBS.
Darn ... I thought I'd just missed the last logical train of thought when I left the platform to go for a wizz, and now you're telling me it ain't coming.


Someone's gonna pay for this ...
