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"Pleasure Thresholds" by Patricia Tallman

Ok. Just recieved mine. I cannot get the last video to play on the bonus cd rom. The videos were a little shorter than I liked but still interesting. I should finish reading and looking thru the book by the end of next week but i do have one question. What is with the chicken ?
Pat raises chickens. A couple of them became props as well as the cat and Kosh head, that's all.

Write to help@b5books.com (include your order number) and tell them about the problem with the disk so they can send you another.

Thanks for you help Jan. I sent the email and Jaclyn is taking great care of me. I am about halfway thru the book and enjoying it. I must say I am surprised by how little Pat was paid, ( still a lot to me ) when looking at her contract. A very good book and I recommend it to all B5 fans.

I'm not sure how you have seen that photo before since it's mine. I do talk about Andreas, and there are lots of my photos. Jan, I doubled the word count from the Comicon version, added pictures and other content. Poor Jason, I have made him crazy!

Wow, I go away for a few weeks, and Pat Tallman replies to me! About Andreas! I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya, that none of my <londo> good and dear friends </londo> here tipped me off in email about that! :-O (I'm looking at you, Jan Schroeder! <g>)

Anyway, while it's highly unlikely that Pat will ever be here again or see this reply, the answer is: I don't know where I saw that photo, but I snagged it from someplace online at some point in the distant past, as I have snagged EVERY photo of Andreas that has ever appeared anywhere online. I think maybe it was posted someplace after his death, on one of the sites aggregating memorial comments from people who knew him or worked with him. Although, maybe it was a different picture from the same event, which would explain how I know the shirt (that's a hard shirt to forget).
Ordered mine before yesterday on CafePress. (Haha, how funny I worked in their t-shirt prints factory for few weeks :D )
Had problem submiting my order and Pat was really kind when replying imediatelly to me on facebook when I mentioned that. We once also had a short chat on Twitter. She's really nice lady with heart of gold - does not think too much of herself and such. :)
Later I found out that only checkout thru Amazon account did not work so I created the profile for CafePress only and then it was fine.

Order submitted and now I wait for my copy. All my friends will laugh at me how nerdy I am! :rommie:
For those who may not be aware, the publisher, Publishing 180 has a special help email, too. Send an email with your issue to help@B5Books.com and I guarantee you'll get swift assistance. Which isn't to say that CafePress' Customer Support isn't usually good, it is.

Enjoy the package when it comes!

New poster here, thanks to Jan for the notice. It is cool that Pat Tallman posted here.

Hey Pat, I just ordered your package from CafePress. It looks like a sensational multimedia deal. (I hope it delivers better residuals than those B5 action figures.)
I got my Pat Tallman book this weekend, I'm so happy. Thanks to this thread, I would not have heard about it, otherwise!

I finished my reading of Pleasure Thresholds, what a great read! I would rank it up there with Walter Koenig's autobiography, lots of interesting information and stories. A very personal narrative, but with some great moments with our favorite B5 friends who have passed beyond the rim.

I also know a lot more about Jurassic Park, Star Trek Generations, the Night of the Living Dead 1990 remake, and several other movies that I did not know before.

I recommend Pat's book to anyone wanting SOMETHING resembling closure from their Babylon 5 experience and fandom.

Of course, once you read this, you'll be hungry for more from the rest of the B5 cast. And that's the best recommend of all.
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Pat Tallman has changed her Facebook main picture to a Doctor Who painting. She has written that she will be working in Britain for a week. Am I letting my imagination run too far or has she got a role in Doctor Who?
Pat Tallman has changed her Facebook main picture to a Doctor Who painting. She has written that she will be working in Britain for a week. Am I letting my imagination run too far or has she got a role in Doctor Who?

We can only hope. :D
I liked both versions I got. Pat's led an interesting life and the book shows a lot of heart. Vastly prefer it to Claudia's.
